This series of tutorials, developed with the aid of Asymetrix Toolbook, is designed to integrate various aspects of Metabolic Control Mechanisms covered in lecture material given to 2nd year medical and science undergraduates. Whilst the primary objective is to encourage undergraduates to describe, analyse and interpret numerical data, they also act as revision exercises in preparation for compulsory problem solving questions set in degree examinations. Two exercises are currently available: 1. Interpretation of Glucose Tolerance Test Data 2. Interpretation of Responses to Insulin. Each exercise can be completed in about 30 minutes and the experimental data are presented sequentially to facilitate an orderly approach. Hotspots on figures and graphs give hints and tips to permit a correct interpretation of the data to be reached. Responses in the form of text entry and checkboxes receive rapid feedback to eliminate misconceptions. Features - highly structured problem based tutorials - excellent documentation and course notes - high degree of interactivity.