My First Bible Stories: Easy quiz questions 1 What animal did Noah send out of the ark to find land? A A camel B A dove 2 What did Noah see in the sky after the rain? A A rainbow B The Moon and stars 3 Which animal spoke to Eve in the garden of Eden? A A penguin B A snake 4 What was the baby Moses hiding in? A A basket B A ship 5 What did Joseph dream about? A Ducks B Bundles of corn 6 What did Pharaoh dream about? A Cows B Cheetahs 7 What did Joseph put in Benjamin's sack? A An apple B A silver cup 8 Which bird brought an olive leaf back to Noah? A A peacock B A dove 9 What did Joseph's brothers throw him into? A A well B The sea 10 What did the animals eat on the ark? A Hay and oats B Apples 11 What was Eden? A A garden B A mountain 12 How did the animals enter the ark? A One at a time B Two by two 13 What did God send when all the animals were in the ark? A A storm B A sunny day 14 What did God give Abraham's wife, Sarah? A A new coat B A baby 15 What did Jacob give his son, Joseph? A A boat B A rainbow coat 16 What was Moses' basket hidden behind? A Some bulrushes and reeds B Some ducks 17 What did Pharaoh's daughter find hidden in a basket? A Some fruit B The baby Moses 18 How did Jonah try to escape from God? A By boat B By camel 19 What did Jonah fall into? A A well B The sea 20 What was Daniel thrown into? A A lions' den B A tent 21 What could everyone see Daniel doing that wasn't permitted by the king? A Talking B Praying to God 22 Who did Eve share the forbidden fruit with? A Adam B The snake 23 Which of these animals swallowed Jonah? A Big fish B Tiger Answers 1 B A dove 2 A A rainbow 3 B A snake 4 A A basket 5 B Bundles of corn 6 A Cows 7 B A silver cup 8 B A dove 9 A A well 10 A Hay and oats 11 A A garden 12 B Two by two 13 A A storm 14 B A baby 15 B A rainbow coat 16 A Some bulrushes and reeds 17 B The baby Moses 18 A By boat 19 B The sea 20 A A lions' den 21 B Praying to God 22 A Adam 23 A Big fish