The overall error rate for ECG DEs by all subjects was 17.0%. For NSR DEs, the rate was 14.3%, while for abnormal rhythms it was 19.7%. The BP DE error rate is zero because a deviated BP remained so until the subject "ordered" it to be corrected; BP mismanagement thus is measured in the time parameters of the next section.
ECG DE error rates varied considerably among the different rhythms and were higher for the 3D representation, as shown by Figure 2.
Comparison by repeated measures 2-factor ANOVA showed a significant effects of rhythm [F(7,144) = 8.2, p < 0.0001], representation [F(2,144) = 56.8, p < 0.0001], and rhythm x representation interaction [F(14,144) = 34.0, p < 0.0001]. Across presentations (90 degree, 0 degree, and Head-stabilized task separations), there was no significant difference in error rates by representation [F(2,2) = 0.9, p = 0.5]; see Figure 3.
ECG DE errors could result from a subject either not making a decision at all ("no guess") or by making only incorrect decisions ("wrong"). Of the 506 total ECG DE errors, 381 were "no guess" and 125 were "wrong". Figures 4 and 5 show that the 3D representation was substantially more likely to cause "no guess" errors than the WF representation.