typedef struct TypeTransform { SFVec3f translation; |float x,y,z; Type_Rotation rotation; |float x,y,z,teta; Type_Transform *FatherTransform; Type_Transform **ChildrenTransform; int numChildTrans; // this is the total number of sons. int indChildTrans; // this is the actual indice of sons. Type_Shape **ChildrenShape; int numChildShape; // this is the total number of sons. int indChildShape; // this is the actual indice of sons. int FlagChildren; // 1 --> there is children 0 --> there is none. int ShapeLeave; // To say if This node has a Shape Leave or not. Type_Shape *Shape; |int Acc; |int Cro; |int Id; |Type_Appearance Appearance | | Type_Material material | | SFFloat ambientIntensity; | | SFColor diffuseColor; | float r,g,b | | SFColor emissiveColor; | float r,g,b | | float shininess; | | SFColor specularColor; | float r,g,b | | SFFloat transparency; | |Type_Texture Texture | unsigned char *image; | | int im_width[1]; | | int im_height[1]; | | unsigned int tex_name[10]; | | char tex_blk[40]; | |Type_Geometry Geometry |Type_IndexedFaceSet IndexedFaceSet|MFColor color; |SFColor *pt; |float r,g,b; | |int col_el; |MFInt32 colorIndex; |__int32 *pElements; | |int num_el; |MFvec3f coord; |SFVec3f *pt |float x,y,z; | |int num_el; |MFInt32 coordIndex; |__int32 *pElements; | |int num_el; |MFvec3f normal; |SFVec3f *pt |float x,y,z; | |int num_el; |MFInt32 normalIndex; |__int32 *pElements; | |int num_el; |Pixel *texCoord; |float x,y; |MFInt32 texCoordIndex|__int32 *pElements; | |int num_el; |SFBool ccw; |SFBool solid; |int num_el; Node_type node_type; int Acc; int Cro; } Type_Transform; Spheretexname TEX_WIDTH_SPHERE, TEX_HEIGHT_SPHERE, TEX_BUF_SPHERE[0][0]