

Every company has a personality, it's a natural reflection of the people, and EFI is no exception. A word that sums EFI up best is friendly. Across the board, people here are friendly, smart, and everyone works well together. We have an open environment where people are encouraged to grow and develop in any number of directions.

We could chat for hours about the technical excellence and the fun side of EFI, but the best way to discover our true personality is through the words and experiences of the people who work here. So take a few minutes, and let us introduce you to a few of EFI's finest.

"Stop by EFI around lunch time on a Friday afternoon and you'll see something quite unique --- over 200 of my co-workers sitting at tables, on floors, wherever they can to take part in our ritual Friday lunch. Where everyone, from the president on down, has a chance to catch up on the latest news and hear what's going on.

In my four years with EFI, the number of faces has increased with each passing Friday, but everyone remains committed to these meetings. We'll always find the space, in our schedules and in the building, because we know how essential Friday lunches are to keep everyone informed.

For me, it's a perfect example of the open culture that exists within EFI. Here, everyone counts. Everyone's a decision maker and cooperation is key. You're given goals, but how you get there is up to you. Ultimately, if you're self-motivated and bright, there's no limit to the number of challenges you can pursue."

"Speed. The key ingredient that keeps me jazzed about my role with EFI. I create software tools that enable my co-workers to test new software. So my success is paramount to new product development. We design all of our own hardware and software in house, and it's crucial that our technology remain one step ahead of the competition. Our product cycle is fast and there's always an amazing variety of new projects on the horizon.

Right now, we're the leader in the color server market. No one even comes close. Plus, we have 16 offices worldwide to handle distribution. That's amazing when you consider we got our start in 1989.

I attribute EFI's incredible success to the fact that everyone at EFI is pulling in the same direction. Cooperation is key to create new technology, and the people here are motivated to make things happen. They're flexible and willing to develop and grow."

"As a Human Resources Representative, I speak with people everyday about joining the EFI team. What really gets people excited is EFI's unique environment.

Because of our size, which right now is about 300 people and growing, there's a lot of responsibility and recognition that comes with the job. Not only do you see the impact you have on the success of the company, but you also receive recognition for your individual contributions. We are rather modest people here but occasionally you will be surprised when our CEO comments about a specific person and/or group's accomplishment at one of our Friday Lunch meetings. It is a very nice way to be appreciated.

Being that I'm on college campuses a lot, you would think those fun give-aways that all companies pass out to students are just for the students. Well, our Fiery Match Box cars, Fiery squeeze balls, and long sleeve turtle neck t-shirts have been very popular with all our employees here too. Among other things important to EFI'ers is the spirit of cooperation here. Everyone talks to one another and works together to figure things out. If you want to learn more about something, you just go over and speak to the people who are doing it. Across the board, the people here are bright, innovative, friendly, and respectful. Unless of course, it's lunch time or you're a member of the opposing team during a sporting event. Then all the rules go out the door."

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