INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : X.5 Title : Facsimile packet assembly/disassembly facility (FPAD) in a public data network Study Group : VII - Data Communications Networks Version : New Date of adoption : 1992 Notes : An FPAD is a facility which offers a G3 facsimile equipment the opportunity to use a public data network to convey facsimile control and image data to another G3 facsimile equipment or to an application DTE. The FPAD also allows an application DTE to establish a connection and to send control and image data to a G3 facsimile equipment. It is an underlying principle of the FPAD environment that to the degree possible, the performance and quality of the service of the two G3 facsimile equipments as available today utilizing the general switched telephone network are not negatively affected. Support for the following cases is provided in the FPAD Series of Recommendations: a) A G3 facsimile equipment to a G3 facsimile equipment - A G3 facsimile equipment establishes a call to a G3 facsimile equipment, dialling in one or two stages the number of the called G3 facsimile equipment: - the calling G3 facsimile equipment transmits document(s) to the called G3 facsimile equipment; - the called G3 facsimile equipment transmits document(s) to the calling G3 facsimile equipment. b) A G3 facsimile equipment to an application DTE - A G3 facsimile equipment establishes a call to an application DTE, dialling in one or two stages the number of the called application DTE: - the calling G3 facsimile equipment transmits document(s) to the called application DTE; - the called application DTE transmits document(s) to the calling G3 facsimile equipment. c) An application DTE calling to a G3 facsimile equipment - An application DTE establishes a call to a G3 facsimile equipment: - the calling application equipment transmits document(s) to the called G3 facsimile; - the called G3 facsimile equipment transmits document(s) to the calling application DTE. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword 2.0: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).