Nov. 27th, 1990 SL Here. Guess what guys? It's that time of the month again! Yes, the annual THG Slave Drive is here! This is a chance for me to go out and whip some slaves into shape! We recently had a Slave Escape, and we had to castrate quite a few of the remaining slaves. So as a result, we're out looking for new and improved slaves. Would you like to become a slave? What would being a THG Slave mean to you? Well... A Slave has the honor and prestige of being associated with THG. As a THG Slave, all INC members will bow down and kiss your feet. As a THG slave, when you go to the beach, beautiful women will fall down at your feet and will do anything for you! BBS Sysops the world over will worship you and wish you to be on their BBS. Your handle as Humble Slave #xxx will be sung in the songs of folklore for centuries afterwards. Do you think you have what it takes to be a THG Slave? Well. Just like the Marines, we're looking for "A Few Good Men". You MUST have a 9600 baud HST then you're off to a good start. However, if you do not have an HST, then we do have a "Boot Camp For Slaves", which we call the Humble Spittle. Humble Spittle are similar to slaves in that they will be respected by people the world over, however Spittle will NOT be dealing with The Gods of the IBM personally. If you would like to be a Spittle, then contact Drool Master Rick at his BBS - 615-331-9782. If you would like to be a Slave, and come and hang out with the gods, then contact your master, Me, The Slavelord, at either of these two boards: Candyland \ The Humble Guys / The Slave Den [615] 834 3333 / World Headquarters \ [9O4] 376 1117 All of these boards runs at 9600 HST speeds (lock in at 38.4 if you have a 16550 UART chip and a 14.4 or DS). Now, lets get to the application. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Application to be bonded into SLAVERY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What is your handle :_________________________ What is your REAL NAME :_________________________ What is your home phone #:_________________________ What is your date of birth:__/__/__ What is the make and model of your modem:_____________________________ List the top boards you are on and their phone numbers (5 lines) Board Name Board Number SysOp 1) ________________________ (___)___-____ _____________________ 2) ________________________ (___)___-____ _____________________ 3) ________________________ (___)___-____ _____________________ 4) ________________________ (___)___-____ _____________________ 5) ________________________ (___)___-____ _____________________ Now we have some personal questions to ask you to make sure that you are slave quality. 1) If I asked you to jump, what would your reply be? ________________________ 2) Do you believe in the use of K-Y jelly, or do you like it straight up? ___ 3) As a slave, would you be willing to sell your mother into prostitution if I told you to do so? ___ 4) As a slave, if I told you to send me your computer, would you? ___ Now it is essay times kiddies, this essay is real simple. Just go ahead and tell me WHY I should even go and consider you as a slave. Subject:____________________________________ To :The Slavelord ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Good, now that you have successfully finished filling out this application, make sure to send it to one of the 3 boards listed above. Make sure to leave it for The Slavelord. The Slavelord