QUEST for GLORY II: TRIAL by FIRE Documentation by Barimor Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire [ Technical Manual ] CREATE A CHARACTER ================== First of all, you can import your character from Quest for Glory I. If you are like me and didn't finish it, you can create a new character. The choices you have are Fighter, Magic-User and Thief. The Fighter: His weapon is the sword and defense is the shield. The Magic-User: Cast spells and aviod combat. The Thief: His main weapon is the dagger and will use it from afar. He defends himself by dodging with agility. COMBAT ====== Attacking: These are the numberic keyboard keys: 7- Swing High 8- Thrust 9- Swing Low 4- High Parry 5- Middle Parry 6- Low Parry 1- Dodge Left 2- Dodge Back 3- Dodge Right Try to strike the opponent when he is 'open'. Timing and defense are the most important thing. Spells: Use the following in close combat: Flame Dart, Force Bolt, Zap and Dazzle. When in doubt, run away! Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire [ Famous Adventurers Correspodence School ] ADVANCED FIGHTING: ================= Strategy and Tactics: " You got to know when to fight'em Know when to be polite to'em, Know when to dodge away and know when to run You've got to practice fighting Any time you're able, 'Cause there ain't (sic) no time for practice, When the monsters come." " If it is prophylatic and empathically didactic, then it's not tactic.' COMBAT CAREERS: Career Paths: Warlord This is an aggressive, gung type fighter. You storm the country side. Remember - it's "Loot before pillage, sack before burn". Hero Prefered occupation for fighter. Comes in handy because you are more educated. Paladin He is the goody-two shoes. Out to help everyone for free. Combat Instructor You can be a Drill Sergeants and Samurai Sensei. Security Guard Life of fairly free of strife, but very boring. Babysitter Take a guess at this one guys! ADVANCED MAGIC USING: ==================== Best place to improve your spellcasting is at the Wizard's Institute of Technology (WIT). It is located in the city of Shapeir. It is said to exist on another plane. The entrance is well hidden from all but those meant to find it. If you are among them, careful application of your knowledge should soon point the way. Before you can become a full-fledged student, you will be given a series of entrance examinations. Failure is not held againist you- as long as you are willing to try again. These trails are a learning experience in themselves. OCCULT OCCUPATIONS Career Paths: Royal Magician Most prestigious of possible occupations. Wizard The wizard seeks to know the True Meaning of Life, the University and how to do the voodoo that the Zulu do to you. Archmage He is the epitome of power. He is the best! Court Jester Entertainer... Computer Programmer Geez wonder if any of you are one! Corporate Manager Damn, just if someone would ask me! They let others do the job for them. Just use the Clam Spell and you can influence others to work for you.. Basic Spell Usage: Calm This was developed for avoiding awkward situations, such as physical combat. It relaxes the natural aggressive tendencies of things in the area of the spell for a short duration. Once in combat, however, it is ineffective. A calmed opponent will just calmly eat you. With advanced skills in this spell, it is possible to calm even non-living things. Dazzle Erasmus's Razzle Dazzle produces a bright flash of magic which temporarily blinds an opponent. This, of course, presupposes that the opponent HAS eyes! Detect Magic This spell is used to percieve an aura of magical power which surrounds objects which have had spells cast at them. It can also be used to find invisible things. Flame Dart This offensive spell projects a ball of magical fire towards an object. Open This intially is useful fo unlocking simple locks, but can be used to open dooes when the spellcaster is sufficiently skilled. Unfortunately, it will not affect most magical locks or doors, or those doors barred on the other side. Trigger R.Roger's Reactivating Ritual, or "Trigger", is used to 'set off' operating magical spells already cast upon some object. Thus a Magic User can avoid damage from magical traps. Trigger can sometimes be used to both 'turn on' and 'turn off' certain spells. Zap The Leyden's Latent'Lectrical Discharge spell, or 'Zap', allows a caster to place magical energy upon a weapon. This is released when the weapon strikes an opponent, increasing the amount of damage. Advanced Spell Usage: Force Bolt Aronson's Arcane Arbalest of Action and Reaction, or 'Force Bolt', is a magical globe of energy which is used to push againist something in the distance. Becasue it can 'bounce' off an object, it can be used againist things not in direct line of sight. When properly aimed, a Force Bolt can be made to bounce several times before releasing all its energy. It may be used as an offensive spell. Levitate Ellen's Enchanted Elevator, or 'Levitate', spell allows the spell caster to move up and down at will. This is ideal for getting the book you need off the top shelf of your library or for dusting the top of your refrigerator. This spell continually drains the caster's Spell Points while in use. Reversal Kirkov's Cosmic Karma Cookies or 'Reversal', reflects offensive spells back upon the caster. Cast this spell before entering magical combat. It should be noted thay when two opposing Magic-Users both use this spell, the results can be very dangerous to spectators. ADVANCED THIEVING: ================= Tools of the trade: Rope - In the words of the immortal Sam 'the Man' Ganges, "you gota scope the rope if you wanta cope" Oil - This is often overlooked. Squeaky hinges on cabinets and doors create the creak that causes the cops to capture a crook. Oiling hinges reduces noise. Oil is also useful for moving heavy objects. Thief Sign - It is the recognition signal. To make the sign (gee wonder if this is important guys?): First, place your thumb upon your nose with the hand held perpendicular to your face, and the fingers outspread. Then wiggle your fingers while focusing your eyes upon your thumb and patting your belly with your free hand. You should make the sign whenever you believe yourself to be in the presence of a fellow practitioner. However, you should be aware that not all politicians will recognize this symbol- some of them are scabs. Improvisation- If you are caught with tools. Use your Thieve's Guild card to flip a latch on a door. You can use any thin, metal probe such as the pin that was in the black prince's feathered hat which you just happen to find in your backpack can be used to click the lock. If the door is FiRMly bolted on the other side and does it resist all your attempts at breaking it down? Then put the hat of the black prince on your head covering most of your face, stroll towards the guards, give them a lecture about their appearance, telling them not to slouch, letting them know that you will not tolerate sloppiness, and then push on past, leaving them to think that the black prince has poor taste in clothes combinations. All you need is a little imaginations, and you can get through any situation. PURLOINER'S POSTIONS: Career Paths: Playboy You are a suave and slick stud.. Chief Thief Head of the Thieve's Guild. Impress anyone Chief's you encounter and remember, it is not who YOU know, it is WHO knows you. Godfather Go see the movie Tax Accountant Balance the books... Politican It is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! CEO My dream! PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: ========================== Adventurer's Guild It is good place to chat, hear gossip, and learn about employment info. Be sure and sign in when you first reach a town to give yourself official adventurer status. otherwise, some unpleasant things might happen to you! Eternal Order of Fighters (EOF) This is for fighters. EOF- The Guts, The Glory, The Greatest!. Membership by invitation only. Thieve's Guild A thieves home. The way to locate the local Theive's Guild is to contact a local thief by use of the Thieves' Sign. Once you have found the guild and identified yourself, it is not uncommon to be asked to prove your identity. A simple test is often given to prove your worth to the organization. Accomplishing this trial will improve your position in the guild. SPECIAL INFO: ============ Background A Madrid called Iblis attempted to rul the world and turn all men to slaves. He created a city in the desert to summon a Djinn. The Djinn defeated him instead and what is left over of the city is called 'Forbidden City' and is located near Raseir. The Sultan is the absolute rulers thesedays. The Emir of Raseir is rumored to have disappeared, and there have been diquieting tales about the current political situation. Desert Survival Water- Need it or you will perish. Saurus- It is an excellant mount and found near dunes. It will always find its way back to the stable. It will never get lost. It can recognize simple commands. Sentients of Shapeir Humans - a new race Gnomes - Small and known for jokes. Katta - Found around Raseir and are good artisans and talented merchants. Centuars- Half horse and half human, the Centuars roam the deserts of Shapeir in nomadic herds. They make excellent guides for the tips of their tails. Centuars are extremely honorable, but have no sense of humor. They don't get along well with Gnomes. Liontaurs - The Liontaur looks like a cross between a human and a lion. They reside primarily to the south of Shapeir in their great kingdoms of Tarna. Occasionally a young male will wander into the Shapeir lands. Liontaurs are fierce fighters and very proud, so it is best not to annoy them. The Lanf of Enchantment Djinn Djinn and their relatives, the Djinn, Shaitan, Ifreet and Madrid, are magical creatures of high intelligence found primarily around the lands of the Shapeir. They are occasionally found trapped in items such as bottles and rings. Releasing a Djinni from such an item can be very dangerous. Djann - take the shape of animals, live in the mountains area, and are seldom seen, Djinn - are commonly associated with air. Tales are told of wishes being granted to whomever releases a Djinn from an item. Tales are also told of the Djinn destroying the one who released him. Shaitan - prefer to live around streams and running water. As this is an extremely arid region, Shaitan are extremely rare. Ifreet - are fiery creatures that prefer the remote dunes of the desert. Marid - are the most powerful of all the Djinn. Enchanted Creatures Elementals Are created by magical spells placed upon the primal elements of Earth, Air, Water, Pizza and Fire. They have characteristics of the element. Masikh Distant relatives of the Djinn is frightening and dangerous to encounter. It is invisible, distinguished only by the movement in the sands and the fearful reactions of animals in their vicinity. Ghouls Supernatural creatures of the undead which prey upon the living. The very touch of one has a chilling effect upon the victim similar to frostbite. The more wounds the ghuol makes, the more the victim's movements are slowed, until he finally collapes. It is best to avoid damage from Ghuols entirely. Well, that is about it! If you have any questions, just leave some mail for me on any LSD Net Mail System... ============================================================================== Also, if anyone has an extra 9600, HST or Dual standard they would like to donate to The Humble Guys, please feel free to do so. One of our crackers had a misfortune and you know the story of how much they cost. Anyhow, if you have one and would like to donate it, leave mail on any THG board or call the VMB or just send it to our mail box!!! ============================================================================== -Barimor +-----------------+ |The Humble Boards| +---------------------+-----------------+------------------------+ * |Candyland (615) 834-3333 Candyman | * |HMS Bounty (215) 873-7287 Fletch | |The Badlands (904) PRI-VATE Lowrider | * |The Slave Den (904) 376-1117 The Spamlord | |Plato's Place (3 nodes) (618) 254-5263 Mr. Plato | |The P.I.T.S. (718) THE-PITS The Pieman | * |Iron Fortress (508) 798-3363 Predator | * |SpamLand (508) 831-0131 Eddie Haskel | |Elusive Dream (317) 452-1257 The Toyman | * |Final Frontier (602) 491-0703 Barimor | |LakeSide Park (203) 929-7437 Mr. Xerox | |The Wall (716) PRI-VATE Pink Panther (heh) | * |Tinseltown Rebellion (713) 453-2153 The Viper | |Twilight Zone (617) ???-???? Raistlin (Another 1)| * |DownTown 31-5750-29313 BamBam | |The Ice Castle 47-PRI-VATE The Iceman | |Black Ice BBS (904) 377-1325 Chaos | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ '*' denotes this THG board is run by a REAL Humble Guy. For an 8x10 glossy of your favorite Humble Guys member, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: The Humble Guys! P.O.Box 24541 Nashville, TN 37202 Send us anything that you deem appropriate. If you can supply us with games, give us a call at any of the above listed boards.