WARNING: Insufficient Memory$Insufficient Memory. Exiting ProgramU $CREATED BY:SSI SPECIAL PROJECTS TEAM GAME DEVELOPMENT: BRET BERRY PROGRAMMING: MIKE MCNALLY RUSS BROWN#ENCOUNTER CODE: MUSICAL SCORE: DAVID SHELLEY TOM WAHL KEN HUMPHRIES PLAYTEST: RHONDA GILBERT LARRY WEBBER KEN EKLUND ERIK FLOM GRAPHIC ARTS: JOHN KIRK TOM WAHL RICK WHITE LAURA BOWEN DAVE LUCCA FRED BUTTS CYRUS HARRIS MARK JOHNSON GLEN CURETON CYRUS LUM CHAD CASELLI SUSAN MANLEY JEFF SHOTWELL MIKE PROVENZA MIKE GILMARTIN"MAURINE STARKEY NATHANIEL TRUHERU titleU titleU CPICU what do you do? succeeds at party fails at U &:E.u The entire party is killed!U and you record as logbook entry &:E.uf $Congrats. The team gains experience! Congrats. gains experience!U 0 < O ' i { "3"8"f" # #2#?#X#s#~# ##$+$:$?$J$p$ %!%E%U%f%o% &&'.'9'v'{' (Q(V(l(t( )+)t)|) *I+p+}+ -1-C-K-V- 191M1 3)383p3 4;4u4 Enemy ship leaps clear of an explosion. takes points of damage! is dead!! is dying! is unconscious! is seriously injured.U fires s and hits for points of damage! misses.U destroyed on destroyed!U hits for points of damage! misses. attacks with a and U attempts a speed boost and succeeds! fails!U Weap attempts to jury-rig and succeeds! and fails.U Try to dodge enemy ship? U attempts to ram! Your ship dodges out of the way! Ramming successful!U is closing.U is retreating.U Select weapon to reload: reloads a !The enemy jury-rigs some systems.U is your pilot. what does want to do? Fire Target Load Juryrig Quit View@ Close Withdraw Board Command Boost engines Sensors U 7You close with the injured vessel and attempt to board! takes over as pilot. Target which system? succeeds fails at sensor operation! Ship Character &"b"g"l" `< u\ Move Target View Intimidate Quick Sprint Dodge Jetpack Wait Guard Sprinting Dodging Move/Attack , Move Left = Done Flee: can't go thereU Not while running Not with that weaponU flees in panicU E.<%t G<#u, E.<%u Move/Attack, Move Left = SurrendersU readies a heavy weaponU Cant identify wild terrain marscom venuscom lotek hitekU A battle begins...U #8$B$L$V$[$`$y$ %&%[%r% COMSPR cursor ITEMSU 0 A R c u dodges itU is poisoned is dizzyU is poisonedU # 0 = J W d q ~ -Backstabs- slays helpless Attacks (from behind) with one cruel blow Hitting for point points of damage and Misses goes down and is Dying is killedU Got Away Escape is blockedU &:E8v is stunnedU launches a missile... throws a grenade... It goes astray hits chaff` leaps for cover! Bad tileNum in lingering-U Weapon specials incorrectly set!U fails at use jetpackU GuardingU Attack Ally: U (short) (medium) (long) Range = Next Prev Manual Attack Center Exit Aim:U Flying Land Attack (Use Cursor keys) U NumTargets < 1!!!U U>P>_> >6?d? @N@X@p@u@ A0AfA~A B(C?CmCrC E)E.EAEKEUE_EdEvE{E FRFjF G$G4G>GLGlG H>HSHmHwH IkIkYt we only train conscious people&maximum level in game has been reached Not enough experience will become: a level Do you wish to train? Congratulations...U |#&;E/v &;E/v &;U1| =&;E/w7 mouse ON mouse OFF joystick ON joystick OFF disable both Init Mouse/Joystick: Select %Push JOYSTICK #1 to the extreme upper"left position and press button #1. Unable to read joystick%Push JOYSTICK #1 to the extreme lower#right position and press button #1.U ( U d $ ) . ? P U g % &&&B&h& '"'''C'H'd'i' ,7,B, -=-B-^-s-x- 080N0i0 151l1w1 2,2W2\2 3"343>3n3y3 4,414C4O4r4 5%5P5U5x5}5 737g7 9N9i9n9w9 Personal funds: Pooled funds: U OverLoadedU buys buys a Not enough Money.U N&;U-| &;E+v N&)E+& has no missile weapons Weapon Clip Fill Fill Clip purchases a clip 's weapon is reloaded Not enough Money Already fullU N&;U- |U&;E+vO N&+E+& N&;U-| &;E+v N&)E+& Buy Sell Ammo View Pool Take Divvy ExitRAs you Leave the Shopkeeper says, "Excuse me but you have Left Some Money here." *Do you want to go back and get your Money?%Thanks for the tip. Have a nice day.U -IkSt is bandaged is treatedU Select View Exit IkIkVu- >IkEt $ C Z ` o } ) 9 C H @!E!Y!l!w!J"c" %,&:&?&I&S&X&k& '%'L'V'`'e'x' +*+B+W+i+,,:,d,{, -!->-*.5.:.P.g.~. .,/]/s/}/ 0#0h1U Needs points in U General skills Career skill points: General skill points: Maximum per skill: Points Bonus TotalU gIkQt Ik)H)W)\)f)t) *'*5*L*V*d*{* +)+S0}0^1h1 4.434Y4u4z4 485=5y5~5 6C6H6 7@7E7b7g7 shipsU shipsU IkIk u >Ik4u >Ik6u >Ik\u Next Prev ExitU Ik