@CHAPTER HEAD = PUBLISHING CHAPTER @HEADING 2 = MENU COMMANDS Most of Ventura Publisher's functions are controlled through the menus at the top of the screen. This section describes the operation of each of these menus and the options within them. These commands are presented in the order in which they appear on the screen. Use the index for an alphabetical reference to these commands. @HEADING 3 = Menu Conventions Often, a menu option will be shown in gray and cannot be highlighted. This usually indicates that the proper function has not been selected. The table below indicates these dependencies. @HEADING 4 = DESK @Z_TBL_BEG = COLUMNS(2), DIMENSION(IN), WIDTH(3.8333), INDENT(1.1600), BELOW(.1667), HGUTTER(.2917), VGUTTER(.0833), BOX(Z_DOUBLE), HGRID(Z_SINGLE), VGRID(Z_SINGLE), KEEP(OFF) @Z_TBL_HEAD = TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT Menu Option<$!B11>, Availability<$!B11> @Z_TBL_BODY = TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT Publisher Info . . ., Always available @Z_TBL_END = @HEADING 4 = FILE @Z_TBL_BEG = COLUMNS(2), DIMENSION(IN), WIDTH(3.8333), INDENT(1.1600), BELOW(.1667), HGUTTER(.2917), VGUTTER(.0833), BOX(Z_DOUBLE), HGRID(Z_SINGLE), VGRID(Z_SINGLE), KEEP(OFF) @Z_TBL_HEAD = TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT Menu Option<$!B11>, Availability<$!B11> @Z_TBL_BODY = TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT Open . . ., Always available Save, Always available Save As . . ., Always available Abandon, Available if chapter has been changed @Z_TBL_END = @HEADING 1 = FILE MENU<$&File menu[v]> @HEADING 2 = Description/Application The File Menu (See Figure <$R[C#,File menu]1><196><$R[P#,File menu]1>)controls information flow into and out of Ventura Publisher. The File Menu provides five basic functions: @INSTRUCTION = You can save or retrieve the entire chapter @INSTRUCTION = You can Load individual text, Line Art, or Image files into the chapter @KEY NOTE TEXT = If the file name is not shown, you may have saved the chapter with an extension (the part of the file name to the right of the period) different than the default .CHP file extension used by Ventura Publisher, or the file may be saved in a different subdirectory. Change either the default extension on the Directory line in the Item Selector, or change the subdirectory. To copy a file, type: @COMPUTER TEXT = COPY A:FILE1.TXT C:FILE2.TXT This will simultaneously copy and rename the file. @HEADING 3 = Equations Here is an equation using centered tabs: @EQUATION = X2 + Y2 + Z2 2X + 3Y + 4Z Here is the same equation using the equation feature: @TABLE 2 = <$E{roman X sup 2 ~ +~ roman Y sup 2 ~+~ roman Z sup 2 } over {2 roman X~+~3 roman Y~+~4 roman Z}>