@TITLE = PROPOSAL TO ACME INSURANCE CORPORATION @HEAD LEVEL 1 = Corporate Training The Corporate Training department has identified an objective to redesign and reformat over 9000 pages of textual and graphic information which constitutes the company's training documentation elements. In addition to redesigning this substantial amount of information, the department will also add new sections to the current training curriculum. The training documentation is currently available in a variety of media, mostly on much copied papers. The documentation is somewhat out of date since the collection of materials dates back ten years. According to the Corporate Director of Training, there is no orderly fashion or design for this information. The corporation has hired a consultant, Ms. Joan Belden who has designed a specific format and process for the training documentation. Ms. Belden will become a member of the Acme Insurance staff to coordinate the processes of rewriting the documentation. Currently, there is an in-house printing and type-setting shop. Because of delays and priorities, the training department does not have ready access to this facility. Due to the size and nature of this project, a decision has been made to evaluate departmental or work-group desk-top publishing solutions specifically for the training facility. Having an departmental facility for documentation will give the training operation the following benefits: @BULLET = Fast turn-around time without having to depend on another corporate department to print documentation. @BULLET = Ability to make immediate changes and update training modules. @BULLET = Ability to use already installed Personal Computers and Word Processing equipment in association with the new publishing equipment. @BULLET = Ability to incorporate the new machinery directly into the day-to-day operations of the department.<$&Cap1[v]> @HEAD LEVEL 2 = The TXN Solution It is the recommendation of TXN Corporation that Acme Insurance consider the 3544 graphic workstation as the input terminal for the redesign/reformat processes in the training facility. TXN was the first company to offer this unique type of workstation. In 1976, we introduced the 9967 professional computer which had the power of combining textual and graphic elements on the same screen. Now, ten years later, after many modifications and refinements of our original technology, we are proud to introduce the 3544 Professional Workstation for publishing applications. TXN now offers a variety of configurations for the 3544. The Zeus series offers a standalone 3544 in concert with a TXN 4045 desktop laser printer. This system can grow as your needs grow. You can connect three 3544 workstations, or other personal computers to the laser printer through an interface device. All loaded software is integrated and TXN's icon technology gives any operator the freedom to <169>point and click<170> with an optical mouse. Changing applications and calling up works-in-progress are much easier than in MS-DOS based systems. All TXN 3544 workstations offer an optional MS-DOS IBM compatible co-processing environment. The following is TXN's validations for the use of The Zeus series as a very viable solution: @BULLET = Because TXN offers a window on the MS-DOS environment, Acme Insurance would not have to re-key some blocks of training documentation that exist on other disk media. In addition, operators should consider using simple inexpensive word processing programs on personal computers to input any new textual data. When this data is in final draft form, the media can be transferred to the 3544, where final formatting would begin. @BULLET = Since the 3544 understands many MS-DOS applications programs like dBase and Lotus 1-2-3; graphs, spreadsheets, and data base reports can be integrated into any training documentation. This solution offers truly flawless electronic <169>cut-and-paste<170> techniques. @BULLET = The 3544 product offers price/performance value that would allow new equipment placements without a significant outlay of funds. @BULLET = The system is truly user-friendly and offers a complete electronic desktop. The operating environment stimulates the imagination, which adds significantly to productivity within the work-group. @BULLET = The integrated software environment allows ease-of-operation in keeping track of all processes of the reformatting cycle. Acme Insurance may customize any desktop specifically for the requirements at hand.