@FOR RELEASE = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE @CONTACT = For more information: @CONTACT = Mr. Joe Flack @CONTACT = (212) 555-1212 @HEADLINE = XYZ Corp. Ships 1000th Product @DATELINE = LOS ANGELES, CA, July 17 <197> @FIRSTPAR = XYZ Corp., the leading manufacturer of widgets for the automated widget supply industry, announced that it has shipped its 1000th Model 123-X enhanced widget. The customer is ABC Inc. of Livonia Hills, MI. <169>This is an important step for XYZ Corp., and the emerging widget industry,<170> said Fred Smith, president of XYZ Corp. <169>We have now shipped more widgets than the other ten companies combined. We believe our technology is second to none.<170> Marketing plans, availability, and pricing for the new widget line will be announced later this fall. XYZ Corp., Inc. was formed in 1975. Headquarters are in Los Angeles California.