@CHAPTER HEAD = USER INTERFACE<$IUser interface> @MAJOR HEADING = <$&WYSIWYG[v]>WYSIWYG <$IProblem;Can't print what's on screen><$IWYSIWYG;Defined>Ventura Publisher is designed to provide What You See (on the screen) Is What You Get printed (WYSIWYG). This means that the computer display should match as closely as possible, at all times, what you will see on the final printed page. Of course, the difference between the technology used to display a page on a CRT screen, and the technologies used to print a page on a laser printer or typesetter, do create some unavoidable differences. In particular, because the computer CRT screen cannot produce anywhere near the same resolution of a printer or typesetter, and because what is displayed is shown in a different <$IAspect ratio>aspect ratio (height to width ratio), the space between words and between lines may appear to be bigger or smaller than the printed page under certain circumstances. Several thin ruling lines, with little space between, may show on the screen as one thick line. @MINOR HEADING = Keyboard Keys Various keys on the keyboard perform special functions: @BULLET = The keyboard Cursor <$ICursor keys><$IText editing;Cursor keys>keys control the Text Cursor (The text cursor is displayed as a thin vertical line.) @BULLET = The Home <$IHome key><$IText editing;Home key>key goes to the first page of the document. @BULLET = The End <$IEnd key><$IText editing;End key>key goes to the last page of the document. @BULLET = The Pg Up <$IPage up key><$IText editing;Page up key>key goes to the previous page. @BULLET = The Pg Dn <$IPage down key><$IText editing;Page down key>key goes to the next page. @MAJOR HEADING = ITEM SELECTOR <$IItem selector;Operation><$ISaving files><$ILoading files> @MINOR HEADING = Description The display shown in Figure 10-2 is called an Item Selector. The Item Selector is used for saving and retrieving files. @MINOR HEADING = Application The Item Selector allows you to save and retrieve files by pointing to the file name, or by typing the file name. The Item Selector also provides a simple way to move between various DOS subdirectories (sometimes called folders) where text, Line Art, Image, chapter, and publication files may be stored. Finally, the Item Selector automatically <169>filters<170> the files displayed so that you need only search for files which match specified criteria. For instance, only chapter files (which are stored with a file extension CHP) are displayed when loading or saving chapters. The method for filtering the files to be displayed follows standard DOS conventions, including wildcard characters (e.g. * and ?). These filters can be changed by placing the text cursor on the Directory line and typing a new filter name. Figure 10-2 shows the filter set to only display chapter (CHP) files that are contained in the subdirectory called TYPESET. @WARNING = <$IShortcut;Mouse double-click><$IMouse;Double- click>Pointing to the desired file name, holding the mouse stationary, and pressing the mouse button twice, with little hesitation between each depression <169>double-click<170>, is equivalent to selecting the file name and then selecting OK. If you only need one or two symbols within a paragraph, then Tag the paragraph with a non-symbol typeface, and select the one or two characters you wish to change to a symbol, and change them using the Font Settings button. For instance, to put a p in the formula @SYSTEM PROMPT = pr2 type the letter p, then select this letter and use the Font Settings button to change this one letter to a symbol font. @TABLE HEAD = Function Key @TABLE ITEM = Bring to Front ^A @TABLE ITEM = Copy Shift Del @TABLE ITEM = Cut Del @TABLE ITEM = Enlarged View ^E @TABLE ITEM = Fill Attributes ^F @TABLE ITEM = Frame Setting Function ^U