ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Monarch 3.00 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ To many modifications to list. Besides, I can't remember half the stuff I did to improve from 2.20 (the public release) to the version not released to the public. But, v3.0 is released to the public. Sorry for a long time for this Version but, as you can see, We did a lot of work on it! NO BUGS IN THIS! NOTES: The doors area is broken for some reason! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Monarch 3.00 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Added a nice post bar thing to the message areas. When you newscan it will not prompt you on what you'd like to do. I also cleaned the area up a bit in a few cosmetic ways, but most were minor. After many long hard hours of working and testing, Robotic Handyman figured out a way in which to fix all the non-working protocols. The following are now fully operational protocols: WXmodem 2.0 Punter (block length 255) Megalink Sealink Kermit Lynx The user can now enter 'R' from the main menu and it'll ask him/her if they'd like to return to the Matrix. This is especially helpful for SysOps that are running 2 or more systems. This option will also let the user enter a message to the next user, however will not display the goodbye message. 'X' from the transfer area lets the users give points to another user. This is really nice when users want to trade files for other users points and such. It's fairly self-explanitory. The user can change their alias/handle from the config area of the board by hitting 'H'. There were a few small additions made to the system log. Such as telling the SysOp when a user uploads a validation file. All areas the have a SysOp menu will added to the SysOps prompt. The status line is now 2 lines big instead of 1, and it holds the following information: User name Real name System level Transfer level G-file level Time left Phone number Number of uploads Number of downloads and the normal stuff such as TextTrap. Sample status line: The Zany Renegade(John Doe), S-Level: 100, X-Level: 100, G-Level: 100 65 left, Ph: 5072826053, UL: 3, DL: 10 The doors area is now fixed and fully operational. I really have no idea how I broke it in the first place but things are working now. It will also prompt you for the batch name a bit different. Instead of saying "Name/path", and having you type "BOB.BAT C:\BBS\" it'll say "Path/name" and you type "C:\BBS\BOB.BAT". I think this makes a bit more sense and is a bit easier for the begining SysOp to understand. Users personal colors are now used for the logon information, instead of the hard-set Brand-X ones. A new color has been added to the users information. This color is for the borders of all ANSI windows. Yes, you will have to convert the user file, but don't worry, a conversion utility has been made too. All the colors in the config area have been moved to a sub-menu from there. You can access this menu by hitting 'C'. Password change is now 'P' instead of '+'. Emulation and Graphics can be changed from the new color menu too. Added a new level for the G-file area. This must be set along with validating the user. Real name is now asked of a new user when he/she first logs on. Real name is now shown status bar, as it should be. Like you may have guessed, both real name, and gfile level are changeable from the online edit and the sysop user editing. The ANSI editor now uses the entire screen rather than just half of it now. Hopefully sometime in the near future I'd like to re-write a lot of the editors code, so look forward to a change. Message and file areas will no longer let a user know that he/she does not have access to a certain area. Instead of saying "You don't have access to that sub!" It now just says "No such sub!" Just as if it would if there wasn't one there in the first place. NOTES: There appears to be a small problem when first starting up the board. It likes to say the SysOps name to you when running the board for the first time. It really isn't to bad though since it disappears by the 2nd time starting up the board. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Monarch 3.00 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Damn, I really should keep better track of what I chance from now on. There are many new mods in this version... Macro keys for sysop! Yay! Problem is, they do not work in chat mode or in the editor. Which makes them damn useless in most areas. We hit the 64k barrier on the file section so batch will be put off another version. Sorry. Made it EXIT instead of RETURN. Added off-hook string to the config data. Now, if you have a off-hook string, the modem will go off hook when the SysOp logs on local, and when the BBS is exited. NOTES: This version of Monarch is a bit shotty in a few areas. I think there may be a bug dealing with the users time, it periodically sets it to something negative. There will most likely be future releases of this version so look out for 3.30 and above. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Monarch 3.00 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Changed EXIT back to RETURN, because EXIT didn't work, because The Enforcer didn't test his stupid mod. Takes the modem off-hook when entering the config section of the BBS. I guess that this version just had 2 major bugs but won't harm it! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Monarch 3.00 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ We changed the way that Arealist looks, and the list of files. As well as the arealist for the message base. I fixed the bug on the status line, when the SysOp turns on too many special Function keys. (Like Inlock, and Outlock) We fixed the bug, when the SysOp was in chat mode, with chat trap on, and quit to DOS, it wouldn't freak out. We were leaving the CHATTRAP open. I added some things to SYSLOG.DAT. It now tells you when a user posted a message. I fixed many other anoying bugs, but I can't remember them either. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Things for future versions! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Batch abilities from protocols that support it - Leech day feature and the other file handling routines. - Complete re-write of config. - Show sysops who left last message. - Colors in ansi editor - Net mail - Split screen chat - Cute game travelling through a maze looking for users to battle and if you lose, The opponit will gain a file point or Level depending on what you are battling for. -The Enforcer -The Zany Renegade -Robotic Handyman