SKIPPING NUMBERING ON AND POSITIONING OF ELEMENTS A. To turn the first element into a title, choose Title Toggle from the Display Menu. Try it now. B. To skip the numbering on any element, place the cursor in the element to be skipped and choose Skip Numbering from the Display Menu. All other elements will be renumbered accordingly. Place the cursor >> HERE << and try this option. C. To restore the numbering on an element, place the cursor in the skipped element and choose Reset Numbering from the Display Menu. As the numbering is restored, all other numbering will be readjusted accordingly. Move the cursor to the previous element and try this function. D. To move an element sideways, place the cursor in the element to move and choose Place Outline Entry from the Display Menu. The entire element will be highlighted. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the entire element in the corresponding direction. If the text goes off the end in either direction (column 0 or column 186), the entire element will rap around to the opposite end. Press Enter to confirm the new location. Position the cursor >> HERE << and try this function. Move this element several columns to the right. Move the cursor to another element and try this function again. E. To restore all elements to the default location, choose Reset All Places from the Display Menu. All elements will revert to their default indent positions. Try this function now, and watch how it restores the indent of all elements changed with Place Outline Entry above.