HOW TO CREATE AND DELETE OUTLINE ELEMENTS A. To create a new outline element below and on the same level as the current element, choose Create New Outline Entry from the Outline Menu. Remember that you can also create a new outline element by pressing Alt-OC or ^N. B. Immediately after creating a new outline element and before you press any other keys, the outline number will show in reverse video. You can move that outline element with the arrow keys. Try it. Create a new outline element and then press the arrow keys to move it to a new level. Note how the outline elements are always automatically renumbered as you move the newly created element around. 1. Press the right arrow key, and the new element will become a child (subentry) of the element above it. 2. Press the left arrow key, and the new element will again go back to the level where you created it. 3. Press the down arrow key, and the new element will switch places with the element below it. 4. Press the up arrow key, and the new element will switch places with the element above it. C. To delete an outline element, position the cursor in the element to delete and choose Delete Outline Entries from the Outline Menu. Remember that you can also delete an outline element by pressing Alt-OD or ^D. You must confirm this function by pressing Enter. Try deleting the children of this element. 1. Delete this element. 2. Then delete this element. 3. Then delete this element.