PC Tools Deluxe Version 6 IMPORTANT New Information This README file is intended to supplement the manuals. PC SETUP ======== You need to run PC Setup to install PC Tools because some of the files are compressed and PC Setup will automatically decompress them. New Environment Variable ------------------------ PC Setup will install an environment variable, PCTV, in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you select an LCD or monochrome monitor during the install process. The PC Tools Deluxe programs use this variable to set the appropriate colors on black and white or LCD systems. PC-CACHE ======== The /WRITE=nn parameter as documented in the manual has been modified to simplify ease of use. The new values for this parameter are /WRITE=ON /WRITE=OFF /WRITE=ON turns on delayed writing, /WRITE=OFF disables delayed writing. The default is /WRITE=ON. PC BACKUP ========= PC Backup now supports the Tecmar QT-40i tape drive. This version of PC Backup is NOT compatible with versions of PC Backup included with PC Tools prior to Version 6. Version 6 uses a newer and faster compression method. PC Setup will automatically create a directory called OLDPCT and place all Version 5.x PC Backup files it encounters into this directory during the installation of Version 6 files. If you have a Version 5 backup set, you must use PC Backup Version 5 to restore it. To do so, simply type the following: CD \PCTOOLS\OLDPCT PCBACKUP Note that if you installed PC Backup to a directory other than "PCTOOLS", please substitute that name for PCTOOLS in the above instructions. Using PC Backup for the First Time ---------------------------------- After you have configured PC Backup for your system, a Backup Confidence Test is performed which tests your computer for the speed setting that will give you the best performance and reliability. You will need a blank or otherwise unimportant floppy disk or tape for the test. The Backup Speed Command (Configure Menu) ----------------------------------------- As described above, PC Backup performs a speed test during the initial configuration process to determine the best speed for your system. If you want to run the test again, use the Backup Speed Command in the Configure menu and select the TEST command button. Stack Failure ------------- The default number of stacks set up by DOS 3.x or 4.x may not be sufficient for some systems that have controllers which support 1-to-1 interleave. If you receive an "Internal Stack Failure" message or if PC Backup locks up during a backup, restore, or compare, make the following change to your CONFIG.SYS file: STACKS=x,128 Use a value for x equal to the number of sectors per track of your hard disk. The following table shows some typical values: Drive Type Sectors per Track ---------- ----------------- MFM 17 RLL 25 or 26 ESDI 34 Backing Up to Tape ------------------ If you are using tape, additional selections appear in the Backup Method dialog box: Full/Append to Tape Full/Erase Tape The Full/Append to Tape option does a Full backup to a tape immediately following the last backup on that tape. The Full/Erase Tape option does a Full backup to a tape at the beginning of the tape, regardless of any other backups on that tape. All previous backups made to that tape will be lost. The tapes created by PC Backup are written in a proprietary format to provide enhanced speed, compression, and error recovery. You will not be able to read tapes created by another backup program nor will they be able to read PC Backup tapes. However, any backup tape made by PC Backup can be read by PC Backup, even on a different brand tape drive (with the exception of Irwin brand drives.) The Backup Confidence test, done during initial configuration of PC Backup, will totally overwrite any data on the tape you insert for the test. Be sure it is a blank, formatted tape or one that contains expendable data. PC Backup and Compressed Files ------------------------------ PC Backup will back up, but not further compress, already compressed files with the following extensions: .ZAP .PAK .ARC .SQZ .SEC Compare Report -------------- If the Reporting command (found on the Options menu) is set to send a backup report to a text file on disk or to a printer, then Compare will automatically send a report to the same source if it finds any files that do not compare. If the report is sent to a text file, it is named COMPARE.RPT. Print Directory --------------- This command, found on the Restore menu, allows you to generate a directory report to a printer or text file from the last disk or tape of a backup. Automating PC Backup -------------------- The Appointment Scheduler in PC Tools Desktop can load and run PC Backup using a setup file allowing you to schedule a backup to occur at a predefined time by setting an appointment. This is especially useful if you want to perform an unattended backup to a PC Backup supported tape drive using a setup file. For example, if you want to do a full backup of your hard drive on Friday evening at midnight using the setup file WEEKLY, you would set the following appointment: |PCBACKUP.EXE WEEKLY Be sure Desktop is loaded resident. When the alarm goes off, PC Backup will be run and your entire hard drive will be backed up to tape. Make sure that you insert a tape in the drive before leaving work on Friday. For more details please refer to the Appointment Scheduler chapter in the Desktop Manager manual. PCBDIR ------ The manual incorrectly states that PCBDIR will optionally generate a directory report from the last disk of a backup. If you want to generate a report from a set of backup disks or tapes, select the Choose Directories command from the Restore menu. You will be presented with the Select Directory dialog box that includes an option to print a directory. Or select the Print Directory command from the Restore menu. PC SECURE ========= Version 5.x of PC Secure cannot decrypt files made using Version 6. However, Version 6 can decrypt files encrypted with Version 5.x. You may encrypt a file multiple times, but you must decrypt the same number of times in reverse order. Command line options for PC Secure: ---------------------------------- /P: if you press the Escape key, it aborts the current password and allows you to type another. You may use Escape multiple times. If you make a mistake in typing, you may use Escape to start over or Backspace to delete one character at a time. Pressing Enter accepts the keystrokes to that point. /K: doesn't prompt you to enter your key. If you press the Spacebar or Enter immediately after typing /K, you do not have a valid key. If you encrypt a file from the command line, it is encrypted without the benefit of a master key. DISKFIX ======= If you choose to send a report to a file, that file is saved in the directory from which Diskfix was run. PC SHELL ======== Clear File Command ------------------ The Clean file command documented in the manual has been renamed Clear File. This command deletes the selected file(s) and writes the same byte pattern in every cluster that occupied the file, thus removing any of the data contained in the file. When the command is selected it presents you with a dialog box which allows you to select the byte that will be written and the number of times that the file will be written. If you select the U.S. Government Standard option, the clusters contained in the file will be written multiple times with a predefined pattern. Quick Run Command ----------------- The Quick Run command is available on the Options pull-down menu only when you are running PC Shell in non-resident mode. If you are running PC Shell memory resident, this command will not appear on the menu. Choosing Quick Run toggles this setting on or off. When ON (the default setting), the word "ON" will appear to the right of the command. Applications in the Applications menu have independent Quick Run control on an application-by-application basis. The Quick Run command works as follows: When ON, PC Shell does not free up memory prior to running an application from the DOS Command Line or by double-clicking or pressing CTRL-ENTER on a file name not associated with an application in the Applications menu, such as an .EXE, .COM, or .BAT file. Memory is freed when you leave PC Shell with the Exit command. PC Shell takes about 208K of memory when active as a DOS shell. As long as the programs you are running do not need all available memory, the Quick Run command allows programs executed in this manner to be started much faster since no memory swapping takes place prior to running them. If your programs do not run or you do not have enough memory to load a large data file, choose the Quick Run command to turn it OFF. The memory is then freed prior to running your application. There will be a slight pause before it is run, but nearly all of your computer's memory will be available to the program. Hide Windows Command -------------------- The Hide Windows command doesn't automatically display the DOS Command Line as documented in the manual. If the DOS command is on, it will stay on, but if you did not have it turned on, PC Shell will not automatically turn it on when you hide windows. The Short Cut Keys Line will be turned off if you have it on as some of its functions are not available when windows are hidden. LapLink Quick Connect -------------------- The name of the LapLink Quick Connect program that runs on the server, or Laptop machine, has been changed from LL, as stated in the manual, to LLS. Shift-Function Key ------------------ Pressing the Shift key along with a function key will perform the specified function on the file the highlight bar is on. Without the Shift key, the function is performed on all selected files. For example, if you have several files selected in the File List Window, but want to Quick View only the highlighted file, press the Shift key along with the F2 key and the file the highlight bar is on will be displayed. Hotkeying in PC Shell --------------------- An additional file is created by PC Shell called PCSHELL.RMG when you hotkey into PC Shell from another application, then run an application from Shell. The PCSHELL.RMG file contains a memory image of the first application. Resizing the Windows to the Default Size ---------------------------------------- If at any time you want to resize the Tree and File List to their default sizes press Del. For example, you may have resized the Tree and/or File List and now you want to return them back to their default size. Application List Only Mode -------------------------- If you are running an application from the Application List Only mode, the 'Run With Selected File' and 'Keystrokes' options will be ignored since there are no selected files. Viewing Files ------------- Pressing the F9 key or clicking on the NextFile command will view the next selected file if there is one. If no files are selected, it will view the next file in the file list. If you are viewing the last file in the directory, it will stay on that file. Pressing the Shift key in a viewer shows an alternate set of functions. PC TOOLS DESKTOP ================ Databases --------- When you edit field names in a Database the edited field name in brackets in your current form file is automatically adjusted to reflect the changed field names. Databases will also automatically create a new default form file called NEW.FOR which contains the changed field names. Modem Telecommunications ------------------------ The Read CompuServe Mail script does not create a 'TODAYS.CIS' file as indicated in the manual. This option will place you in CompuServe's EasyPlex mail service where you can read your mail using CompuServe's own menus. The CPS BBS script does not have options for reading or sending E-mail as indicated in the manual. After log on, you will be placed at the BBS's own menu. There is now an option to send telexes using the installed EasyLink service. Running PC Shell and PC Tools Desktop with Desqview =================================================== Use the following procedures to install PC Tools Desktop and PC Shell into Desqview. First select Desqview's "open Window" menu, then select "Add a Program", then press "O" for "Other (Add Program Not in List)". Desqview will then prompt you for the path in which it can find PC Tools Desktop, for example C:\PCTOOLS. After entering the path Desqview will display the following menu. Set the Parameters to the values shown. Note: Paths shown are for drive C, your path may be different: Specify Program Information Program Name ...........: PC Tools Desktop Keys to Use on Open Menu: DT Memory Size (in K): 350 Program...: C:\PCTOOLS\DESKTOP.EXE Parameters: Directory.: C:\PCTOOLS Options: Writes text directly to screen.......: Y Displays graphics information........: N Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: Y Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: N Requires floppy diskette.............: N Press F1 for advanced options Press F1 to go into the advanced Desqview options, and set the advanced options to the values shown: Specify Program Information Advanced Options System Memory (in K)...: 0 Maximum Program Memory Size (in K)...: Script Buffer Size.....: 1000 Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K)..: Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Initial Mode: Interrupts: 00 to FF Window Position: Maximum Height: 25 Starting Height: 25 Starting Row...: 0 Maximum Width.: 80 Starting Width.: 80 Starting Column: 0 Shared Program Pathname...: Data.......: Close on exit (Y,N,blank)......: Y Uses its own colors............: Y Allow Close Window Command.....: Y Runs in Background (Y,N,blank).: N Uses math coprocessor..........: N Keyboard conflict (0-4)........: 0 Share CPU when foreground......: Y Share EGA when foreground/zoomed..: Y Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank).: N Protection level (0-3).........: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To set PC Shell up to run with Desqview follow the same procedures used for PC Tools Desktop and use the following settings: Specify Program Information Program Name ...........: PC Shell Keys to Use on Open Menu: SC Memory Size (in K): 250 Program...: C:\PCTools\PCShell.exe Parameters: Directory.: \PCTools Options: Writes text directly to screen.......: Y Displays graphics information........: N Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: Y Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: N Requires floppy diskette.............: N Press F1 for advanced options Press F1 to go into Desqview Advanced options, set the values to the same as you used for Desktop. Note: Do not run PC Shell or Desktop resident from inside Desqview as Desqview uses memory mapping techniques which PC Tools does not support. If you have any questions please call our Technical Support Department at (503) 690-8080. We hope you enjoy using the product!