======================================================================== AT&T/Olivetti README FILE ======================================================================== DISPLAY OPTIONS FOR AT&T and OLIVETTI COMPUTERS The AT&T 6386 uses either the VDC400 or VDC750 display board. Both are supported in Windows/386. The VDC400 has a 640x400 monochrome display and is equivalent in appearance to the older AT&T indigenous display board. It does not support color except in the limited fashion described below. To run Windows/386 in full color choose the VDC750 during setup, assuming you have the appropriate hardware. On an Olivetti M380, you should choose the OEC or OVC display option. Please be sure to set the OEC adapter dip switches according to whether you have a color or monochrome monitor. When using a positive video controller (PVC), be sure to select this option during Setup. Windows will not appear in color but the background shading can be selected (see below). On both the Olivetti OEC and the VDC750 it may be possible to operate Windows/386 using the VDC400 setup option provided the dip switches on the display are set for CGA emulation. Be aware that this option is not currently supported. WINDOWS/386 AND THE OLIVETTI/AT&T 640X400 MONOCHROME DISPLAY You can select one of 15 background colors (if you have a color monitor) or shades (if you have a monochrome monitor) when using the 640x400 monochrome display board (VDC400 or PVC setup) by setting the background parameter to the number of the desired color (except black) from the chart below and modifying the corresponding entry in WIN.INI. 0 - black 1 - blue 2 - green 3 - cyan 4 - red 5 - magenta 6 - yellow 7 - white 8 - grey 9 - light blue 10 - light green 11 - light cyan 12 - light red 13 - light magenta 14 - light yellow 15 - bright white For example, the following setting in WIN.INI gives a light cyan background. [MonoDisp400] foreground=0 background=11 The foreground parameter is not used, nor do these settings have any effect when running Windows/386 in full color. WINDOWS/386 ON A ONE-MEGABYTE OLIVETTI M380 OR AT&T 6386 Windows/386 normally requires about 1.5 megabytes of memory to run on the M380/6386. It is still possible to run Windows on a one-megabyte machine by typing "win86" instead of "win386". In this way you can make use of the Desktop, Write, and other applications written specifically for Windows. However, you cannot run any standard applications from Windows. OLIVETTI KEYBOARD NOTES Some versions of the MS-DOS installable keyboard drivers KEYBxx.COM do not function correctly when Windows is running. In particular, the keyboard lights (NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, and CAPS LOCK) may not indicate the correct state of their respective keys. In addition, SHIFT-PRT SC and PAUSE may not behave as expected. If KEYBxx.COM is not installed, these difficulties do not arise. Your dealer can provide you with updates to KEYBxx.COM which will operate correctly with Windows. ======================================================================== END OF AT&TREAD.TXT ========================================================================