-- card: 378691 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 383049 -- name: Contents ----- HyperTalk script ----- -- do not remove -- cd Contents script on showMover show btn "Put Article" show btn "After" show btn "PushMover" show btn "To Other Stack" show btn "Do It" show btn "Un/Lock" show bg fld "theMover" show bg fld "theTarget" end showMover on hideMover hide btn "Put Article" hide btn "After" hide btn "PushMover" hide btn "To Other Stack" hide btn "Do It" hide btn "Un/Lock" hide bg fld "theMover" hide bg fld "theTarget" end hideMover -- part 49 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: 8002 -- rect: left=12 top=0 right=17 bottom=87 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Put Article ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp put value( the selectedLine ) into bg field "theMover" end mouseUp -- part 50 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: 8002 -- rect: left=12 top=20 right=38 bottom=53 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: After ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp put value( the selectedLine) into bg field "theTarget" end mouseUp -- part 51 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=380 top=0 right=31 bottom=404 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 2730 / 2730 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: pushMover ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp put bg field "theMover" into bg field "theTarget" end mouseUp -- part 52 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: A004 -- rect: left=406 top=0 right=16 bottom=512 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: To Other Stack ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp global lastStack, stackList put bkgnd field "theMover" into sourceTitle if sourceTitle is empty then beep put "No Source Title given!" exit mouseUp end if put bkgnd field "theTarget" into targetTitle if targetTitle is empty then -- beep put "No Target Title given!" -- exit mouseUp end if go to first card in background "Review" find sourceTitle in bkgnd field "theTitle" if the result is "not found" then go to card "Contents" beep put "Source Title not found!" into msg exit mouseUp end if put bkgnd field "theTitle" into sourceTitle2 put empty into sourceIds repeat while sourceTitle2 is in bkgnd field "theTitle" get the id of this card put it & return after sourceIds go to next card if number of this card is 1 then exit repeat end repeat repeat go to card "Contents" answer "Found" && number of lines in sourceIds && "cards to move." with "Cancel" or "Review" or "OK" if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp if it is "OK" then exit repeat repeat with thisID = 1 to number of lines in sourceIds go to (line thisID of sourceIds) end repeat end repeat -- start new code repeat Ask "Domain Number of target stack?" with lastStack if it is empty then exit mouseUp put it into targStackNum if length( targStackNum ) < 2 then put "0" before targStackNum put item it of stackList into targetStack put it into lastStack put id of this card into testID push card go to stack targetStack if id of this card is testID then beep put "Stack not found" pop card else exit repeat end if end repeat go to first card in background "Review" if targetTitle is empty then go to last card put field "theTitle" into targetTitle else find targetTitle in bkgnd field "theTitle" if the result is "not found" then go to card "Contents" beep put "Target Title not found!" into msg pop card exit mouseUp end if end if put bkgnd field "theTitle" into targetTitle2 repeat while bkgnd field "theTitle" is targetTitle2 get the id of this card put it into targetID go to next card if number of this card is 1 then exit repeat end repeat go to (targetId) answer "Put them after this card?" with "Cancel" or "OK" if it is "Cancel" then pop card exit mouseUp end if pop card -- now to actually move the cards repeat with thisId = 1 to number of lines in sourceIds put (line thisId of sourceIds) into srcCard go to srcCard lock screen put the short name of this bkgnd into thisBkgnd put getFields() into fieldCount put "fc: " & fieldCount push card -- go get blank template card for this bg do ("go to first card of bkgnd" && thisBkgnd && "of stack" && targetStack) doMenu Copy Card go to targetId doMenu Paste Card get the long id of this card put it into targetId putFields fieldCount put targetStack into bg field "theTopic" put targStackNum & char 3 to length( field accession) of field accession into field accession if field "theIdent" is "access" then if field surveyAccession is not empty then put targStackNum & char 3 to length( field surveyAccession) of field surveyAccession into field surveyAccession end if end if -- move graphic, if appropriate if thisBkgnd is in "access,picture" then pop card -- horrible kluge... -- make a speck on the card picture, so we never copy a blank pict choose pencil tool click at 280,180 -- where there's prob'ly some graphic already -- we unmake the speck with another pencil click -- our card looks the same as originally, but is guaranteed to -- have a nonempty card picture click at 280,180 choose select tool domenu "Select All" doMenu "Copy Picture" push card go to targetId doMenu "Paste Picture" choose browse tool -- make it transparent in all cases EXCEPT when fullScreen picture put no into decision if thisBkgnd is "access" then put yes into decision else if thisBkgnd is "picture" then -- put "fs: " & field "fullScreen" if field "fullScreen" is empty then put yes into decision end if if decision is "yes" then choose select tool domenu "Select All" doMenu "transparent" choose browse tool end if end if unlock screen pop card end repeat -- update both TOC go to card "Contents" put offset (sourceTitle, bkgnd field "theContents") into sourceOff if sourceOff is 0 then beep put "Regenerate Contents of Source!" else delete char sourceOff to (sourceOff + length(sourceTitle) - 1) of bkgnd field "theContents" if char sourceOff of bkgnd field "theContents" is return then delete char sourceOff of bkgnd field "theContents" end if if last char of sourceTitle is not return then put return after sourceTitle end if push card go to card "Contents" of stack targetStack put offset(targetTitle, bkgnd field "theContents") into targetOff if targetOff is 0 then beep put "Regenerate Contents of Target!" pop card exit mouseUp end if add length(targetTitle) to targetOff if char targetOff of bkgnd field "theContents" is return then add 1 to targetOff put sourceTitle before char targetOff of bkgnd field "theContents" pop card end mouseUp function getFields global nameList global fContents put empty into nameList put empty into fContents put the number of bg fields into bgfc repeat with f = 1 to bgfc put the name of bg field f & tab after nameList put bg field f & tab after fContents end repeat put the number of card fields into crdfc repeat with f = 1 to crdfc put the name of card field f & tab after nameList put card field f & tab after fContents end repeat return bgfc + crdfc end getFields on putFields fCounts global nameList global fContents put first item of fCounts into bgfc put last item of fCounts into crdfc repeat with f = 1 to bgfc put pullName() into fName put fName do "put pullContents() into " & fName end repeat end putFields function pullContents -- returns tab-delimited chunk from global fContents -- deletes it from global fContents, too global fContents put offset( tab, fContents ) into tabSpot if tabSpot > 0 then get char 1 to tabSpot-1 of fContents delete char 1 to tabSpot of fContents return it end if return empty end pullContents function pullName -- returns tab-delimited chunk from global nameList -- deletes it from global nameList, too global nameList put offset( tab, nameList ) into tabSpot if tabSpot > 0 then get char 1 to tabSpot-1 of nameList delete char 1 to tabSpot of nameList return it end if return empty end pullName -- part 53 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: A004 -- rect: left=406 top=16 right=32 bottom=512 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Do It ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp put bkgnd field "theMover" into sourceTitle if sourceTitle is empty then beep put "No Source Title given!" exit mouseUp end if put bkgnd field "theTarget" into targetTitle if targetTitle is empty then beep put "No Target Title given!" exit mouseUp end if go to first card in background "Review" find sourceTitle in bkgnd field "theTitle" if the result is "not found" then go to card "Contents" beep put "Source Title not found!" into msg exit mouseUp end if put bkgnd field "theTitle" into sourceTitle2 put empty into sourceIds repeat while sourceTitle2 is in bkgnd field "theTitle" get the id of this card put it & return after sourceIds go to next card if number of this card is 1 then exit repeat end repeat repeat go to card "Contents" answer "Found" && number of lines in sourceIds && "cards to move." with "Cancel" or "Review" or "OK" if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp if it is "OK" then exit repeat repeat with thisID = 1 to number of lines in sourceIds go to (line thisID of sourceIds) end repeat end repeat go to first card in background "Review" find targetTitle in bkgnd field "theTitle" if the result is "not found" then go to card "Contents" beep put "Target Title not found!" into msg exit mouseUp end if put bkgnd field "theTitle" into targetTitle2 repeat while bkgnd field "theTitle" is targetTitle2 get the id of this card put it into targetID go to next card if number of this card is 1 then exit repeat end repeat go to (targetId) answer "Put them after this card?" with "Cancel" or "OK" if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp push card repeat with thisId = 1 to number of lines in sourceIds go to (line thisId of sourceIds) doMenu Cut Card pop card doMenu Paste Card push card end repeat pop card go to card "Contents" put offset (sourceTitle, bkgnd field "theContents") into sourceOff if sourceOff is 0 then beep put "Regenerate Contents!" exit mouseUp end if delete char sourceOff to (sourceOff + length(sourceTitle) - 1) of bkgnd field "theContents" if char sourceOff of bkgnd field "theContents" is return then delete char sourceOff of bkgnd field "theContents" end if if last char of sourceTitle is not return then put return after sourceTitle put offset(targetTitle, bkgnd field "theContents") into targetOff if targetOff is 0 then beep put "Regenerate Contents!" exit mouseUp end if add length(targetTitle) to targetOff if char targetOff of bkgnd field "theContents" is return then add 1 to targetOff put sourceTitle before char targetOff of bkgnd field "theContents" end mouseUp -- part 54 (button) -- low flags: 80 -- high flags: A004 -- rect: left=406 top=32 right=48 bottom=512 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Un/Lock ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp get the lockText of fld "theContents" if it is false then set the lockText of fld "theContents" to true else set the lockText of fld "theContents" to false end if end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Contents -- part contents for background part 11 ----- text ----- Menu -- part contents for background part 17 ----- text ----- LEARNING CONTENTS -- part contents for background part 33 ----- text ----- card id 7500 card id 11106 card id 46901 card id 194372 card id 119369 card id 195740 card id 184403 card id 196748 card id 182765 card id 183056 card id 21232 card id 24994 card id 26203 card id 26974 card id 197702 card id 198841 card id 199997 card id 201126 card id 201810 card id 28424 card id 161100 card id 162517 card id 163485 card id 30540 card id 203295 card id 140577 card id 185513 card id 12040 card id 9662 card id 170839 card id 171959 card id 172919 card id 173915 card id 175068 card id 46626 card id 186740 card id 188064 card id 189031 card id 191192 card id 193458 card id 55680 card id 89971 card id 102344 card id 54608 card id 17160 card id 113963 card id 119195 card id 55106 card id 54170 card id 57013 card id 88155 card id 139208 card id 89341 card id 47179 card id 192387 card id 176610 card id 189999 card id 47777 card id 180558 card id 256949 card id 73126 card id 169757 card id 167485 card id 168597 card id 166564 card id 48121 card id 165551 card id 177648 card id 178583 card id 178797 card id 60696 card id 61243 card id 179691 card id 179875 card id 276601 card id 277245 card id 277354 card id 48498 card id 211014 card id 212379 card id 213448 card id 214381 card id 215389 card id 257784 card id 49028 card id 31323 card id 235550 card id 236859 card id 237174 card id 289864 card id 237855 card id 316250 card id 36411 card id 49342 card id 153965 card id 156185 card id 155121 card id 220889 card id 221418 card id 278490 card id 252540 card id 49582 card id 71457 card id 72051 card id 207768 card id 49969 card id 208684 card id 209351 card id 210264 card id 56539 card id 341282 card id 290898 card id 38892 card id 50328 card id 70405 card id 66202 card id 206729 card id 205618 card id 33370 card id 351883 card id 349777 card id 349182 card id 347855 card id 346624 card id 336884 card id 327056 card id 293236 card id 289705 card id 50511 card id 7143 card id 135716 card id 157698 card id 34472 card id 50977 card id 89397 card id 97263 card id 97495 card id 75074 card id 99199 card id 51378 card id 94681 card id 98190 card id 98542 card id 180374 card id 96074 card id 92495 card id 93466 card id 39966 card id 51459 card id 111819 card id 132108 card id 116328 card id 122226 card id 258650 card id 259100 card id 260888 card id 261973 card id 262526 card id 262854 card id 51845 card id 137511 card id 138708 card id 139731 card id 194042 card id 265129 card id 52267 card id 143659 card id 144815 card id 266143 card id 136580 card id 136929 card id 317045 card id 317351 card id 267976 card id 145719 card id 146029 card id 67458 card id 146928 card id 52546 card id 270360 card id 3465 card id 115440 card id 123202 card id 120858 card id 125524 card id 126574 card id 52875 card id 147938 card id 149301 card id 150566 card id 263618 card id 352150 card id 20359 card id 151955 card id 53354 card id 128929 card id 264167 card id 271528 card id 98990 card id 179998 card id 181112 card id 133158 card id 181340 card id 183507 card id 274220 card id 252896 card id 185712 card id 186281 card id 111520 card id 91391 card id 189456 card id 190581 card id 190910 card id 192980 card id 194303 card id 34283 card id 110264 card id 277608 card id 134366 card id 279882 card id 129910 card id 130965 card id 62618 card id 37482 card id 42699 card id 282368 card id 2115 card id 194690 card id 195119 card id 4618 card id 14230 card id 288215 card id 286896 card id 273225 card id 264911 card id 382130 card id 384827 card id 357605 card id 178294 card id 301433 card id 293575 card id 287546 card id 275061 card id 36962 card id 77266 card id 77328 card id 390555 card id 290768 card id 40783 card id 202816 card id 78281 card id 78460 card id 202001 card id 37209 card id 15405 card id 16273 card id 283063 card id 283467 card id 294431 card id 13822 card id 27962 card id 355745 card id 355306 card id 355505 card id 265675 card id 357748 card id 359348 card id 368017 card id 368522 card id 252980 card id 277964 card id 279467 card id 301102 card id 383888 card id 360065 card id 296917 card id 299846 card id 42121 card id 37864 card id 17646 card id 18481 card id 60583 card id 284228 card id 259659 card id 253617 card id 315301 card id 314051 card id 101921 card id 280102 card id 43839 card id 40291 card id 76195 card id 80281 card id 80964 card id 376611 card id 24493 card id 303268 card id 112320 card id 112619 card id 353382 card id 40579 card id 25478 card id 26401 card id 26835 card id 321840 card id 321334 card id 322114 card id 67065 card id 23504 card id 30088 card id 29129 card id 41876 card id 65818 card id 276772 card id 75463 card id 384024 card id 218494 card id 297394 card id 107972 card id 109753 card id 366336 card id 367082 card id 367132 card id 44104 card id 298199 card id 307689 card id 299250 card id 300076 card id 309102 card id 310631 card id 44745 card id 181904 card id 82123 card id 311609 card id 44940 card id 295134 card id 296064 card id 44534 card id 67960 card id 56644 card id 57909 card id 58962 card id 68597 card id 45655 card id 85791 card id 86206 card id 87762 card id 2445 card id 62788 card id 312592 card id 65127 card id 65289 card id 45395 card id 45875 card id 275233 card id 182186 card id 267023 card id 268065 card id 271871 card id 114431 card id 46152 card id 48375 card id 12500 card id 224099 card id 225157 card id 50825 card id 19691 card id 33261 card id 39721 card id 88566 card id 408900 card id 43448 card id 62073 card id 62317 card id 67652 card id 69748 card id 53078 card id 9755 card id 38616 card id 11358 card id 8175 card id 8569 card id 59319 card id 101514 card id 102847 card id 100298 card id 103909 card id 104732 card id 59584 card id 231562 card id 234329 card id 232785 card id 59679 card id 106841 card id 105958 card id 105999 card id 416629 card id 108269 card id 109154 card id 60186 card id 221900 card id 222918 card id 90571 card id 255481 -- part contents for background part 34 ----- text ----- 06053003 06045003 06045105 06045116 06045127 06045138 06045149 06045150 06045218 06101513 06101488 06101455 06103060 06045309 06045310 06045321 06045332 06045343 06045354 06045401 06045412 06045423 06045434 06045503 06045514 06048244 06045536 06046004 06046106 06046117 06046128 06046139 06046140 06046151 06046208 06046219 06046220 06046231 06046242 06046253 06103004 06046446 06102081 06046300 06046311 06046322 06046333 06046344 06046355 06046366 06108554 06108565 06108576 06046402 06046413 06046424 06046435 06046504 06046515 06100512 06046526 06046537 06046548 06046651 06046559 06046606 06046617 06046628 06046639 06113835 06101579 06101546 06046640 06108510 06108521 06108532 06108543 06046708 06046719 06046720 06046731 06046742 06046753 06101524 06046902 06046913 06046924 06102843 06046935 06101148 06046946 06043727 06047005 06047107 06047118 06047130 06047129 06047141 06108587 06108598 06047152 06047209 06047210 06047221 06047232 06047301 06047312 06103117 06047323 06103128 06102785 06047334 06047345 06047403 06047414 06108747 06047436 06047447 06047458 06069409 06069318 06069329 06069330 06069341 06069410 06069421 06069432 06109011 06047505 06047516 06047527 06047538 06047549 06047607 06047618 06047629 06101693 06101728 06047630 06047709 06047710 06047721 06114369 06114176 06047732 06047743 06047754 06048006 06048108 06048119 06048120 06048131 06048142 06114994 06102014 06102047 06102321 06102161 06102194 06048200 06048211 06048222 06048233 06108758 06108769 06048302 06048313 06048324 06108770 06048620 06108974 06108985 06108996 06108781 06048335 06109975 06109942 06048346 06048404 06108792 06048415 06048426 06048437 06048448 06048153 06048459 06048506 06048517 06048528 06048539 06101682 06012640 06012639 06048540 06048608 06048619 06101955 06108816 06102387 06101717 06101740 06101864 06101897 06101922 06108827 06104301 06114052 00000000 06101831 06065267 06102354 06102003 06102150 06102183 06102218 06048700 06048711 06108838 06048642 06108849 06048722 06048733 06048744 06048755 06049007 06104403 06111877 06101999 06102025 06102058 06104505 06062311 06062322 06062333 06062344 06109760 06062355 06109204 06062366 06101091 06108872 06114267 06062117 06049109 06049110 06114278 06114212 06108850 06049121 06101988 06049132 06108612 06101499 06049201 06049212 06101795 06101820 06101853 06108883 06049223 06049245 06108805 06012719 06100670 06114392 06012720 06012731 06012628 06115246 06115257 06115268 06115235 06114198 06114381 06012742 06108894 06108918 06049234 06049303 06049314 06049325 06052900 06052911 06052922 06102116 06102149 06102172 06102230 06052933 06050000 06050102 06050113 06050124 06114234 06114223 06050135 06100410 06101875 06100896 06016713 06050204 06050215 06050533 06102887 06101295 06100669 06101320 06050544 06050226 06050237 06050248 06050306 06050317 06050340 06050339 06050328 06050351 06108690 06108714 06108725 06115213 06115199 06115224 06050408 06050419 06101911 06050420 06050431 06101944 06101977 06050500 06050511 06050522 06108929 06050602 06050613 06050624 06051001 06051205 06051216 06051227 06051238 06051249 06051307 06051318 06108736 06051329 06034544 06051330 06100863 06051114 06114347 06114358 06051409 06051410 06051421 06051432 06051512 06051523 06051534 06052002 06052104 06052115 06052126 06052137 06052206 06052217 06114336 06052228 06052331 06052342 06052239 06109577 06052240 06052319 06052320 06052400 06052411 06052422 06052433 06052444 06052455 06052502 06052513 06052535 06052524 06052546 06052557 06052604 06052615 06052626 06052637 06052706 06052717 06052728 06114370 06114187 06052739 06052740 06052808 06052819 06052820 06052842 06052831 -- part contents for background part 35 ----- text ----- 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 -- part contents for background part 18 ----- text ----- LEARNING CHILDREN Newborns The Amazing Newborn The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding Crying Baby, Sleepless Nights The Affordable Baby Birth & Life Bookstore BABY SUPPLIES Nikky Diaper Covers Hanna Andersson Biobottoms Snugli Baby Carrier Parenting Whole Child, Whole Parent Creative Parenting How To Talk So Kids Will Listen . . . Mothering Taking Care of Your Child Single Parenting Parents Without Partners Sourcebook The Difficult Child On Being Father Family Festivals, Family and Food Chase’s Annual Events The Family Bed PLAYING Playthings Creative Publications Child Life Play Specialties Community Playthings Constructive Playthings Educational Teaching Aids Games Games Magazine Children’s Games in Street and Playground Games New Games Playfair Serious Games Serious Games Homo Ludens Play-By-Mail Games PLAY-BY-MAIL GAMES INTRODUCTION Feudal Lords Heroic Fantasy StarWeb Play-By-Mail Association DIPLOMACY BY MAIL Diplomacy The Gamer’s Guide to Diplomacy Diplomacy World Magazine Game Supplies Boffers World Wide Games According to Hoyle Toymaking The Modelmaker’s Handbook Micro Mark The Complete Dollmaker Making Things Steve Caney’s Toy Book Cherry Tree Toys Woodworking with Kids Toy Supplies Animal Town Game Company The Johnson Smith Catalog MAIL-ORDER FIREWORKS Blue Angel Fireworks Neptune Fireworks Olde Glory Fireworks America’s Hobby Center Model Airplanes Catalog HO and N Gauge Model Railroads Catalog Model Wood and Plastic Ships Catalog Model Cars Catalog Flying Objects Boomerang Many Happy Returns The Penguin Book of Kites KiteLines Paper Flight The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue Magic and Clowns Dube Juggling Equipment Clown for Circus & Stage TANNEN’S MAGIC Louis Tannen’s Catalog of Magic Tannen’s Magic Manuscript Hank Lee’s Catalog of Magic A. Brill’s Bible of Building Plans SCHOOLING Adventure Learning Outward Bound The National Outdoor Leadership School Directory of Sail Training Ships and Programs National Audubon Society Expedition Institute Audubon Expedition School Lesley College Helping Out in the Outdoors Apprenticeships Getting Skilled Handbook of Trade and Technical Careers Apprenticeship in Craft Unconventional Schools The Tracker The Tracker School The Tracker The Search The Vision WoodenBoat School Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College Lifelong Learning LIFELONG LEARNING INTRODUCTION The Lifelong Learner The Naropa Institute The Esalen Catalog Wishcraft Cultural Exchange Transitions Abroad Culturgram Living in the U.S.A. International Workcamps Kibbutz Aliya Desk International Youth Exchange Experiment in International Living Home Exchanging College Equivalents The Independent Scholar’s Handbook Bear’s Guide to Finding Money For College Bear’s Guide to Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees Young Person’s Guide To Military Service Radical Education Liberated Parents, Liberated Children How Children Fail • How Children Learn How Children Fail How Children Learn The Paideia Proposal Home Schooling The New Big Book of Home Learning Deschooling Society Deschooling Society Deschooled Society Better Than School Growing Without Schooling John Holt’s Book and Music Store RESEARCH Reference Books I GREAT REFERENCE BOOKS INTRODUCTION The World Almanac World Book Encyclopedia The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary What’s What • Facts on File Visual Dictionary What’s What Facts on File Visual Dictionary CITATION INDEXING Citation Indexing Journal Citation Reports Reference Books II Encyclopedia of Associations Statistical Abstract of the United States Statesman’s Year-Book Current Biography Yearbook Personal Name Index Reference Books III Whole Again Resource Guide National Five-Digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory National Directory of Addresses & Telephone Nos. 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