-- card: 318662 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 4284 -- name: -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- Menu -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- LEARNING -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Review -- part contents for background part 23 ----- text ----- • WHOLE EARTH • LEARNING • SCHOOLING • Cultural Exchange -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- One reason that this outfit has been in business for so many years is that it is always experimenting with new programs. There are, for instance, cooperative programs with Elderhostel [click on bunny to see review], many language studies, and programs intended to train folks to run various international enterprises. In fact there is such a variety of programs offered that it is silly to try and list them all here. Send for their catalog and see what’s there. I’ll bet there’s a program that’s just about what you need. I’m tempted myself. — J. Baldwin Ÿ Elderhostel -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- Experiment in International Living -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- 2 of 4 -- part contents for background part 24 ----- text ----- 06069432 -- part contents for background part 26 ----- text ----- 04035136 -- part contents for background part 36 ----- text ----- card id 172898 of stack HEALTH -- part contents for background part 31 ----- text ----- card id 293236 -- part contents for background part 32 ----- text ----- card id 320864 -- part contents for background part 33 ----- text ----- stack "WHOLE EARTH" stack "LEARNING" card id 36411 card id 351883 -- part contents for background part 28 ----- text ----- card id 351883 -- part contents for background part 29 ----- text ----- card id 327056 -- part contents for background part 30 ----- text ----- card id 289705