-- card: 257784 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 4284 -- name: -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- 1 of 3 -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Review -- part contents for background part 24 ----- text ----- 06101524 -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- The Flying Apparatus Klutz Catalogue -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- Menu -- part contents for background part 23 ----- text ----- • WHOLE EARTH • LEARNING • PLAYING • Flying Objects -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- This slim catalog may be a limited selection but it’s a good one. Lots of juggling stuff, HackySacks, boomerangs. Live with unrelated items such as a fine book on how to play the harmonica. Yummy yum. — J. Baldwin Ÿ Playthings -- part contents for background part 26 ----- text ----- 06046106 -- part contents for background part 36 ----- text ----- card id 9662 of stack LEARNING -- part contents for background part 31 ----- text ----- card id 320758 -- part contents for background part 32 ----- text ----- card id 258450 -- part contents for background part 33 ----- text ----- stack "WHOLE EARTH" stack "LEARNING" card id 12040 card id 48498 -- part contents for background part 28 ----- text ----- card id 48498 -- part contents for background part 29 ----- text ----- card id 215389 -- part contents for background part 30 ----- text ----- card id 211014