SuccesS, The Ruling Company and Focus organise in April: млллм млллм ммллллллмм ллллллллллпп лллВВлл ллВллллм лллллллллллл ллллпппп ллВВВлВлл лВВВВВлВл ллллллпллллллл ллллл ллВВВВВВл лВВБВВВлл лллллл лллллл ллллп плВВБВБВлББББББлп ллллллм лллллл лллллмммм лБББББББББББл ллллллллллллл лллллллллллм лАББАБААББл ппллллллллл ппппппллллллм лАААААААААААл лллллллм ллллл лллллл млА ААААл А АААлм пллллллл лллл мллллл лл А Ал лАА АА ллм лллл лллллл млп А млл лАА А Алм мллл лллллл плл мллп ллмАмллп мллп млллпп плллп плллп пп пппп .oO A fistfun experience to be seen to be believed! Oo. Finally! A party in holland which brings you a unique atmosphere! When you look at other parties you will notice that they are very big and unpersonal. By providing a smaller venue we hope to change this. The party will be held on APRIL the 22nd and 23rd from SATURDAY 13:00 hours till SUNDAY 17:00 hours in Utrecht, Holland, where the chicks are the beautifullest and the windmills the dizziest. The entrance fee is 25 guilders. we only accept dutch guilders though german marks can be exchanged against a 1hfl=1dm rate (only paper, no small change). The party place is divided in different rooms; a meetingplace with a bar and video corner, a sleeping facility (do not forget your sleeping bag), two seperate rooms (one for the C64 and one for PC) and finally a big room for all formats with a small stage. Outside is a big parking place and a cafeteria which will sell all kinds of snacks. The partyplace gives room to about 300 persons (rough estimate). Some of the things to look out for are a performance by Jeroen Tel (a famous C64 musician who will do a gag with his band), 24 hours of anime showing on big screen, 24 hour showing of the latest movies and ofcourse a demo competition for both C64 and PC. The price money is at least a thousand dutch guilders which will be divided equally amongst both formats (this depends on the number of visitors). Do not forget to bring your own power cables (grounded)!!!!! Space is limited so you can bring a computer but when you bring amplifiers, televisions, large synthesizers etc. we can not guarantee that you can put them in the hall. The rules for the demo competition are the following: - the demo should not yet be released at any time before. - each group can participate with one demo. - the demo will be released at the party. - Ten minutes of the demo will be shown. - the demo will be judged by a competent and partly expert jury. - the demo must run on a standard c64, or a DX2 66mhz with a GUS (1024k) and a TSENG ET4000. Some of things to keep in mind: - We serve alcohol but when you are too drunk you will be removed from the party place! (when harrassing people, etc...) - Between 00:00 and 06:00 the door will be closed to keep the neighbours satisfied (so it's either inside or outside, or you and your iNTEL inside!) - You cannot bring your own food or drinks (so leave those microwaves at home), but we will make sure the prices are reasonable so do not expect those extreme prices like at The Party 4 or Assembly. - At any time the organisers keep the right to refuse admittance. - Racist signs and behaviour will not be tolerated. Especially not if your name is John Mate. :) - Those persons using, selling hard drugs or cause trouble (fighting, stealing etc.) will be handed over to the police. - We are not in any way responsible for the loss of any personal belongings. - And, as an added bonus, you're allowed to puff blunts (spliff joints!) as much as you like, so I guess that gives X-95 an extra advantage over many other parties! :) As the party room can hold about 300 persons it is very important to make reservations. those with reservations will get in and those without can enter but when it is filled, bad luck! And once again, all info you need to know. When: Saturday 22nd April, 13:00 until Sunday 23 April, 17:00. Where: Buurthuis Einstein How Much: fl 25,- (Dutch Guilders) Reservations can be made at the following addresses: Internet: cba - tdj - Boards: Kaoz Landz (pc): +31-(0)4120-52026 system password: crazy username : X-95 password : application now you can upload your apply.frm The Lost Empire (c64): +31-(0)1184-61095 login as: guest password: guest then follow the online instructions. Snail Mail: TiM/SuccesS Peltlaan 15 3527 EA Utrecht Holland Or call +31-(0)30-946235 (and ask for TiM) from Monday till Thursday from 19:00 - 2200 the other days I won't be at home. How to get there and where: Included with this note are a number of files. x95car.prt ---> this is a printable form of a small map when you come by car. x95bus.prt ---> this is a printable map when you get out of the bus. x95route.prt -> this is a printable general route description which you need for both bus and car. Address of the partyplace: Buurthuis Einstein Stroyenborchdreef 12 3506 GL UTRECHT (Overvecht Noord) HOLLAND tel. +31-(0)30-614845 And remember kids, the better you funk, the funkier you be. Signed: SuccesS, TRC, Focus.