Hi there... Well, we don't like to make such kind of file but guess this time it had to be done. Recently, two days after the release of the Imphobia #9 diskmag, a file called IMP9BFIX.ZIP released by a certain group called TEMPLAR has been found at Pointbreak bbs. This file, as stated in the file_id.diz is supposed to be a fix for Imphobia #9 pretending to correct some errors with the cursors and irqs. Well, let's makes the things clear.. This 'fix' doesn't fix anything (and we don't know about any cursor/irq errors in the mag). The only things it does is changing some stupid things like renaming our coder's name WIZARD into LIZARD and some other craps like that. It might also change some other things in the code and maybe some virus or trojans might have been putted in there; who know what those loosers might have invented. So we encourage you all NOT to run that modified version and encourage all sysops to DELETE that file from their bbs file base. Our first intention was just to write a little text about this in the next issue of the Imphobia diskmag but as we don't know what those people might have included in that .exe and want to prevent our readers from any damages or problems this file might bring, we decided to release this little text to the public. A modified version of ZEBIG/SPEED's Imphobia #9 cover picture was also included with that pseudo fix. It's really evident that those people just want to bring some shit in the scene by releasing those kind of things. It's really sad that those kind of things might append in the scene. Well I guess some people didn't yet understood the real meaning of the word 'scene'. Regards, Darkness [Imphobia] In the name of the whole Imphobia team.