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Productions so far 4. Distribution sites 5. Contact us 6. Amorphous-glossary 1. The history of Amorphous It was a dark and stormy day, the 3rd of May 1992. Two talented persons were sitting behind their Amiga and eating popcorn. The other one had his birthday then and was enjoying the new expanded memory he had gotten. It was a good moment for new ideas. MayDay had coded somethin' little in Amiga Basic and FunkyBeat was good at drawing and musics and that day an idea was born : a group should be formed to produce the best games on Amiga ever. The new group was named Team Anthrax following the cracking, groups' tradi- tion (U know, Skid Row etc.). The productions were like those first text games during the beginning of computer era. Half a year lasted before the group understood that PC will be the choice of the future. Team Anthrax became a PC group. In summer 1993 the boys visited an old football teammate, who also had a PC. He had coded for a few months and MayDay taught him more about Pascal. He was to become Mercury. Together they started to code some simple progs (a poker game was one of the first). The group began taking things more seriously. Expansion was the next thing to do. One day MayDay was taking booze in the city and feelings were great. Somehow he found himself from a local disco-place and heard one dude talking about Windows. Next week that guy was a Team Anthrax coder DayLight, formerly active on Amiga scene. One thing was still missing : a primary musician. We arranged a large search for someone with the talent and ended up with nothing in hand. In a while Mercury got a SB and there was need for a player. After inquiries he copied ST3 from an old friend, and the friend put some of his own MODs with it. MayDay happened to visit Mercury that time and Mercury wanted to proudly present the card he had got. They lis- tened to one MOD of the friend, and suddenly MayDay shouted "Hey, this is excellent!" They listened the tune for about a hundred times in a row and so Magical Note joined. So, Team Anthrax made some games (a tetris clone and a one-handed Jack- type of thing). Sadly, there has been no Team Anthrax releases. The reason was that the group attended a local demo meeting, Abduction 1994. The impact on the whole group was tremendous : TA became a demo group. We had a meeting and picked a name (the method was open-the-dictionary- and-point-your-finger). We became Amorphous. The older lazyish grip was thrown away. Coders began learning VGA, asm and demo effects from the scratch (except DayLight). A good friend of DayLight's, KissaRobotti (formerly a Sonic PC member, one of the best-known graphicians on Amiga scene), came back to Finland after a college year in America. DayLight asked him to do some gfx for us and he accepted. Then schools started, and Mayday went to high school. And another day there was musics lesson. One of those dudes bring some music what had he done by himself with his computer. Mayday listened it, and then he went to talk that fellow, and asked him bring some modules what had he made. Mayday, and all the other Amorphous members liked them, and so Starsoul joined. And other schoolmate of Mayday, nowadays a Lore, was very active Internet user, and he is close friend of most of the Amorphous members, so, we decided to take him to Filemaster for our BBS. 2. FUTURE PLANS Mayday will release his Player soon, and he is making own tracker at the moment. It will support MOD/S3M/XM/WHM. WHM is our own format. And of cooz we will make some demoz and intros... 3. PRODUCTIONS SO FAR We are such a young group, so Concussion is our first production. Hopy you liked it! 4. DISTRIBUTION SITES BBS Numbers SysOp Location ------------------------------------------------------------------- AMORPHOUS 960-344361 MayDay Rovaniemi, Finland WHQ is open in 21.00 - 23.00 every night. REVOLUTION 938-8236582 Revel Rauma, Finland 938-8236053 -||- - | | - 5. CONTACTS E-Mail: WILLHELP@FREENET.HUT.FI 6. AMORPHOUS GLOSSARY (Don't take these too seriously...:) Here are some words we commonly use: JORMA = Amorphous substitution for "well..." KAUTTIO = Surname of JORMA... KYLLI = Word we use instead of fuck... INKERI = When we were drinking (don't ask what..:), we chose this name from a phonebook. J™LPP™ = There was one dude in Abduction'94, who looked just like a dick, and we started to call him J™LPP™. That was so funny word, that we decide to use it in our slang... ILTAMA = The most respected party in our group... Always held in Magical Notes home... (so far...) KYPˇRˇ = Nickname we use for other members in our group... KEPPIHEVONEN = We call our smart fellows by this name... KULTTUURIJUHLA= The secondary respected parties among our friends, and anybody who wants to booze... Always held in Magical Notes home... (so far...) .WHM = Best music format ever seen (until WHM2...:) A.I.V. = Our fuckin' close bodyguard. ™RVELTˇˇ = This is what we do in Iltamas or Kulttuurijuhlas.. TERVIS = Word we use instead of "Hi!" or "Bye!" SINETˇN ESSO = The place we joke about. PC freaks everywhere, remember... Amorphous rulez!-)