File name: 3PL7.LMP This is a 3 player DOOM2 deathmatch 2.0 recording of level 7, "Dead Simple". We used the -nomonsters and -timer 20 (twenty minute game) parameters. This demo is from the BROWN marine's (my) perspective. It's the most interesting perspective since I get 57 Frags . Unfortunately, the BLACK (INDIGO) marine made a typo in recording his demo so we don't get a final tally screen at the end. :( MARINE EXPERIENCE GREEN Experienced DOOM 1 keyboard only player. BLACK Total DOOM beginner (all the other DOOM players left for the day). BROWN Expert DOOM/DOOM2 mouse/keyboard player. Recap: Level 7 is *WILD* with 3 or 4 players! I played earlier in the day with 3 experienced DOOMers and got over 70 frags in about 30 minutes! My strategy was to control the outside perimeter and then go hunting (not hard on this level) for marines! I use the rocket launcher, plasma rifle, and BFG alot. For those that want to know how (or not how) to use the BFG in a deathmatch fight, watch this demo. Enjoy! Neil Bonner, DM