ÚÄÄÄ]MATRiX MAiL[ÄÄÄÄÄÄú ú ³ FRoM³ CHARLIE X ³TiTLî³ SYSOP MESSAGES ³ DATî³ 07-10-94 ³ TIMî³ 01:27:33 ³ ³1³Hey... ³2³This is a sample messgae to the SysOp. If a user types SYSOP at the ³3³Login prompt, he/she can leave any 5 line message to you and you will ³4³see it when you logon. You will also have a chance to delete this right ³5³after reading it :) Enjoy.. SCuM RuleZ ÔÍÍÍÍ[END]ÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄú ú @PAUSE@