January '94 The month has been pretty slow, January always is. Sure, there were a few major releases, but most of the programs that came out were cheap. What this month is remarkable for, however, is the number of FAKES released. There you have "Jetpack registered" and "Vision X 1.1" supposively released by RZR, "Sexy Stories" supposively released by TRSi, more fake NTA releases, Galactic Hero "from" SCUM and, at the very end of the month, "Mystery's Eyes" - the fake NEXUS release. Group report: It seems like the major player in the scene during January was RAZOR. Even with their accounts with European distributor companies being closed, they were able to beat others to the few major titles like Sim City 2000, Archon Ultra and manage to put out quite a few smaller releases as well. Next would come NEXUS, it did not come in first on anything big, except maybe Russian Six Pack from Interplay, but they overwhelmed other groups with the amount of games released. PENTAGRAM has been the first to release the game this year, beating RAZOR by just some minutes to Accolade's Unnecessary Roughness, but that was the only release they won on over the whole month. PTG slowed down quite a bit in December and now its inactive. Some of its members call it taking a brake, but there is a good chance that it is dying just like UNT did before it. The Humble Guys got themselves into quite a mess by duping the Alone In The Dark ][ English verison released by a smaller group a day before. TRSi has been inactive for almost the whole month, but it made a nice comeback at the end putting out 3 arcades. The most promising new group right now is HEMP - Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers. They do not appear on our list, since the wares they released so far are beta copies or utilities, but it seems that they have gotten a few good suppliers including someone in Apogee and they were also able to beat PWA to the release of the latest PCB beta, and thats after a long monopoly PWA had on all PCBoard releases. INC seems to start releasing quite a lot lately, mostly educational games and some utilities though. I've heard the rumours that they made some kind of a deal with PTG and are getting all the stuff Pentagram would not want to put out. This information is not definite however possible. Most awaited games in February: MechWarrior ][ Ultima VIII Tie Fighter Pacific Strike Dungeon Master ][ Also, many of you will be pleased to know that there is a good chance Civilization ][ WILL be released, somewhere around the summer '94