Welcome to the world where new and old meet--a new, friendly Windows 95-like interface on the Windows 3.1, 3.11, or WFWG platform you have today. To install this product, simply copy all the files into an empty directory, then run the included 'SETUP95.EXE' utility. If you are upgrading from an older version of this product (especially before version 1.04), we recommend that you delete the file WIN95.INI from the directory where this product is installed. If, when you launch the older version of this product, you see a simple window graphic with a grey background, or no graphic at all, you are using version 1.03 or earlier. A graphic with clouds in the background indicated that you are using version 1.04 or higher (beginning with version 1.04, you can check the version number by selecting 'Settings' from the Start Menu, and then clicking on the 'About' button). Here are some things you'll want to try when you run Windows 95 for 3.x: Clicking on the button labeled 'Start' will show you the main menu. The 'Programs' sub menu gives you quick access to your favourite applications. To add a new program to the list, click in the lower-right corner of the menu, on the little 'ripples'. To change or remove a program in the list, right click on the icon or the text next to it. On the 'Start' menu, clicking on 'Settings' will give you access to the most crucial settings. Try them out...they won't kill you. Also on the 'Start' menu is direct access to our file-finder utility. It searches for a specified filename (including wildcards) in the directory you select and all of its sub-directories, all in the background while you work. Windows 95 for 3.x is a new computing frontier. Experiment...you'll learn something. Jodahaca Systems Internation has no affiliation with Microsoft. We are not in any way supported or directed by them. Our staff has never been in contact with Microsoft, and has never even seen the real Win95 running. (It was quite the feat, trust us.) We are completely independent, so if you would like to see improvements to this program, including nested sub-groups in the 'Programs' menu, please register this product as per the instructions given when you start the program. Thanks for trying our product. Our goal was that it should run acceptably fast on our testbed: a 286 with 1MB RAM. It worked! So enjoy! Before taking the leap to Win95, here's a taste. We sincerely hope you love it as much as we do. -The staff at Jodahaca Systems International