OVERVIEW Welcome to Search Express, the premiere search tool for the IBM PC and Compatibles! With this release we continue in our quest to provide you with quality information management tools- the key to success in today’s information world. Search Express is a is a Software Program, with the specific purpose of fast retrieval of information regardless of file type or media. With the arrival of bigger and bigger hard disks and thousands of files, valuable information tend to get lost. Imagine having an entire hard disk full of files and realizing that you are going to have to open each file to find that bit of information you need! With Search Express nothing stays hidden. You can search through thousands of word-processing files, e-mails, faxes, scanned documents, text files, database files and more, to find just the information you need, FAST! You can accomplish work that would normally take you weeks or even months, looking for that key information you knew you had but couldn’t remember where. Phantech’s Search Express can sift through megabytes of files in just seconds. Three type of searches are available: Local You choose the directory and the files, Phantech’s Search Express searches through them to find what you need in a hurry. If you know the directory where the information is then this type of search is very fast because it only works on files that you have selected. Global Searches your entire hard disk, diskette or network. If you don’t know where the information is then a Global Search is in order. If it’s there, Phantech’s Search Express will find it. You can choose the directory to start from, stop the search, restart it, restart it from a new directory or start a new search. And Search Express keeps you informed of the search’s progress by letting you know what directory is currently being searched, how many files it searched through, the accumulated size of files searched and the number of finds produced. File Searches your entire hard disk, diskette or network for files that meet a certain file pattern. File Patterns can be names or partial names or wildcards in many different combinations. If the file is there somewhere Search Express will find it. With blinding speed. With Search Express you are not limited to just simple searches. Search Express has a very sophisticated search engine that can perform SIMPLE as well as FUZZY and BOOLEAN (Logic) searches with 2 search words using AND, OR, NOT logic. You can search numbers, greater than, less than, between numbers and search for dates, a certain date or between dates. When you’re done, just click a button and Search Express’s Find List will show you a list of finds. Double click on a find and Phantech’s Search Express will open the file in it’s File Viewer and highlight the find. Search Express can be a real Life Saver. Save countless hours! Search anything, anywhere! If it’s there Search Express will find it for you. With Search Express nothing stays hidden!