ARCHIVER RAR REGISTRATION FORM ( Please anwser questions required for registration and send it to your local RAR Support Site with the registration fee ) Please PRINT this section clearly. Name: ______________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ State/Province: ______________________________________________________ Zip/Country: ______________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Phone: ______________________ (voice) (data) E-mail: __________________ E-mail: _____________________ (FidoNet) (internet) I wish to register RAR:- 1 copy ( ) $35.00 each Fidonet SysOp ( ) $15.00 ** 2 - 9 copies ( ) $27.00 each 10 - 24 copies ( ) $21.00 each 25 - 49 copies ( ) $16.00 each 50 - 99 copies ( ) $12.00 each 100 - 149 copies ( ) $9.00 each 150 - 199 copies ( ) $8.00 each Site licence ( ) $1500.00 for unlimited usage ** Only for Bona-Fide Fidonet SysOps registering DIRECTLY with their local regsite or the worldwide distribution center. Keys for Fidonet SysOps will be placed on HOLD for pickup. Please ensure that you supply the necessary information to enable your key-file to be encrypted. Note: Prices shown are applicable OUTSIDE Finland ONLY. Customers within Finland must add appropriate ALV. Number of copies to register: ____________________ Send registration key via: ( ) mail to your address ( ) direct FIDO-netmail ( ) RAR Support Site ( ) HOLD at 2:220/22 for pickup by ____________ If you wish to receive your registration key by other than post, you need to indicate a password to encrypt the file REGISTER.RAR: Please use password ___________________ User name string for registration: __________________________________________________________________ (up to 50 symbols to generate key for authenticity verification) Sending cash, cheque or money order, please use:- Postal INFO-SHARE PL97, 02101 ESPOO address : __________________________________________________ Bank payments ____ Account: KP Tietoliikenne Oy 572010 - 239083 can be made to : __________________________________________________ Total sum __________ Credit card account: ____ Visa ____ Eurocard Card number: (4 digit groups) ____ OK ____ MasterCard ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ American Express Expiration ____/____ date Total payment: ____________________ Don't forget to sign at the end of this form. Information type you are compressing with RAR: ( ) Texts ( ) Graphic images ( ) Databases ( ) Executable modules ( ) Other ________________________________ Operating media under which RAR runs: ( ) DOS ( ) OS/2 ( ) Unix/Xenix ( ) Other ________________________ USER SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ Block capitals: _____________________________________