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After you've seen one RDS, it'll be very easy to see the other RDSs. If you don't understand anything at all wait for a better description in the next version) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: XT/AT/386/486 or compatible with VGA/SVGA-card and a supported mouse. (I hope it'll run on a XT - I've never tested it) INSTALLATION: Just copy RDSDRAW.EXE to any dir on floppy disk / hard disk. In this dir, there should be at least 400 KBytes free for a temporary file. The file WAVES.TGA is only an example file, which you can load and convert to an RDS with RDSdraw. USAGE: Just run the program without any parameters. I hope :-), RDSdraw should be intuitive enough, that you won't need any documentation. -> Now you should start playing around a bit with RDSdraw, or you won't understand the further description. Each color stands for a certain height. Blue is the lowest level, white the highest. All 3D-Objects reach from the background color to the fore- ground color. You can change the background color by clicking on the new color with the right mousebutton, use the left mousebutton for selecting the foreground color. The options of most tools can be changed by selecting the tool with the right mousebutton. The statusline at the bottom of the screen will always tell you what to do. THE GRABBING FUNCTION I think I should say something about the grabbing-function: 1. PASTE 1.1. click on it (the GRAB-ICON) with the left mousebutton, then click anywhere on the painting-screen with the left MB: The already grabbed image will be pastet at the current mouse-pos. 1.2. click on it with the left MB, then click anywhere with the right MB: overwrite the image with the current BG col. (but don't overwrite the part of the image which is on the same position where the color of the grabbed image is equal the current BG-col) (quite hard to describe :-) 2. COPY/CUT: 2.1. click on it with the right MB: then mark an area in the image: This area will be copied to the GRABB-BUFFER (on disk, because BorlandC has horrible memory-management-routines... :-) 2.2. click on it with the right MB and mark an area with the right MB: The same as #2.1., but the image is also cutted, that means that the selected area will be overwritten with the current BG-col. after COPY/CUT the program will automatically switch to PASTE. If nothing is grabbed and a PASTE function is selected the program will automatically switch to the COPY/CUT function. If you don't understand anything at all, just try and see :-) ANYTHING ELSE: I think it works quite correct and is a very good program for its price :-). I am now writing another version of RDSdraw, "VectorRDSdraw", the vectorised version of RDSdraw - and I think it's going to be a great program :-). In the final version I'll write a better doc than this README.TXT in English (better English than this file ;-). At least I am planning to do that. If you like this program, please support it by sending a small amount of money (e.g. 20.- DM) to the account/address displayed at the end of the program: CITIBANK Duesseldorf (please do not forget to Johannes Schmid give your adress, so account nr.: 1905761534 I can send you the latest BLZ: 30020900 version of RDSdraw) or via snailmail to: Johannes Schmid Rudliebstr. 50 81925 Munich Germany Never forget to write me your current version of RDSdraw. If you have an E-mail address, please tell me. If you (want to) write me anything, please tell me your address/E-mail- address or anything like that, so I can get in touch with you and send you the latest version of VectorRDSdraw My E-mail address is: Johannes_Schmid@m2.maus.de (InterNet, no mails >16k reading mails every day) Johannes_Schmid 2:2480/843.0 (FidoNet) reading mails once a week) 100333.237@CompuServe.COM (CompuServe reading mails twice a month) Have a lot of fun with RDSdraw! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ HISTORY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VERSION 1.0 BETA: First public release of RDSdraw VERSION 1.1: Import of non-upside/down-TGAs enabled Some spelling mistakes fixed small documentation :-) VERSION 1.5: Better import of TGAs (RDSdraw won't say "Unknown TGA-type" any more. It'll start importing at once. This will help in most cases, but in some cases, the resulting imported picture will be just mess :-) Better documentation (at least a bit :-) New RDS-pattern (Try it! It doesn't look very good on screen, but save it as .TGA and display it again (with any .TGA-displayer, you'll be surprised!) Faster TGA-saving routine VERSION 2.0: Some bugs fixed RDSdraw now allows you to edit your image again after calculating a RDS image. To do this, RDSdraw has to backup your image first in a temporary file. So run RDSdraw only, when 400kBytes or more disk- space are free. I strongly recommend a harddisk, because writing a non-compressed image to a floppy disk, may take some time... To disable this feature, just run RDSdraw with the "/CalcEnd" option. Invert function included. This feature inverts the hight while calculating the RDS-image. This is especially useful for those, who use the crosseyed viewing method (which always inverts the hight). Speed-optimized compilation. (I hope my BorlandC didn't optimize anything away! :-) VERSION 2.1: /RDSperc=n Option added (works only with the Black/White RDS image) gives the percentage of black pixels. (default=50) Some example TGA-Images included (thanks to PETER GUNN, who made them all) Be careful when extracting these images (EXAMPLES.EXE is a self- extracting archive), because you'll need 800 KBytes on your disk! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ WHERE TO GET THE NEWEST VERSION OF RDSDRAW ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ RAY BBS Munich 2:2480/843@fidonet ++49 89 984723 Name: RDSDRW??.LZH 19200bps - 24h f'request: RDSDRAW ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LEGAL STUFF ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I'll try to make it short, so here we go: This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN/FREEWARE. That means that you are welcome to copy this program to your friends and to everyone you know. There is no warranty; even no warranty for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author is not responsible for ANY damage caused by using RDSdraw. RDSdraw was compiled using Borland C/++ 3.1