Tumble Wire Screen Saver version 1.0 - Installation Instructions ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Place TMBLWR.SCR and TMBLWR.HLP in your Windows directory. 2. Start the Windows Control Panel. Select "Tumble Wire" from the list of screen savers. 3. Click on "Setup..." and change any display options as desired. Notes ----- 1. Due to the nature of a multitasking environment, it is normal for the animated display to stutter occasionally, even when no other tasks are running. 2. The slowest machine on which this program has been tested is a 33MHz 386SX. Slower machines may yield unacceptable display animation. 3. Most of the color schemes (listed on the setup screen) will be available only when using a 256-color display driver with palette support. For other display drivers, all but the first selection will be grayed. Acknowledgments --------------- Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. TMBLWR.SCR and TMBLWR.HLP were written by Paul P Schaefer. TMBLWR is freeware. It may be freely distributed so long as it is neither modified nor sold. TMBLWR is made available on an 'as is' basis. The author makes no warranties, expressed or implied. In no way shall the author be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software.