TRACK ATTACK Readme Text Gameplay Hints Technical Issues Manual Amendments GAMEPLAY HINTS Autoshop The Auto Shop is not just the place where you can upgrade your car, it is also the place where you can sell car parts (should you need the money). Upgrades don't come cheap so in order to get that top engine (or repair it), you may need to sell other parts to get the cash. To do this is simple: firstly you must have already upgraded a part (e.g. your tyres); as an upgraded part it should have a price of $0. Any movement up will reflect a price you have to pay to upgrade further, an "upgrade" in a downward direction will reflect a sale price. For example, if I have the best tyres and I click the down arrow, a price will appear with a minus sign in front of it; if I press "upgrade" from here I will receive that amount of money. With your new found wealth you can buy the new part you always dreamed of ! Teleport Yes teleport is possible, and it could happen to you when you least expect it. The can place you in all sorts of weird and wonderful positions. The way it works is this: if your car touches the teleport switch, then it will swap places with the nearest car; if the nearest car happens to be on its roof or impaled on spikes, then this is where you will end up (this is definitely a switch you want to avoid if you are in the lead!). For those who think they can cheat the system by sitting next to a teleport until the last lap and change places with the lead car, we have introduced a precautionary measure: Whenever you teleport you will always remain on the same lap number. In this way you only get physically moved around the track, you do not lose laps. Cheating and Short-cuts The rules of the game are minimal, but there is one you have to follow to win. YOU CANNOT CUT CORNERS ! Did you get that ? Quite simply there are "allowed" short-cuts but these are usually sign posted. If you make any of your own up, then the lap will not be counted ! In-Game Settings Settings changed in the race, via the options menu (default key is "m"), are only applicable for that race .i.e. if you change screen size in heat 1, the same setting will not apply in heat 2. The only way to have a setting for all races, is to do it from the "Options" menu before starting a race or season. TECHNICAL ISSUES If you have a version of MSCDEX that is lower than 2.1 then the game will not run. The player will need a version of MSCDEX that is 2.1 or above. If you minimally install the game then it is best not to play music C.D's. The music will stop everytime the game C.D. is accessed. Q-sound On the CD Player you will find a "Q" button. If you want to hear Track Attack in full 3D quality stereo, then Q-Sound should be switched on. If you want to listen to it through your headphones, forget it, Q-Sound is not designed for headphones ( in this situation Q-Sound is better switched off, but the choice is yours). C.D.Player To ensure the smooth running of your in-game C.D. player you may choose not to run through Windows '95. The Windows '95 C.D. player may keep battling with the game C.D. Player for control of your music - in this circumstance you may not always get what you select. DPMI If you are running an 8meg machine under Windows '95 you should change your DPMI setting. To do this you should right click your mouse on your Track Attack icon. A menu bar will appear. Click on "properties" at the bottom of the menu; a further menu should arise. From here click on the "memory" tab. At the bottom of the resulting menu there is a section labelled "MS-DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory"; if you click on the down arrow (the text box next to it will read "Auto") then a list of numbers will appear. Move to the bottom of this list using the scroll bar, and select 16384. Click on "apply" and then "O.K." to accept the change. The next time you click on the Track Attack icon the game should run correctly. Sound-Card Setup Should you experience any problems with the sound setup program "auto-detecting" your card, then you should manually configure it yourself i.e. pick the name of your card from the list and select the IRQ/DMA settings from the list of numbers at the bottom of the screen. Joystick If you have any problems playing "Track Attack" under Windows'95 try playing the game from the DOS prompt. To put your computer into MS-DOS mode, first click on the "start" menu and select "Shut Down". From the menu that arises, select "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode". The computer should now boot up in DOS mode Net Play Network play: if you are running in Windows '95 then you must ensure that all machines in the game have the primary log-on client set the same; ie if you use the Microsoft network client in your network then all machines must have "Client for Microsoft Networks" set for their primary network log-ons. All machines must also have an IPX protocol loaded in the network properties (16-bit IPX protocols are also compatible). Logging onto a network server is not usually required, and MS-DOS machines can be connected with Win'95 machines quite easily. To enable several games to run over the same network simultaneously, each game that is initiated must use its own individual network port number. This number can be set to any number between 1 and 65535. MANUAL AMENDMENTS On the in-game menu you may notice an additional feature - "Detail Level". There are four levels of detail that can be toggled from this menu (use up and down to highlight "Detail level" and press on keyboard to select it). The for levels are: Level one - Everything on. Level two - this reduces the amount of track you can see. Level three and four - these add to this by turning texture maps in a close proximity. Additional power-ups include the ability to increase your armour (for a limited period only). The power-up graphic is that of a metal plate; if you see one of these as you are driving, grab it - you'll probably need it !