BETA RELEASE, NOT FOR RESALE MS Windows 3.1 TRIDENT TVGA Drivers =================================== -- For Retail Windows 3.1 -- (Rel 1.1 BETA Apr, 92) Disk Contents ------------- README.TXT -- This File W800.DRV -- 800x600 16-color W1024.DRV -- 1024x768 16-color (512K required) W1024F.DRV -- 1024x768 16-color Large Font (512K required) T640.DRV -- 640x480 256-color (512K required) T800-5.DRV -- 800x600 256-color (512K required) T800.DRV -- 800x600 256-color (1024K required, faster) T1024.DRV -- 1024x768 256-color (1024K required) T1024F.DRV -- 1024x768 256-color Large Font (1024K required) - The above drivers support TVGA8800, 8900, 8900C and 9000 if video mode and memory is available. - For 800x600 16-color, recommended to use Windows 3.1 build-in "Super VGA (800x600, 16 colors)" driver. Known Bug --------- This is BETA release, please test it. If you find any bug/problem, please report to Trident by following way: Email: Trident BBS (415)691-1016, send Email to WINBETA account FAX: (415)691-9265, attn: Windows Driver Development, Software. CompuServe: Send mail to 71141,3261 (not recommend, not login everyday). Trident welcome you to report bug/problem, your report will help us to develop a bug free driver for Windows 3.1. Installation ------------ 1. First install MS Windows 3.1 using the standard IBM VGA driver. 2. Make sure Windows 3.1 is working properly. 3. If you've previously installed any Trident Win 3.x driverse, delete OEMx.INF file in Win 3.1 SYSTEM directory (e.g. c:\windows\system\oem0.inf ). 4. Change to Windows 3.1 directory (e.g. c:\windows), run SETUP.EXE. 5. Insert enclosed disk, change display driver to "Other...". 6. Enter the full path of TRIDENT driver (e.g. A:\ ). 7. Select a suitable TRIDENT driver. 8. Follow instructions to finish SETUP. NOTE ---- Recommended to install the driver from drive A:. If you install from other place, SETUP may report that fail to locate some driver file. In this case, press key and re-enter the source path.