Driver missions configurator This program is a utility program that enable you to modify any missions (.dms) from the PC Demo of the Driver Game. You can modify you car, your position, the weather, the objective, timer, and beheavior of the cops. A must see for the fans of that great demo. Installation note : ------------------- Create a 'DriverMission' sub-directory into your "Driver Demo Directory" then extract the zip in that directory. For Example My Driver Game is in C:\Games\Driver so i create a sub-directory called C:\Games\Driver\DriverMission and then extract the in C:\Games\Driver\DriverMission Execution Note : ---------------- Run DriverMission.exe to change your missions. Release Note : -------------- V1.0 14/8/99 Please Note : Due to a lack of time i was not able to correctly draw the map, so it will stay mirrored for the moment, Anyway, the positioning is working great. V1.0 r2 14/8/99 CheckBox for Time Limit as been corrected. V1.0 r3 14/8/99 CheckBox for Weather DarkNight as been corrected. V1.01 14/8/99 Added Messages for the objective. V1.02 15/8/99 Added PowerScale and SpeedScale for Cops. Added Damage Scale for Players Completely re-designed the Form layout V1.02 r2 15/8/99 New features for Cops have been corrected. V1.03 15/8/99 Added Restore mission to default. Some control order and default value have been corrected. V1.04 16/8/99 Added Template mission. Added Hints Added 4 pre-defined template 'Sunday Ride' , 'I can lose the tail' 'Lose the tail' and 'Can you take it ?' Application is now run under its own directory (which is "DriverGames"\DriverMission) If you had previous version of 'Driver Missions configurator' (V 1.03 and less) you may wish to delete the old version, look at your Driver Games directory and remove DriverMission.exe and DriverMission.txt and Missions\Scripts\mission661.dms.bak. V1.05 19/8/99 Added Cops Starting position Added ZommIn / ZoomOut in Positionning Grid Improved significantly the positionning Grid in general Corrected North/South angle V1.06 21/8/99 Yes, Added 2 new car ! Cops Enabled/Disabled which add some fun to mission Objective number End or do not end the mission Message when mission is succesful Stop Timer Corrected : Cops List Corrected : Enable/Disable Player Damage V1.07 23/8/99 Added Carry a Crates in Objective Tab V1.08 23/8/99 New Tool Menu which include 'Positions Manager' and 'Messages Manager' The 'Messages Manager' allow you to select, edit or add new message from all the messages. This way you can dedict messages for your mission only. Added Icons for all the window : Update your icon ! Improved : Position Grid, more visibility with the Goto button and also Hint display. V1.09 28/8/99 Added Sound Manager which allow you to add or change the sound in the game. Also added 4 New messages, Get ride of the 'Lose the Tail' V1.10 2/9/99 Improvment over version 1.09, new messages and sounds can be unselected Added Point to my Web Pages and Email address in the About Box. V2.0 4/9/99 Adaptation to the Official Demo of Driver 2 New Car Cops Immortal Random Weather The way Messages works have been changed V2.0 r2 5/9/99 When trying to position a cops, when there is no Cops, a messages warn you to add a cop. v2.01 6/9/99 Added 4 new parameters Cops AutoSpeed, AutoPower, Cops Max damage and OuterRadius V2.02 8/9/99 Added Civil Car Messages are shown as Not Set when Not Set Positionning Grid layout changed GoTo Current position in Grid improved. V2.03 12/9/99 Map in Position Grid is Shown without mirror effect Added 'Move current position' Buttons for greater precision in position Grid V2.04 12/9/99 Added 3 new parameters : Display Arrow, Arrow Pulsing dot, Arrow Tracer Target Radius is now define Outer Radius is now a radius V2.05 19/9/99 Added the advanced Editor, MultiPart Mission can now be edited. V2.051 22/9/99 Added : New Part, Delete Part, Move line and Part with Drag and Drop V2.052 22/9/99 Disable Damage have been fixed V2.053 24/9/99 Added in the advanced Editor File Open, File New, File New From Template Load Template, Save As Template V2.06 25/9/99 Added Launch Driver. Launch Notepad. Edit line as Text. Unknown Command. V2.07 30/9/99 Added 22 new commands : Branch,Condition and Variables V3.00 3/10/99 Adaptation to the Registered version of Driver Preference : Start with the Advanced editor, Start with Previous missions, Warning Messages Message Manager : Edit other banks of messages Simple Editor : Environment (Map,Trigger,OverHeadMap) + File New, Sav Save As, etc.. Missions Menu replaced by Mission Selection (with title) Position Manager : Selection of the Map Advanced Editor : Warning messages when needed V3.01 8/10/99 Added : Mission Selection by Mission description found in the game DrivingGame,Carnage,Pursuit, Take a Ride, Undercover, etc.. Mission Selection For 'All Missions' is now ordered numericaly Fixed : Backup Mission from Advanced editor V3.02 8/10/99 Added : Shortcut buttons to Save,Load, Select Mission and New Restore All missions Prompt to save before loading , or creating a new mission Added : FlyBy , Remove, Restore, Edit or Create (FlyBy Editor will be improved on future release) Fixed :Mission Selection (Interview still not defined) V3.03 13/10/99 Added : DMC no longer need to be in a sub-directory of Driver. You can change the the Driver Game directory in the preference menu. Tools "Cheats " : Enable/Disable all cheats, All Cities Visual Buttons to show if there is a Flyby (Advanced Editor) For any comments, questions or sugestions , you can reach me at