Upgrade the US version of Driver. Issues fixed with this patch: FMV playing twice, third part of the Grand Central Station mission. LA - Police car lights do not flash during final part of "Beverly Hills Getaway Credits, photos corrupted on D3d TNT. Interview training selecting view again causes player to appear in garage. Music Tracks do not loop. Tire tracks on TNT d3d causing crash. LA: texture issue on the side of a building. Take a Ride with Car selection cheat breaks replays. Pursuits - lose the lead car in a pursuit and the AI cars will behave erratically just before game pauses. ESC should be able to be used to pause when fast forwarding in Film Director. Film Director, selecting Tripod after in car view causes camera to be positioned in the car. "Play Chase" demo broken if first save a replay from Mirror if activated switches on in pause mode on interview/training demonstrations. Newcastle level Pedestrians have corrupted textures under D3d on TNT. D3d TNT Fixes to Frisco. Film Director, Camera can readily be moved through buildings (This has been improved) Jean-Paul second half replay is erroneous. In survival mode, chase camera choices can be made on a police vehicle, which has pinged in. On rewinding that car is removed from the scene and the camera does erroneous things. Auto Director sometimes positions camera under the road surfaces. Camera locks to the particular camera type being used when PAUSED during Desert Training demonstration. Generating close-up cameras in various Quick Replays. Auto Directors starting camera is positioned outside of garage geometry in Interview Mode. Auto Director places cameras through the walls. The routine is much improved however some marginal clipping might occur in confined areas as cameras pan and dolly. LA, under D3d TNT, some cars have corrupted textures.