South Park Underground's Help! Page

Table of Contents:

1) Read this or Die! (Getting an Up-to-date Unzipping Program First)
    A) AOL Users should Note
    B) All Other Users

2) Changing your Screen Settings (in order to use Cursors , Icons and Themes)

3) Previewing Cursors

4) Installing Cursors

5) Installing Icons

6) Installing Start-up Logos
    A) Short Version
    B) Long Version
(Includes note on "Compressed Drives" and other potential problems.)

7) Using Themes
     A) If you have "MS-Plus!"
     B) If you don't have "MS-Plus!"
     C) If your Theme "Crashes"
     D) Restoring your Font (Lettering)

     E) Where's the Screen Saver?

8) Animated GIFs

9) "When will you have (such and such) done?" / "Can you make (something-or-other) for me?"


Download a copy of these Instructions, to read offline.

Emailing me.


(1) "Read this or Die!"   (Getting an Up-to-date Unzipping Program First)

This section is titled to get your attention.  It covers the most common mistake people make.

A)  AOL members are used to having their software automatically decompress files, at least when you download from AOL's Library.   This is a feature built into AOL software, that does not work on any "web site" downloads.  Web sites have to rely on its users to "Unzip" the files themselves.  That's why all web surfers need an Unzipping Program.  "Zipping" a file not only saves memory and download time, but also allows many files to be stored in a single download. (Now Read part B.)

B) You may already have an Unzipping program, like "PKZIP".  This is not good enough.  Older programs don't recognize "long filenames".  Windows 95 allows you to name files with more than eight letters, and more than three "extensions, where Windows 3.1 and DOS do not.  Older Unzipping programs cut off or abbreviate the TRUE filenames.  In the case of Themes, it renders them useless.  (Because the filenames no longer match what they were intended to be).  

For example "South Park Fun.Theme" is a long filename.  The first part is more than eight letters long, and the "extension" (the letters after the ".") is longer than three.  Now, if you use an older Unzipping Program, it may translate the filename to something like "Sout~1.The" or "South.The".  In any case, your Desktop Themes program will not be able to find or use it.  Simply renaming the Theme file won't work, because many of the items in the Theme also use long filenames.  SO, you MUST have an unzipper that supports long filenames!!

Go to this site:  "WinZip - Nico Mak Computing".  (  Download the latest version of WinZip.  Double-click on the file that you get to Install it.  You can now Double-click on ANY file that ends with ".ZIP" and choose "Extract" to get all the files in it.  It's best if you send the unzipped files to an EMPTY file folder (a.k.a. directory).  This way you can look through the files to make sure they're actually what you want, before you move them to the folder that will be their permanent "home".  The ".ZIP" files can be "unzipped" as many times as you like. Unzipping does not actually "remove" anything from a ZIP file.  

Now then, you're all set to read any of the other instructions.

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2) Changing your Screen Settings  (in order to use Cursors , Icons and Themes)

These are 256-color Animated Cursors: Be sure to have your Settings at "HIGH COLOR(16-bit)" or Greater, and your Icons set at "Large".

For "HIGH-COLOR": Be sure your Monitor can display SVGA FIRST! (over 256 colors). (You should already know this. I can't tell you. Odds are good that if you bought a Pentium  or decent 486 computer (with a new monitor), you can, but you never know.)

Click the "START"(Button), pick "SETTINGS", "CONTROL PANEL", choose "Display Properties".

Pick the "Settings" Tab.

Use the dropdown menu under the words "Color Palette" to select

"High Color (16 bit)".

Now hit the "Apply" button. If prompted to, "ShutDown" and "Restart" the computer. * (Always use the "START - ShutDown" Menu!! NEVER just turn a Windows95 Computer Off!!!!)

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3) Previewing Cursors

So, you have a long list of Cursor files, and no way to look at each one without installing them one by one.  Well, there are two ways to "preview" each animation.

A quick way to check each Animation (assuming you don't have MicroAngelo) is to RIGHT-CLICK on the ANI file and select "PROPERTIES".

(The "Preview" will run much more slowly than the actual "Applied" Animation, but at least you get to see it without having to actually install each one!)

A better way to Preview the Cursors is to use the Program "MicroAngelo".  It's a free trial program ("shareware") that allows you to make your own Icons and Animated Cursors.  Installing it will allow you to simply Double-click on the .ANI file you want -- even if it's still zipped -- and see the animation.  (You could also make or edit Cursors and also Icons.)  Go to this site and download "MicroAngelo":  (  Once installed, Double-clicking on any ".CUR", ".ANI", or ".ICO" file will open it up for editing.  In the case of ".ANI" files (animated cursors), you would then push the "play" button (a Right Arrow) to see the animation.  It will run at the correct speed.

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4) Installing Cursors

Here are quick instructions for putting 'South Park' Animated Cursors into your Desktop. To Change a Pointer, Adjustment Cursor, or the "Wait/Busy" Animation do the following...

Click the "START"(Button), pick "SETTINGS", "CONTROL PANEL", "MOUSE", then the "POINTERS" Tab.

Double-click on the Cursor you want to REPLACE and 'Browse' your files for the one you want to use as its replacement. (It's in whatever folder you put the ".ANI " Cursor files in.)

Select the one you want, then hit "Apply".

Repeat as needed.

You can then save your choices by clicking "SAVE AS" (Scheme) and picking a name for it.

If you want to make your own Cursors, go to this site and download "MicroAngelo":  (  It's a free trial program ("shareware").

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5) Installing Icons

This is the Site that has all the Icons I use:  "Just South of South Park!" ( ). Once you have them, here's what you do...

(1)  If you have a "Shortcut" you wish to change the Icon of - RIGHT-CLICK on it, pick PROPERTIES, then the "Shortcut"(tab) and choose "Change Icon". (You can then "Browse" for a Replacement.  Just Remember never to move or erase that Icon from the Location it was "Browsed" from. --Or everything will revert to some "Generic" looking Icon. (i.e. Keep your ".ICO" files in one safe Folder.)  This trick only works on "Shortcuts" NOT on any other files!!

(2) If you have "Plus!", you can replace the "My Computer", "Network", and "Recycle Bin" Icons on your Desktop.

Push START - SETTINGS - CONTROL PANEL - Display - Plus! (tab)

If you don't have "MS-Plus!", read section 7 B), Entitled 'If you don't have "MS-Plus!"'

If you want to make your own Icons, go to this site and download "MicroAngelo":  (  It's a free trial program ("shareware").

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6) Installing Start-up Logos

This section is a bit long, to explain a few odd things about "system" files (.SYS).  I use my South Park Logo as an example.  Start-Up Logos replace the Microsoft Logo that you see every time your computer is turned on or Reset. 

A) Short Version:  This is for installing Win95 "Southpark" Animated Logo. ("SouthParkLogo.SYS")

It's really not hard, just RENAME the ".SYS" file I gave you (once you've unzipped it, of course), to replace the file "Logo.SYS" in C:\ directory. (Or whatever your boot/main Directory is.)   Thus "SouthParkLogo.SYS" becomes "Logo.SYS". After you Rename the Original "Logo.sys", you put the one I gave you into the C:\ Directory.  To "Rename" a file, Right-click on it and choose "rename" from the menu.  

PLEASE NOTE: You MAY want to rename the original "Logo.sys" first, in case you want it back. Rename it something like "LogoOld.SYS". If not, you could just dump a Renamed copy of my ".SYS" file into C:\ and agree to "overwrite" the file.  Doing this will prevent you from ever getting the previous Logo back.  (You can never see the "Microsoft Windows" opening again.)

IF YOU DON'T SEE ANY ".SYS" FILES:  The ".SYS" file type is usually hidden in most people's computers using "Windows 95".  Hence, you might have trouble in finding *.sys files for installing the Logo. To see these hidden files, you can use either suggestion below.

Hit START.  Choose Programs.  Pick "Windows Explorer". Choose "View", then select Options... In the View Tab, enable "Show all files".  Hit "Apply". Then "Okay". You should now see all the .SYS files.  Go back and follow the normal instructions.

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B) Long Version of Help: (Taken from XrX Logos - Link at the end.)

NOTE: "Logo.sys" is in C:\ or "main directory".

Win 95 Animated Start-up Logo Installation Instructions... Extract the new .SYS file to a temporary directory. (The one you got from me.)  Move (backup) original start-up logo, "LOGO.SYS" from the root directory of your boot drive, usually C:\ to another temporary directory. (Or rename is something like "LogoOld.sys")

(If you are using a compression utility or cannot locate the logo.sys file, please see the notes below.)

Restart your computer and you're done.

 Important Notes:  *.sys file type is usually hidden in most people's computers under Win95. Hence, you might have trouble in finding *.sys files for copying files. To see these hidden files, you can use either suggestion below.  Go to Explorer choose View menu, then select Options... In the dialog, enable "Show all files". OR, use a DOS window, in which most *.sys files can be viewed normally.

If you are using a compression utility on your boot drive, you must put logo.sys in the host for that drive. (For example, if drive C: is compressed and its host is the G: drive, then logo.sys should be placed in the root directory of the G: drive.)

The default logo.sys is embedded in IO.SYS file. If you cannot find logo.sys in your drives, including the host drive (see above), chances are Win95 is using the logo that is embedded in io.sys as your start up logo. In this case, you don't have logo.sys to backup. Simply place the new logo.sys in the root directory of your boot (host) drive. Logo.sys in the root directory will take precedence over the one embedded in io.sys file. To get back to the original win95 logo, simply rename the logo.sys to other name.

To restore the original win95 logo, you must save (backup) the file in step 2. Then just copy the original logo to the designated directory.

Creator of original Software for this purpose:

His Website: "XrX Animated Start-up Logos"  (

(Please Visit -- LOTS of Win95 Logos, and Shareware to make your own!)

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7) Using Themes

What is a "Theme"?
A Theme is simply a collection of Sounds (.WAV), Icons (.ICO), Cursors (.CUR or .ANI), wallpaper (.BMP or .JPG) and a file that tells the computer where they all should go (.THEME).   Microsoft sells a CD, called "Plus!" that added the ability for Windows 95 to use Theme files.

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A) If you have "MS-Plus!"

After unzipping them, dump ALL the files you got from the "" (or whatever Theme's ZIP you have) into your "C:\Program Files\PLUS!\Themes" directory. (There are about 45 files in the Theme.)

Go to the Control Panel. (Under START/Settings) Select "DESKTOP THEMES".

In the Top 'DropDown Menu' scroll to the Theme "South Park Fun" (or the name of any other Theme you've installed).

Choose it. Then push the APPLY button in the lower right corner.

Regarding ALL FILES on this Site; (Especially the "Themes"): You MUST have an Up-To-Date Unzipping Program!! One that supports "long filenames". (Or you'll see this ~ mark in some filenames and the Theme will not work!!! Thus the file "South Park Fun.Theme", becomes either "South~1.The" or "SouthP.The" or the like. )  If the Theme fails to appear in the List of available Themes, this is most likely your problem.  Please read "1) Read this or Die! (Getting an Up-to-date Unzipping Program First)".  

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B) If you don't have "MS-Plus!"

There is an alternative to having "Plus!".  It's called "Desktop Themes".
Go here and download "Desktop Theme Utility" (
 It's at a Site called "DanWorld". (

Once installed, read the instructions that come on a .TXT file within its ZIP.  As far as I can tell, the only thing different is that you will have to "Browse" for the actual ".THEME" file you want to use, rather than just using a "dropdown" menu.  Still, you should use their instructions, rather than mine.

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C) If your Theme "Crashes"

This is the second most popular problem, after people who didn't bother to use "WinZip".  If a Theme "crashes" as you try to Apply it, don't worry.  Microsoft themselves have said that it makes no difference.  The "problem" is that Web-based Themes tend to use .JPGs as wallpaper, rather than .BMPs.  Why? Bitmaps take up a HUGE amount of memory.  So using BMPs is impractical for storage and downloading.  JPGs have the same quality, but are optimized to save memory.  The crash occurs because "MS-Plus!" expects to use BMPs.  If it has to load a JPG, and you've ever installed ANY program that knows how to read JPGs, "MS-Plus!" gets confused about which "driver" to use.  In any case, the "crash" affects nothing, and the Theme still loads.  Microsoft once offered a "patch" to fix this, but it's not worth the effort.  Themes will all work fine.  

If you have a TRUE crash the Theme will not load at all.  In this case, get your "MS-Plus!" CD, and choose "Reinstall" and then "Rebuild damaged files" from the second Menu.(I'm not certain of the wording that's used, but it should be pretty obvious what Menu item to choose.)  

If it still crashes, you have a larger problem than I can handle.  (Possibly, but not limited to: conflicting drivers from a bug in another program, some of the needed files are missing, or someone tampered with things that are best left alone.)  In any case, you're on your own.

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D) Restoring your Font (Lettering)

Some themes alter the Size and or Letter Styling of the windows displays.  This is an altered "Font".  Some people dislike the size, style or coloring of a Theme's chosen Font.  Here's a brief idea of how to change it.

Go to the "Control Panel" (from the START button's "Settings" menu.)

Double-click "Display" from the list.

Pick the "Appearance" tab.

Along-side the "Scheme" name selector is a 'drop-down-menu' button.

Click on it and scroll down. You may want "Windows Standard". That's the generic one that Windows 95 comes with.

When you find it, (or another one you like), Click the "Apply" button.

To keep the Theme the way you've now put it, you should also do this...

Go to the "Control Panel" again.

Pick "Desktop Themes".

Click on "Save As".

Select the "South Park Fun.Theme" file.  (Or create an alternate name.)

Agree to overwrite the file, if necessary.

This way it the Theme will always have the font that you wanted, when it loads.

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) Where's the Screen Saver?

Sorry, Virginia, but there are no Screen Savers in my Themes.  All screen saver making software costs money -- up front, and I don't think it's worth it.  There are a number of other people who have made South Park Screen Savers.  Taison Tan lists a few of them on his Site.  Click on the menu item called "Screen Savers", obviously.  "A South Park Information Center" (

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8) Animated GIFs

Animated GIF files only work on Websites.  (Yes, there is a way to use them as desktop wallpaper, IF you install Internet Explorer 4.0.  But No, I don't care to explain how.  I'm not going to do ANYTHING that would promote that particular "product".)  In any case, you are expected to know what to do with the GIFs once you download them.  I'm NOT an HTML instructor, nor, indeed, a babysitter.  You are so totally on your own, that it's not funny.  Any Questions? Too bad.

If you're interested in making your own animated GIFs...  I used "MicroAngelo GIFted". (  You have to PAY for this "shareware" before the animation will loop more than twice.  So, it's more of a "Demo" than true "shareware".  If you want to find an alternate program go here: "ZD Net Software Library" (  SEARCH for "GIFs Animator".  This site carries 1000's of shareware titles.

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9) "When will you have (such and such) done?" / "Can you make (something-or-other) for me?"

Don't ask about these things.  Things get done when I have the time and inclination. (Hey, they ARE free!)   I don't make special GIFs or Cursors or ANYTHING for people.  I made a few for friends, but that's it.  Please, just don't ask.  

If you want to make your own Cursors and Icons, go here: "MicroAngelo":  (
For GIFs read Section 8.

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Download a Copy of these instructions:

In HTML Format
(allows you to use the Main Menu's Links, even offline.):

In TXT Format (Plain Text):

(^ Menu)

Emailing Me:

By now most of you know how much I HATE being asked questions about my Site's items.  This is because I spent SO much time carefully creating Text files for you to read.  (Both within the ZIP files, and as a separate download.  Besides the notes I put on my Front Page.)   Well, now you have a nicely formatted, easy to understand guide -- this page.  You can even download it to read offline!  As such, if you DO write me, and ask something that's covered in these instructions, I will do one of two things:  (1) Ignore you  OR  (2) Make fun of you as I answer the question.  (The first one is the more likely response.)  Remember that THOUSANDS of people -- quite literally -- have been able to use all my "toys" correctly, even with the older Text files.  If you have a problem, odds are nearly 100% that it's because you didn't really read the instructions carefully.  It's not that I'm trying to be mean (as much fun as that can sometimes be), I'm just sick of answering the same questions over and over.   The other "guests" to this Site would rather that I spent my time on new "toys" for them to play with, rather than slogging through email.  So, all together now:  READ THE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY, FIRST!!!  If you STILL have a problem, write an intelligent, coherent, and detailed email.  Explain exactly what you tried, and where it seems to have failed.  (If you just type two sentences, with no Caps or punctuation, and misspell every third word, I WILL make fun of you, AND not really answer your question. :)

I don't have a problem with attractive women sending emailed Pictures of themselves.  (I am a guy, after all!)  But, other than that, PLEASE just read the instructions.  If you have trouble with some of the words used -- ask a friend, sibling, or parent to help out!  Believe me, it's much more likely to get you the help you need than bugging me. ;)
(You BETTER have read the preceding paragraphs, first!!)  


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