@node Main "Introduction" @TITLE "INTRODUCTION" What is JcGraph ?. Specialised in business graph generation, JcGraph will output your data as Pie, line, bar, stack charts,(etc...more) in two or three dimension. You will then be able to rotate the resulting graph in X,Y,Z axes and output them to: EPS,Geo 3D, AegisDraw2000 or IFF ILBM. Why I have created JcGraph ? Because, after having tried some commercial software that were "supposed" to produce professionnal quality business graphs, I found that none were up to what is available for Macintosh or IBM PC compatibles. Considering the Amiga reputation as a "Multimedia" computer, it was time for a change. JcGraph's philosophy. The first goal of Jcgraph was to produce highest quality business graphics with the greatest visual impact with the least effort possible. So, I asked myself: "What is the single most difficult thing to do when someone is making a business graphic without any specific tool other than a paint program ?". The answer is quite simple: "The main graphic itself!". I mean, once the main graph is designed, the process of adding title, annotation, graduated background, etc... is trivial. JcGraph reflects this reflexion; it will help you create a great looking graphic and the flexibility of it's export modules will let you add all the fancy details in other specialised software. @endnode