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dvilj2, dvilj2p, dvi3812 - convert dvi files to HP LaserJet or IBM 3812 format  


dvi2lj [-afontpath] [-b ] [-ccopies] [-D] [-eoutput file] [-ffrompage] [-g] [-hheader file] [-l] [-mmag] [-ppages] [-q] [-r] [-ttopage] [-spagesize] [-v] [-w] [-xxoff(mm)] [-yyoff(mm)] [-Xxoff(dots)] [-Yyoff(dots)] [-z] [filename]  


Dvilj2 converts TeX-output .dvi files into HP PCL (i.e. HP Printer Control Language) commands suitable for printing on a HP LaserJet+, HP LaserJet II and compatible printers.
Dvilj2p converts TeX-output .dvi files into HP PCL (i.e. HP Printer Control Language) commands suitable for printing on a HP LaserJet IIp, HP LaserJet III or HP Laserjet 2000 and compatible printers.
Dvi3812 converts TeX-output .dvi files into PMP files, the native command language of the IBM 3812 page printer.
All programs are generated from the same source dvi2xx.c. They are usually called by a shell script or as a line printer filter.  


directory to take fonts from (alternative to environment variable TEXPXL); see below for details about the font directory structure

take paper for first page from alternate cassette (only 3812)
print each page number times (including original)

Double-sided printing - see below
-eoutput file
default output filename is the basename of dvi file and extension '.lj' for laserjet and '.pmp' for 3812. The '-e' option can be used to override this default and to direct the output to a different file. If the output filename is set to '-` (option '-e-') the output is directed to stdout and can be directly piped into a spooler.
-fpage number
start printing at top of given page number

go - do not reset printer at start of job
-hheader file
headerfile to be copied before translation of dvi-file. Used to send arbitrary commands to the laserprinter.

landscape - print output in landscape mode. This option is provided only for dvilj2p and dvi3812.
Specifiy the magnification to use. The following are available:
-m#usermag e.g. #1200
-m0 equivalent to -m#1000
-mh equivalent to -m#1095
-m1 equivalent to -m#1200
-mq equivalent to -m#1250
-m2 equivalent to -m#1440
-m3 equivalent to -m#1728
-m4 equivalent to -m#2074
-m5 equivalent to -m#2488
-pnumber of pages
print given number of pages

quiet operation

toggle reverse/not reverse order for output. By default reverse=FALSE for 3812, reverse=TRUE for laserjet.
Spezify pagesize (LJ-family only!)
-s1: executive (7.25in * 10.5in)
-s2: letter (8.5in * 11in)
-s3: legal (8.5in * 14in)
-s26: A4 (210mm * 297mm)
-s80: monarch (3.875in * 7.5in)
-s81: commercial-10 (4.125in * 9.5in)
-s90: international DL (110mm * 220mm)
-s91: international C5 (162mm * 229mm)
All values are from the LJ II technical reference manual. If the -s commandline option is omitted no clipping is performed at the bottom of the page.
-tpage number
print to end of given page number

verbose mode, list used fonts

print no warnings
global x-offset in mm on output page relative to 1 inch/1 inch origin
global y-offset in mm on output page relative to 1 inch/1 inch origin
global x-offset in dots on output page (to set 1 inch/1 inch origin)
global y-offset in dots on output page (to set 1 inch/1 inch origin)

print a test page with the page counter at end of job (only for laserjet)

If no arguments are specified a short help file is displayed.


font directory structure

The specified fontpath may contain more than directory names. Under Unix the direcory names are separated by a ':', under MSDOS by a ';'. The paths are searched from left to right. For each directory in the searchpath the following font naming conventions are tried:
- dpi<resolution>/<fontname>.pk (eg: ./dpi300/cmr10.pk)
- dpi<resolution>/<fontname>.pxl (eg: ./dpi300/cmr10.pxl)
- pxl<magnification>/<fontname>.pk (eg: ./pxl1500/cmr10.pk)
- pxl<magnification>/<fontname>.pxl (eg:./pxl1500/cmr10.pxl)
- <fontname>.<resolution>pk (eg: ./cmr10.300pk)
- <fontname>.<resolution>pxl (eg: ./cmr10.300pxl)
- <fontname>.<resolution> (eg: ./cmr10.300)


\special commands

Two TeX '\special' commands are implemented:
copy specified file to the printer; either vector- or bitmap-graphics PMP commands (for laserjet and 3812)
set page orientation to 0, 1, 2, 3; rotate following output to landscape mode etc. (3812 only).
There are a few other special commands implented for the LJ-series, which should only be used in connection with the distributed style files (eg graybox.sty). They are likely to be changed in forthcoming versions.


Double Page Printing

The command line option -D causes the printer to print in doublepage mode, that is - roughly speaking - printing first the even pagen and then the odd pages of a document. After the first half of the pages are printed the following happens:
the printer beeps, shows message U1. An operator has to refill the printed pages into the paper tray and to push the continue button on the printer.
the printer stops, shows message "FEED" and switches on manual feed led. The printer continues when either the printed pages are fed into the manual page feeder, or the operator pushes the continue button (after placing first the printed pages into the paper tray).

The driver allows the -D option for both print-directions (front-to-back or back-to-front printing). It tries to be clever in certain cases: when a document has an odd number of pages it inserts in the right place an empty page when a document starts with page 0 the driver inserts an empty page after the 0-page when a piece of a document is printed that starts with an even page-number it prints this page at the backside of the first page to ensure that the odd sides are always on the frontside. The 0-page is treated like an odd page.

The doubleside option works for all LJs, not only for the new D model with does doubleside-printing (actually, i don't know wether it makes much sense on the new LJ II D at all).

Caveat on the doubleside-option: When it is used frequently or on very large files, it might become necessary to clean the printer much more frequently.

The command line option -pX can be used to abort printing after the output of X pages (can lead to strange results together with -D). I personally dislike this option. The secure way of printing a part of a document is using -f (from) and -t (to).



The environment variable TEXPXL can be used to specify one or more paths to the raster fonts (.pk, .pxl). The path separator under Unix is ':', under MSDOS ';'. GF-fonts can be used when the source is compiled without the preprocessor switch USEPIXEL set.



Gustaf Neumann, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
neumann@awiwuw11.bitnet, neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

Man page by Michael Haberler <mah@wu-wien.ac.at> and Gustaf Neumann



font directory structure
\special commands
Double Page Printing

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