History ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.00 ===== - When the screen is dimmed the key entered to undimm the screen will not be killed anymore. Only if the screen is blanked this feature is active. Suggested by : Dirk Federlein - When help was used successfully and then say you aborted a menu help or the mouse was not located over a menu entry the system crashed. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Bug-Optimised ;-) While not being online the online string within the WB-Titlebar / Status window was corrupted. - Won`t crash anymore when you try to undimm while KCommodity dimms the screen. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Saved up to 12 KB by optimizing Received great help while doing this from : Martin Berndt (Thanks for the coffee and the bed for two nights) - Bill window now is font sensitive again ;-) - Clock window will adjust it`s size correctly again. - If prefs are to be saved to ENV:... a copy will be sent to ENVARC:, too. Suggested by : Frank Mariak - Fixed a grammatical bug. Used to write telefone instead of telephone. Oh how stupid. - When Map Umlauts was active KCommodity tried to map Umlauts hit in conjunction with ALT. Reported by : Hermann Doerries - Mapping of Umlauts did not react on CAPSLOCK. - Times for Screen / Mouse time can be up to 9999 seconds now. Requested by : Rabbit (Z-Net) - If Bill window is zipped the window`s titlebar will show the online time and the costs for the call. Requested by : Dirk Federlein - HotKey for Bill window can be used to close the window again. If you hit the HotKey the first time the window will open up and if you hit the key a second time the window will be closed. - Screen can be blanked using a HotKey now. Requested by : Juergen Rueddel - If you tried to change the Snap HotKey via ARexx the Umlaut HotKey got lost. It was overridden. - Mouse is always kept blank, even if the system "thinks" it should change the pointer (say if you insert a disk -> Busy pointer), so it will not "flash" anymore. Reported by : Rabbit (Z-Net) - Again there was something strange...:-) KCommodity used to dimm only the frontmost Screen. This really wasn`t my intention. Now all screens will be dimmed. Therefore the slowmotion of dimming got a bit faster :-), so that it doesn`t take too long if there are many screens present. Reported by : Marcus Kuba - Added a "Disk-Watcher" which reconigzes unidentified / unreadable disks and then offers the possibility to format disks. Formatter can also be started on HotKey and via ARexx. Requested by : Jan Geissler - Added Screen Auto Center. KCommodity will automatically center screens (horizontally) when not opened to full width. Requested by : Mario Nicotra who wrote that he would like to see a Auto Center within a multipurpose commodity as a replacement for his AutoCentre V1.5 - Improved way of defining Cycling qualifiers. You can choose from whatever qualifier you want to use for all the cycling types using a comfortable requester. Requested by : Marcus Cuba and some others - Problems with middle mousebutton are gone, since you can define the number of clicks for all buttons now. Reported by : Rabbit (Z-Net) - Number of clicks for cycling may be defined now. Requested by : Rabbit (Z-Net) - ESC Qualifier may be defined in the same way as cycle qualifiers now. - Added MMB-Shift. When pressing the middle mouse button you can select multiple icons within WB-Windows without having to press the shift key. - Implemented two slider gadgets within Bill Preferences window to set the hour and minutes for normal and cheap tariffs. Requested by : Ruud van der Veen (who was the first with that idea) and many, many others. - If you are online and the tariff changes, the costs will NOT be recalculated, but if you hit the corresponding gadgets it will be done. - Finally Slider Gadgets are reacting on shortcuts as described in User Interface Style Guide. If you hit the Shortcut the value will be increased. If you hit that key in conjunction with SHIFT the value will be decreased. Suggested by : User Interface Style Guide - Now users can choose between American and German day-names. Requested by : Frank Duerring - Date format can be varied. You can have "-" as well as "." between date digits now. Requested by : Rabbit (Z-Net) - You can select two modes for exploding/imploding now. Either from/to the center of the screen or from/to the current mouse position. Requested by : ???? (Sorry didn`t write down his/her name) - Finally the selected pagenumber will be saved to the config. - If any gadgets are ghosted the corresponding menu entries will be ghosted now. - Finally the titlebar display is font sensitive. If you change the screen font KCommodity will adjust the font, too. Requested / Reported by : Bernd ??? (EMBO from Z-Net) - Finally, the feature concerning the PublicScreen list for the Bill window works properly. Why didn`t anyone tell me. Don`t you use this feature ??? - You can define days KCommodity should always use the cheap tariff now. - Added FKeys. You can assign strings to the 10 FKeys. The program handles four qualifiers so you can have up to 40 strings. Requested by : Frank Duerring and Ulf Hartwig - Wrote "Serach Help" instead of "Search Help"...Whoops don`t you ever type too fast :-) Reported by : Jan Geissler - Now visual feedback is given if the user tries to invoke the online help but KCommodity could not find the appropriate help-file. Suggested by : Jan Geissler - When displaying the HotKeys (Cycling...) topaz will be used instead of the system default font. Reported by : Jan Geissler - Now menu entries will be ghosted, too. - There is another page now. This one`s showing time and memory. Requested by : Chris Feringa - Didn`t handle the Verify Flag correctly for formatting disks using the "normal" WB-Formatter instead of 'Olsens' Format. Reported by : Dirk Spingler - Removed stupid menues. This really was something memory consuming. Now I`m thinking about a way to re-implement the full Online-Help. - Any window will _allways_ be opened on the WB now (not the default PublicScreen). Maybe I will change that one again. Reported & Requested by : Jan Geissler - Added two more tooltypes to configure the AppIcon`s position. Requested by : Michael Giebel and Dirk Federlein - Removed OnlineHelp. Could not keep up texts like "This gadget turns bla bla on/off" - Improved disabling (setting to busy) a window. No more ghosting of gadgets. Instead input is simply locked. Speeds up things on "Amiga light" and isn`t that nerv-consuming. - Replaced String gadget for Alarm time by a Slider Gadget. - Displaying the time can be disabled now. Requested by : Frank Mariak - Requester for alarm may be disabled now. - Blanking of the mousepointer on every keystroke may be disabled now. - String gadgets for screen/mouse times replaced by slider gadgets - You can define colors for all display types of the clock/mem display now. Requested by : Jan Geissler, Peter Krahl - Cancel gadget only responded to Keystroke. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Better "About" Layout Suggested by : Dirk Federlein - As I wrote the past lines you couldn`t know what happend around here. KCommodity`s _whole_ Userinterface was redone. All windows are completely font-sensitive now. Thanks to GadToolsBox (and some changes to the generated source) I was able to implement the new USI in 4 days. Well, so you know why KCommodity is 2.0 now :-) - Colors window now recognizes the current Screendepth and arranges the palette gadgets accordingly. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Checkbox grouping of Settings window redone, so that gadgets which control a certain function, are grouped together. Suggested by : Dirk Federlein - Fixed bug when displaying the slider levels when a proportinal font is used. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Maximum length of Revision texts cut off to 65 chars, so that the window and the texts may fit on a normal screen :-) - Gadget handling routines are reentrant now (finally) :-) - Some of the more "unusefull" ARexx-Commands removed to save prescious bytes. - You can use an IFF-8SVX Sample sound for the alarm bell now. Still, DisplayBeep() can be used. Requested by : Frank Duerring, Peter Krahl - Alarm may "wake" you up at every full hour now. Requested by : Peter Krahl - When you hit the left button and a qualifier within a window, this window may be dragged. No matter where you click at. (A la DragIt by Steve Lemieux) Requested by : Guenther Tschechne - Revision header does not show any copyright remarks anymore. Requested by : Dirk Federlein, Peter Simons - Added two more defines/macros to revision header. Now version/revision numbers are bound to macros (only the numbers, no strings) - Sometimes the screen was blanked, even though you typed something or you moved the mouse. This bug should be fixed now. Reported by : Jan Geissler - Added NoClick for all drives available Requested by : Stefan Blaser, Ulf Hartwig - Added a full featured Hardcopy routine. You can snap portions of the active screen/window and print it out, while all preferences settings are in your hand. Requested by : My beloved girlfriend Tammy - Added possibility to execute commands (internal for now) when hitting a F-Key. You just have to enter a command (checked case sensitive) and KCX will handle the "string". Currently supported are : MINWIN, moves window to upper left corner and sizes to min width/heigh, MAXWIN, will do the opposite, and ZIPWIN (guess what) - Fixed bug in WB-Screen changes. Now KCX reacts on Depth changes, too, so that the changes of the display colors are accurate. - Fixed bug in refreshing Text gadgets. Didn`t keep in mind that gadtools isn`t so intelligent to copy strings on changes. Now internal buffers are used. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Fixed bug in Window activation. On high-resoluition monitors it didn`t work quite well (like A2024). Reported by : Martin Berndt, Frank Mariak - Fixed bug in Full dragging which might cause a deadlock. (KCX got into a busy-loop in some cases). Reported by : Dirk Federlein, Michael Herbst - One gadget within the Graphics dump window wasn`t font-sensitive at all anymore. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Added display of current mouse coordinates. Requested by : Frank Stohl - KCommodity`s windows will now use the system`s fixed width font instead of the Screen`s text, to prevent overlapping texts - Using some modems, when you turn on/off the modem for a short time, there seems to be a Carrier Detect (say the CD line reports that). So extremely short calls (less than 2 secs) won`t be saved to the logfile anymore. Requested & Reported by : Ingmar Hook - Thanks to Dan Babcock who included the complete source for it`s QMouse, I was able to implement the same type of mouse blanking which is quite secure. - KCommodity now keeps track of selected windows on screens, so that if you change the screen, say bring another to front, and then turn back to the previous one KCommodity will reactivate the window for you again. - KCommodity will now activate the "*" joker when started. - All String/Integer Gadgets will be highlighted now. - Output of "Display total sum" may be redirected to a file now. Requested by : Dirk Federlein - Added another window. Here you can define windows (by their title) which should _NOT_ be deactivated by KCommodity`s auto-activation facility. Simply add windows or click on open windows to include them into the list This function can _NOT_ work with windows which do not have a title. Requested by : Michael Giebel, Dirk Federlein, Peter Krahl - System requesters created by AutoRequest/EasyRequest will prevent KCX to keep the auto-activation facility working. As long as any requesters are present you won`t be quite happy with the autoactivation. Requested by : Peter Krahl - Now window locking features wildcards as well. Requested by : Peter Krahl - Fixed small bug in Font/Depth checking of WB-Screen, this lead to a flashing titlebar display. - Fixed two bugs in Prefs loading. Used to set HotKeys for wrong filters, and didn`t save all Window positions. - Finally secured several functions by a Semaphore construct - Fixed small bug in total sum display when dumping to a file. The filename was something different than nothing :-) Reported by : Michael Herbst - PopUp of Bill window is now "bufferd" to 2 Seconds, so that the window won`t pop up on these modem on/off Carrier Detects and that a Terminal program may arrange it`s screen during that time. Requested by : Stefan Zeiger - Fixed bug with Signal-Handling of Print-Process which could "hang" the system. Reported by : Jan Geissler - Now Arp,Req,ReqTools and ASL Requesters (mainly filerequester) will deactivate KCommodity`s auto-activation feature as well as the other requesters mentioned above. - Redone Window-Layout to use the Screen`s font. This may lead to some refreshing erros with KCX`s slider gadgets` levels but anyway, it looks better that way. Requested by : Dirk Federlein - Synthetic click-sound added which is a bit louder and doesn`t use that much of memory. - On cycling every qualifier was canceled even though you might have set the clicks to more than 1, so WB dragging cancel could not work anymore. Reported & Requested by : Stefan Zeiger - Added possibility to "lock" mousemovements in vertical and/or horizontal directions by holding down a qualifier. Requested by : Stefan Zeiger - String gadget will be activated if you add another entry to the lock windows window. Suggested by : Dirk Federlein - When zipped, the Bill window`s titlebar will show the timezone and tariff now. - Removed locking of Filerequesters again, since MFR tries to do something special when patching the Vectors (as it seems). When you quit KCX, MFR would pop up with ASL,ReqTools..., even though MFR was launched BEFORE KCX. - Severe bug in Input-Handler removed which might lead to Guru`s (mostly Memory header not located), since I didn`t keep in mind that you mustn`t call memory allocation routines from within interrupts. - Fixed bug in Dump routine and removed "Cancel" window to save some memory and to prevent the dump-area to be corrupted by that window. Cancel of print will be established by pressing the HotKey again. Requested & Reported by : Dirk Federlein - Fixed small bug in Mouse-Locking. When both of the qualifiers had the same codes set the mouse would have been completely locked. Reported by : Christoph Reichert. - New possibility for Dimming added. Dirk Federlein gave me the idea and concept for doing this. You now have 48 dimm factors for smoother dimming. Suggested & Requested by : Dirk Federlein, Dirk Spingler, Michael Wenzel - HotKey-Window Handling had a bug. When you tried to change a HotKey, while none had been selected, the system would crash. So I changed the HotKey-Window Handling. Reported by : Jan Geissler - Screens may be recentered by pressing a HotKey now. Suggested & Requested by : Frank Stohl - Should read the AutoDocs next time. Within some LockIBase/UnlockIBase pairs there were several dos/intuition/layers calls which should have not been there. - Bill window is no more opened active. Requested by : Stefan Zeiger - Hopefully fixed a bug concerning Umlaut-Mapping when using an AT Keyboard. Reported by : André Schenk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.75 ===== - Phonebill was not calculated correctly. Changed. Reported by : Dirk Federlein - AppIcon may now be de-/activated during runtime and via ARexx-Port. Suggested by my FIDO-Boss : Christoph Reichert - Click-Sound priority was too high. Changed to use RKM`s values. Reported by : Martin Berndt - Progress-Indicator added for Revision Control System. Suggested by : User Interface Style Guide - Bug in Revision-Header-Checking removed it no longer takes ages to check whether a header is already present. - When checkbox gadgets wer hit with the mouse their menu-item pendants weren`t changed respectively. Reported by : Martin Berndt - Channel-Allocation for Click-Sound is temporary now. Only when a click is to be heard KCommodity tries to allocate channels and frees them again after usage. Suggested & Reported bug by : Martin Berndt - When another screen pops to front during KCommodity`s Blank-Screen is there the Blank-Screen will be automatically closed. Suggested by : Martin Berndt - Again bug in Click-Sound routine removed. Now it really works :-) Only the Port is allocated on startup. If it can`t be created the Key-Click Option is disabled. The device itself is only used (opened) if really needed and closed again after the click was heard. Reported by : Martin Berndt Suggested by : DisplayBeep() - Changed HotKey-Window. Now a ListView-Gadget is shown with all available HotKeys. Selecting a HotKey will allow you to change the settings now. - Added screen dimmer to slowly dimm screens. Factors for dimming may be given. - When a window is brought to front using the Cycler will activate the window now. Suggested by : Martin Berndt - Minor enhancement in Map "Umlauts" made. - Forgot a ClearMenuStrip() before closing my windows. Suggested by : AutoDocs - Added Exploding Windows. Number of frames for exploding/imploding of windows may be selected separately. Suggested/(Requested) by : FIDO-Boss Christoph Reichert - Bug in Preferences window removed. MX-Gadget could not be selected. Forgot the MXIDCMP flag :-) - Enhanced Window-Cycler. If the mouse resides on a screen or on a backdrop window then the screen is brought to front/back. One more action for cycling added. Double clicking on a window/screen will bring it to front and pressing the left mousebutton followed by a right mousebutton will bring it back now (including screens). Therefore the Cycling routines had to be moved to the Time-Process, so that it doesn`t conflict when tried to use this function with the mouse positioned over a screen`s titlebar. Suggested/Requested by : Kai Bolay - Frames to be drawed for Exploding/Imploding windows may be changed by the user now, so that it doesn`t take so long on "slow" machines. This one was added, so that everyone may use Exploding windows without slowing down he action. - Changed exploding layers routines to use the same routine. This leads to some byte-saving. Also Windows seam to open/close from within the centre of the screen. - When the screen is blanked and you press a key to unblank it this key will not be directed to any applications so that you don`t accidentially hit dangerous keys for unblanking. Suggested by my girl-friend : Tammy - ALWAYS read the IAddress field and assumed that there was a GadgetID on every IDCMP-Message. (Stupid eh). This caused Enforcer hits and sometimes there were even crashes .... Now KCommodity is almost Enforcer-Hit-Free (except for the User-Shell command which can`t be made system-conform). - LockIBase() seems to be a dummy. So I added a Forbid()/Permit() before/behind each LockIBase/UnlockIBase to prevent tasks from illegally reading the IntuitionBase. Suggested by : Martin Berndt - Exploding windows improved. Now using graphics.library functions. These are faster than Intuition`s DrawBorder. If your colors are set to the WB`s defaults the borders will mainly be drawed in a white color. - Error in Misc-Window-Close removed. It`s SigFlag was not cleared so KCommodity sometimes thought that a msg arrived on the Misc-Window. This COULD NOT work :-) - Preferences file now has an identifier so that KCommodity may tell the user that it can not access the desired file. So no more crashes may occure if you try to load a preffile different to one generated by KCommodity. - Bug within Bill Preferences removed. If the new filename was directly entered into the StringGadget and no error occured the user-stack was not given back :-) Oh stupid.... - Changed searching for Preferences file and it`s name. Also added a ToolType to change the filename on startup. KCommodity first looks for the user-defined file then it will search for KCX.PREFS within the current directory and finally for ENV:KCX/KCX.PREFS. If none of these files is found KCommodity will use the built-in defaults. Moved HelpFiles to ENVARC:KCX/HELP/. Suggested by : User Interface Style Guide - If MouseMode was active, no more WB-icons could be dragged from one window to the other. Fixed. Reported by : Michael Bergmann. - When using the Special-Mode for Window/Screen cycling deadlocks could arise sometimes. Hopefully fixed. Reported by my FIDO-Boss : Christoph Reichert - You now have the possibility to select a new directory where KCommodity should look for it`s Online Help-Files. Suggested by : Hermann Dörries - Users can enter command to be used for the "NewShell" now. So you can just enter the command you would issue on the command-line to start a new shell. Suggested by : Juergen Rueddel - KCommodity now creates Revision Headers for Basic Sources, too. Requested by : Michael Bergmann - New handling for different Revision Headers. This lead to byte-savings of about 2 KB.... - Bill window may now be zoomed. Both positions are stored within the Prefs-File. Suggested by : Michael Bergmann - Bill window may be opened on a PublicScreen the user can specify it`s name for. If the screen isn`t present the window will "fall back" onto the WB. Suggested by : Michael Bergmann - Different names for Public Screens separated by semicola may be specified now, so that KCommodity may "pick" out one to place the Bill Window on. It will take the first one available. Idea occured during a chat with : Michael Bergmann - Additional macros are generated by Revision Control System, now. Two new macros : REVTIME (for time of revision) and AUTHOR for the author of the revision. Requested by : Michael Bergmann - Memory can be "snapped" now. First you snap the memory via HotKey, run a program and then press the HotKey again. KCommodity will then display the differences after the first "snap" and the second, so you can see whether a program frees all it`s resources. Suggested by : Juergen Rueddel - Moved LogCalls gadget to Bill Window for easier access. - No more use of Commodities CUSTOM handler for InputEvents. Instead using "normal" input.device handler to make sure that we will receive ALL events first. - When cycling WB windows the system won`t produce deadlocks anymore while using the special qualifier and the system won`t freeze anymore when a WB window is moved to back (if no deadlock occured :-)) This really cost me some nerves..... - Got to know that fine Fault() function, so I could reduce sice a bit. Should learn the AutoDocs by heart next time. - Users with a three-button-mouse can cycle screens now with the middle button. - AppMenuItem can be switched off on StartUp now. - Bug in HotKey window display removed. - Bug in HotKey`s window renoved when a Key was changed. Reported by : Juergen Rueddel and Dirk Federlein - Added Mouse accelerator with adjustable acceleration and threshold. Requested by : Bernd ??? (EMBO%AMC he will know who I mean) - Bug in display routine for time within WB-Title removed. Called UnLockLayers and LockLayers even though the corresponding Locks weren`t made. Bug reported by : SID and a lost Semaphore - Bug in Exploding windows removed. Did a BLE instead of a BLT when checking for screen width/height so frames could be drawed into "nothing". Bug reported by : CED Pro II and mister Ol` Red-Eye - Some bugs in CleanUp routines removed. Bugs seen under : OS 1.3 :) - Bill window updates will only be made if window is present and unzipped. This leads to some time-saving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.70 ===== - Changed error in LogWindow Layout - Broker no more disabled during ARexx-Commands - User-Shell bug removed. Some programs crashed in shell. - User-Shell Parameters can now contain up to 128 chars - Bug in Map "Umlauts" removed. - ARexx-Server is now running as a separate process. - Bug in Windowactivation removed. If screens overlapped, windows within the overlapped screen would not be activated. - Changes on Broker stuff were made even when Broker wasn`t initialized at all :-) This could really lead to weird bugs. - When cloning pathlist Forbid() and Permit() were added so that the proc cloning the list from can not go away. - KCommodity closes down correctly again. - New and louder Click-Sound added. - KCommodity Requester-Title didn`t have a trailing 0-Byte. Weird strings could be displayed. - Many, many functions were made reentrant so that the two other procs running can call these functions without confusing the system. The temp-buffer is now used by the Rexx-Server only, so that the info within the buffer may not be overwritten by the other procs. - Changed SHIFT-RETURN within String/Integer-Gadgets to CONTROL-RETURN so that there is a conformity to the ASL-Requesters - No using ReadArgs for parsing CommandLine. - KCommodity now can also run at a priority of 0 (didn`t now how I thought it should run at 21...) - KCommodity`s Time-Process needs on my Amiga (68030/68882 25 MhZ) up to 6%-CpuTime. On an Amiga 3000 25 MhZ it takes up to 40%. Estimated using XOper 2.2. Can anyone tell me why ???????? - Changed buffer-size for Author and Company... Tell me who`s name is 128 chars long ??? Now using 40 chars for each which should be sufficient. - Two buffers for only one purpose within Revision Control System. - Used GetMsg for checking instead of GT_GetIMsg ... Strange things happen in my mind :-) - Log/Purpose Window menus are active again. Don`t tell me why I disabled the menu even though I added some. - Now ALL window positions are stored to the PrefsFile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.63 ===== - Bugs in ESC-WindowClose, MouseBlanking and LeftyMouse removed - Now the User Shell gets all the paths you used a PATH for, so that programs not in C: will also be executed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.62 ===== - Added an Online-Help function (GREAT :-)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.61 ===== - All windows (except for Time-Window) are menu-driven now. Old shortcuts are kept. - Many String/Integer-Gadget editing-functions added : Menu-Shortcuts activated from within String/Integer-Gadgets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.60 ===== - Added function to map german "Umlauts" to "normal" chars. - Register form may be printed out via About menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.59 ===== - Removed most of the ToolTypes, since settings may be saved to files. - AppIcon and AppMenuItem for popping up the control window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.58 ===== - HotKeys for every window supported by KCommodity - Separate window for HotKey definitions - Execute a shell on HotKey - Set you very own command to be executed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.57 ===== - Preferences can be saved to alternative files. - Again KCommodity was optimized. - Fully menu driven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.56 ===== - Added the possibility to close a window (which has to have a CLOSEGAD) using the ESC-Key in conjunction with a qualifier, so you don`t have to click onto the gadget all the time - There is a busy pointer now - Shortened KCommodity a bit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.55 ===== - LeftyMouse option added which swaps mouse buttons (left/right) - Time bill window now also reflects costs for one day. - When click-sound channel got stolen KCommodity now always tries to reallocate a new one. On failure the click option will be disabled, so you can see why it doesn`t click anymore :-) - Added a menu. Yes, only one with a single item : ABOUT :-) - On user-feedback you can now press any keys (not only RETURN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.54 ===== - Now ESC is a key for closing all windows - Added the possibility to set the default TimeZone and tariff for the bill window via the preferences window. - Preferences window location may be changed vie ToolType/ARexx. - WorkBench (may) be popped to front when control window is to be (re)opened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.53 ===== - Revision control system now also generates Pascal headers. - Improved Assembler defines of revision header. No macros are generated instead of those stupid constants. - The LOG CALLS and POPUP BILL WINDOW gadgets have been moved to the Telefone-Bill preferences window. - Added a Clear Log gadget and CLEARLOG ARexx command to clear the log file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.52 ===== - Now a separate process handles the bill things, so that it always keeps track of the online time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.51 ===== - Added a telefone bill calculator. Configurable via KCommodity for three timezones with two tariffs per each. Starts counting when a carrier detect is recognized on the serial port. - Time won`t stop anymore while TOTALRESULT or REVISION is made. - Carrier detect will also be recognized in these situations now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.50 ===== - Three new display types in (Window)-TitleBar : Total amount of free memory, graphical display of free memory and accumulated online time. - SHOWMEM ToolType removed. Instead it was replaced with PAGENUM to select one of the five different display pages (0-4) - Keys for gadgets only accepted if lowercase :-( Bug removed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.49 ===== - Changed a bit on layout, so that things get more "beautyful" :-) - Clock window isn`t activated anymore on popup. Why the did I do it that way. Nobody wants to click on an "useless" window. - KeyStroke-Clicker with userdefinable volume. - Screen/Mouse-times are reset to previous values if wrong ones were entered. - Bug on cleanup removed. KCommodity wanted to ReplyMsg() replyed messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.48 ===== - Now includes Window-Cycling with user-definable qualifiers. May be switched off - Revision control system header was changed. Now reflects my name :-) Note to previous users : You`ll have do adopt the new look of the header in order to be prepared for further revisions on the same file. - Bug removed in insertation of Purpose/LogMessages. If a line was full-length the header got mixed up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.46 / V1.47 ============= - Added one more define for the revision header. Now the revision date is put into define(s) as well so you can access this date for messages of your program. If these defines (to be correct : the first define) is removed or commented out KCommodity assumes that the user doesn`t want to have the defines anymore so it just leaves out the recreation of defines and continues with the file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.45 ===== - Corrected some really weird bugs which made the system crash. - Size of BitPlanes for the "time-in-titlebar" view wasn`t calculated correctly and passed in wrong register so the size varied all the time KCommodity was started and so things could be blitted into an area not occupied by KCommodity sometimes. (shame on me) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.44 ===== - Initial release