Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 1991/08/22
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rlog - print log messages and other information about RCS files  


rlog [ options ] file ...  


rlog prints information about RCS files.

Pathnames matching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote working files. Names are paired as explained in ci(1).

rlog prints the following information for each RCS file: RCS pathname, working pathname, head (i.e., the number of the latest revision on the trunk), default branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, suffix, total number of revisions, number of revisions selected for printing, and descriptive text. This is followed by entries for the selected revisions in reverse chronological order for each branch. For each revision, rlog prints revision number, author, date/time, state, number of lines added/deleted (with respect to the previous revision), locker of the revision (if any), and log message. All times are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Without options, rlog prints complete information. The options below restrict this output.

Ignore RCS files that have no locks set. This is convenient in combination with -h, -l, and -R.
Print only the name of the RCS file. This is convenient for translating a working pathname into an RCS pathname.
Print only the RCS pathname, working pathname, head, default branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, and suffix.
Print the same as -h, plus the descriptive text.
Print information about the revisions on the default branch, normally the highest branch on the trunk.
Print information about revisions with a checkin date/time in the ranges given by the semicolon-separated list of dates. A range of the form d1<d2 or d2>d1 selects the revisions that were deposited between d1 and d2 inclusive. A range of the form <d or d> selects all revisions dated d or earlier. A range of the form d< or >d selects all revisions dated d or later. A range of the form d selects the single, latest revision dated d or earlier. The date/time strings d, d1, and d2 are in the free format explained in co(1). Quoting is normally necessary, especially for < and >. Note that the separator is a semicolon.
Print information about locked revisions only. In addition, if the comma-separated list lockers of login names is given, ignore all locks other than those held by the lockers. For example, rlog -L -R -lwft RCS/* prints the name of RCS files locked by the user wft.
prints information about revisions given in the comma-separated list revisions of revisions and ranges. A range rev1:rev2 means revisions rev1 to rev2 on the same branch, :rev means revisions from the beginning of the branch up to and including rev, and rev: means revisions starting with rev to the end of the branch containing rev. An argument that is a branch means all revisions on that branch. A range of branches means all revisions on the branches in that range. A branch followed by a . means the latest revision in that branch. A bare -r with no revisions means the latest revision on the default branch, normally the trunk.
prints information about revisions whose state attributes match one of the states given in the comma-separated list states.
prints information about revisions checked in by users with login names appearing in the comma-separated list logins. If logins is omitted, the user's login is assumed.
Emulate RCS version n when generating logs. See co(1) for more.
Use suffixes to characterize RCS files. See ci(1) for details.

rlog prints the intersection of the revisions selected with the options -d, -l, -s, and -w, intersected with the union of the revisions selected by -b and -r.  


    rlog  -L  -R  RCS/*
    rlog  -L  -h  RCS/*
    rlog  -L  -l  RCS/*
    rlog  RCS/*

The first command prints the names of all RCS files in the subdirectory RCS that have locks. The second command prints the headers of those files, and the third prints the headers plus the log messages of the locked revisions. The last command prints complete information.  


options prepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ci(1) for details.


The exit status is zero if and only if all operations were successful.  


Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Revision Number: 5.3; Release Date: 1991/08/22.
Copyright © 1982, 1988, 1989 by Walter F. Tichy.
Copyright © 1990, 1991 by Paul Eggert.  


ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rcsfile(5)
Walter F. Tichy, RCS--A System for Version Control, Software--Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.  


The separator for revision ranges in the -r option used to be - instead of :, but this leads to confusion when symbolic names contain -. For backwards compatibility rlog -r still supports the old - separator, but it warns about this obsolete use.




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