MathPlot ======== © by Rüdiger Dreier 1991/92/93 This manual is a short version of the manual you get when you become a registrated user. See "Registrierung.txt" for more information. My address Rüdiger Dreier Gustav-Winkler-Str. 40 33699 Bielefeld Germany I can be reached via EMail: Some legal stuff ================ THE AUTHOR UNDERTAKES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE APPROPRIATE OR NOT APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS PROGRAM ! THE AUTHOR UNDERTAKES NO LIABILITY FOR THE FAULTLESSNESS OF THIS PROGRAM ! USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK ! MathPlot is ShareWare ! If you use this program, you have to pay the shareware fee. See "Registrierung.TXT" This version of MathPlot ======================== This version is a demo version with a requester telling you that MathPlot is ShareWare. It may be freely copied under the following conditions: - The copyright text must be included (unchanged). - You are not allowed to earn money by copying this program (only a little fee for disk, postage etc). - The program MUST NOT be changed. - The program must be complete: The following files must be included: - The complete unchanged documentation (one language is enough). - One working copy of MathPlot - A version of mtool.library - Everybody who wants to use MathPlot (or a part of it) or the mtool.library (or a part of it) in a commercial sense needs the written permission of the author. - It IS allowed to translate the text of the menu item etc. (file TextDaten) into other languages and include it into any copy of this program. If you do so, please send me a version of the new textfile an tell me, if I am allowed to include this one in the shareware and full version of MathPlot. - It is allowed to upload this version of MathPlot to any mailbox and include it into any PD-disk or CD (like Fred Fish's). The shareware fee ================= MathPlot is ShareWare. If you use this program, you may want to pay the registration fee. It is (US)$ 20,-- or DM 30,--. Please send this money to the address above and add the name and version of the program (and perhaps where you found it). Please use the form in "Registrierung.txt". 'Why should I', you may ask. Well, you will get - The newest version of MathPlot. - A Keyfile. Together with this Keyfile, you can use EVERY new demo of MathPlot as a full version. - A printed manual (the full version of this one, please tell me, if you want to have the german or english version). - Updateservice. You may get new versions of MathPlot by sending a disk, envelope, postage and your registration number to me. If there is no newer version, I will wait until there is one. So it may take a little time until you get the newest version. Please tell me, which version you have. If you can be reached via EMail, I can send you newer version as UUENCODE'd textfiles. But try to get a newer demo of MathPlot from PD-disks or a mailbox. Together with your Keyfile, you can use it as a full version. The source ========== The source is NOT freely distributable. The source is available (for registrated users only) by sending (US)$ 20,-- or DM 30,-- to the address above. If you want to use the source in a commercial sense, you need the written permisson of the author (ME !). What this program does ====================== MathPlot is a little program to plot twodimensional functions. You can enter up to 10 functions and plot them all. In addition, you can plot the first and second derivation of the functions (numerical and symbolic). A discussion and numerical integration is also possible. An ARexx-port is included. So the program can be used i.e. to control your own results. What you need ============= !! The program only works on Amigas with Kickstart 2.04 or higher !. 1MB memory should be enough, 1MB chip mem and new custom chips are very nice for big screen (productivity mode etc.). The stack should be 20000 bytes or more. In LIBS:, you need - mathieeedoubbas.library - mathieeedoubtrans.library - asl.library - mtool.library (should be also on this disk) - diskfont.library (V36 or higher) - iffparse.library (only for saving as IFF--file) In S: you can (but need not) have - mplot.prefs, a preferences--file. - Funktionen.fkt, some example functions - Konstanten.con, some constants - Macros.mcr, some macros. If you want to use the ARexx-Port, you should copy all files in Macros/ to rexx: (an "assign .... add" seems not to work). The menus ========= Project ------- New --- You are asked whether to clear the screen or not. A HP-output ends. The screen clears automatically after changing the intervall. IFF Save As ----------- To use this item, you need the iffparse.library in libs:. If the program cannot find this library, a requester appears (iffparse.library ?). Otherwise, you are asked for the name of the file. If an error occurs, another requester appears. The programm's icon is used for this file (if startet from Workbench). Load/Save functions/macros/constants ------------------------------------ You are asked for the name of a file to load / save as. Print ----- Prints the screen on your preferences printer (as big as possible). While printing, the colour of the screen is changed. A HP-output ends. Iconify ------- The window is closed and an icon appears on workbench. A doubleclick on this icon starts the program again. The last functions are still available. If there is not enough memory to open a screen, the program terminates. As icon, the programm's icon is used (if startet from Workbench). About ----- You get some pice of information about this program (Version, my address, name of the screen etc.). QUIT ---- A requester appears and asks you whether to quit or not. If you agree, the program terminates. Cause the screen is a public screen, there may be some "visitor windows". If there is one, the programm does not terminate and a requester is shown. Plot ---- Change function --------------- A submenu with the ten functions (you entered or loaded) appears (only the first 14 characters are displayed). Here you can select one of the functions. A window appears and you can change it. The function should be a correct expression. If you enter something like sin((x), the window appears again as long as there is one bracket too much. Function 1st/2nd derivation num/symb ------------------------------------ Each of this five items has the same submenu as Change. Selecting one of the functions plots it (or its 1st or 2nd derivation). Symbolic derivations are calculated first and then the new function is plotted (e.g. for sin(x): first cos(x) is calculated as the derivation of sin(x) and then cos(x) is plotted). Symbolic derivations are more precise but there are problems with some function (abs, sgn, ln). E.g. for ln you get the function 1/x plotted even for negativ x. Symbolic derivations are calculated in a recursive way, so the stack should be at least 20000 bytes. If you get a guru, just try a larger stack. Discussion ---------- Here you can get some pice of information about the function: The intervall is displayed as well as the first and second derivation. Also the points where the function is zero, has a min or max or a turning point. The derivations --------------- 1. +-*/ The usual 2. x^a a*x^(a-1) 3. a^x a^x*\ln{a} 4. f(x)^{g(x)} (g(x)*\ln(f(x)))'*f(x)^{g(x)} 5. trig. functions The usual 6. abs(x) sgn(x) (For x=0 not correct) 7. int(x) 0 (Well ...) 8. sgn(x) 0 (Well ...) IMPORTANT --------- !! THE AUTHOR UNDERTAKES NO LIABILITY FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF THE !! DERIVATIONS !! BEFORE YOU USE ANY OF THE RESULTS, RECALCULATE !! THEM BY HAND !!! Num. Integration ---------------- Here you can integrate a function numerically. A window appears and shows the selected function (you can even change the function or enter a new function). You are asked for the intervall and the number of steps to use for the numerical integration. If you use more steps, the result becomes better but you have to wait longer. To close the window, select QUIT. Errorcodes of the program ------------------------- DIVBYZERO & 1 & division by zero LOGNEG & 2 & log(<= 0) SQRTNEG & 4 & sqrt{ < 0} ATRIG & 8 & asin, acos with arg >1 or <1 UNPAKLAM & 16 & Too much brackets TEST & 32 & Not used NOFUNC & 64 & No function given NO_KONST & 128 & No such constant NO_MEM & 256 & No memory POWERROR & 512 & You tried (<0) ^ (a/b) NO_FUNC & 1024 & No function found ER_AHYP & 2048 & Error at acosh() or atanh() Edit ---- Axis ---- With the two subitems, you can add axis to you plot. When there is a plot, you can add axis only once. So test your axis before you plot. Zoom ---- You get a rubberbanding and can select the part of the intervall which will be plottet next. Insert text ----------- You can enter a text and place it with your mouse. Click at the right place and the text will be drawn with the selected font, colors and drawmode. Precision --------- You get a submenu with four items (low, med, high and very high). If you select med, high or very high, the program needs more time to plot and the plot becomes better. Intervall --------- A window with four stringgadgets, two cyclegadgets and two normal gadgets appears. In the text gadgets you can enter the intervall, with the cyclegadgets, you can tell the program how to use this values, e.g.: you want to plot [-pi,pi]. You can enter -pi and pi and *1 in the cyclegadget. But you can also enter -1, 1 and *pi in the cyclegadget. Try both and plot axis, you will see the difference. To get a log/log plot, choose 10^ in both cyclegadgets and so on. Constants --------- A window with an active cyclegadget and an inactive stringgadget appears. Choose a character with the cyclegadgets or press a key, then hit RETURN. The stringgadget should become active. Now you can enter the definition for the constant, you named before. You can use constants in other functions by their name, e.g: define a constant z by entering pi. Then you can use z in any function instead of pi. Do not use x or e as name of a constant because they cannot be used later (e is defined as 2.7...). Macros ------ A similar window as decribed in Constants appears. Enter your macro- definition in the stringgadget. Macros are used in functions via _MACRONAME or _MACRONAME(parameter), e.g. _a or _a(2*x). If you use the second way, every x in the macro is replaced by paramter. Plot-Output ----------- This item has two subitems (on,off). >On< asks you for a name for a file to write the data in. >Off< switches HP-Output off (automatically done when changing the intervall or printing). After selection off, the file contains HP-Plotter compatible data to plot all those functions and text you plottet after selection >on<. I have no HP-Plotter, I used the PLT:-Device and it works. Select/Change Colours --------------------- Here you can change MathPlot's palette (there is one normal palette, one for printing and one for HP-output). The last active color in the requester is used as new color for plotting, too. Change Font ----------- Here you can select an new font für Insert text and the labels at the axis and the screen. The standard font-requester is used. Change resolution ----------------- Here you can select a new screenmode and enter the new resolution. Change pattern -------------- Here you can define a new linepattern. Discussion ---------- Use this to define some options for discussion. ARexx ----- Start ARexx-Macro ----------------- The filerequester appears and shows all file with .mapl in rexx:. You can start a macro with a doubleclick. You should NOT start files ending with .mpl. These file may need some more arguments. Define ARexx-macro ------------------ There are 10 items to start a macro by just selecting an item. Use this item to define this macros. Record ------ The program may record some actions (change functions, constants and macros, change intervall, change color and plot axis). You are asked to enter the name of the file to save the actions in. You can choose if the program saves its status in this file, too. Preferences ----------- The program differs between active options and preferences. Active options define the actual behaviour of the program (e.g. the color used for plotting the next function) while preferences defines the behaviour of the program after startup (e.g. the color used for plotting if the user has never defined one). Preferences become active options by selecting "Use" or restarting the program. Most of the items in this menu are also part of other menus, so their description is quite short here. Load ---- Load a new preferences-file. These options become active. Use --- The preferences become active options. The screen will be closed and a new screen will be opened with most of the new options. Only some options cannot become active by selecting "Use", see below. For this options, you have to restart the program. Save ---- Save the options. Intervall --------- Enter the initial intervall. Select or change Colour ----------------------- Change initial palette and color for plotting. Change Font ----------- Choose the initial fonts, colors and drawmodes. Change pattern -------------- Select the initial patterns. Precision --------- Set the initial precision. If you started without a .prefs-file, you MUST choose a mode and a depth. Set paths --------- This item only appears in this menu. On startup, the program load a file with all texts, a file with the initial functions, one with the initial constants and one with the initial macros. These file can be defined here. You have to restart (not just select "Use") to use this options. In addition, you can enter the initial path and filename for the iff-filerequester, rexx-filerequester and other filerequesters. Shortcuts --------- Thie item only appears in this menu. You can change the keystroke equivalences for the gadgets. A stringgadget with some characters appears: - the first character is the upper case to be equivalent to clicking on OK. - the second charackter is the upper case to be equivalent to clicking on Cancel. - the next 4 characters are the equivalent to clicking in a string- gadget. - the next 4 characters are the equivalent to clicking on the cycle- gadgets in the intervall-requester. - the last 6 characters are the equivalent to the slidergadgets in the palette-requester. Then, the same requester appears for every menu to ask for a shortcut. Discussion ---------- Here you define the initial options for discussion. Options and inputformats ======================== Format of functions ------------------- The functions can consist of ()+-*/^, sin, cos, tan, log, int, sgn, abs, sqr, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, ln and the constants a-z (without x and e) and the variable x. e (2.7...) and pi (3.14...) are already set. Numbers must be in a usual format (1; 1.1; .1; 3e5; 5d-7...). Macros are used as _NAME or _NAME(parameter). Use brackets to make sure, MathPlot calculates the function, you want. It uses the normal mathematical rules (^ before *,/ before +,-). Options ------- MathPlot loads s:mplot.prefs on startup. You can choose a different file by using the tooltype SETTINGS. ARexx-Port ========== Introduction ------------ MathPlot has now an ARexx-Port (the name is "MPlot_ARexx"). The code is generated with ARexxBox V1.00 which is © by Michael Balzer. ARexx-Commands --------------- Here is a list of all commands. The format of the templates corresponds to the way the system displays command templates in the Shell. Look in your manual to understand the meaning of all those characters after a "/". BEEP A simple DisplayBeep() CLEAR FORCE/S Clears screen. With FORCE, there will be no requester. EVALSTRING VAR/K,STEM/K,FUNCTION/A,X/K => VALUE Evaluates a string. FAULT VAR/K,STEM/K,NUMBER/N/A => DESCRIPTION Not implemented. GET1DERIVE VAR/K,STEM/K,NUMBER/N/A => DERIVE Gives you the first symb. derivation of a function. The functions are referenced by number, 0 is the first in the subitem, 9 the last. GET2DERIVE VAR/K,STEM/K,NUMBER/N/A => DERIVE Look above. GETCOLOR VAR/K, STEM/K, TEXTCOLOR/S, AXISCOLOR/S, PLOTCOLOR/S, TEXTCOLORBACK/S, AXISCOLORBACK/S, TEXTMODE/S, AXISMODE/S => TEXTCOLOR/N, AXISCOLOR/N, PLOTCOLOR/N, TEXTCOLORBACK/N, AXISCOLORBACK/N, TEXTMODE/N, AXISMODE/N Gives you the number of the colors and drawmodes. GETCONST VAR/K,STEM/K,NAME/A => DEFINITION Gives you the definition of a constant. The name must be a character. GETERROR VAR/K,STEM/K => NUMBER/N Give you the last error. GETFUNCTION VAR/K,STEM/K,NUMBER/N/A => DEFINITION Look above (GETCONST). GETINTERVALL VAR/K,STEM/K,XAXIS/S,XMIN/S,XMAX/S,YAXIS/S,YMIN/S,YMAX/S => DEFINITIONSTRING,DEFINITIONNUMBER/N Gives you the definition of the intervall. Use only one switch a time. GETMACRO VAR/K,STEM/K,NAME/A => DEFINITION Look above. GETPOINTS VAR/K, STEM/K, FUNCTION/A, ZERO/S, MAX/S, TURN/S => XPOINTS/M, YPOINTS/M, TYP/M A discussion via ARexx. Only one switch at a time ! GETPRECISION VAR/K,STEM/K => PRECISION/N Gives you the precision. HELP VAR/K,STEM/K,COMMAND,PROMPT/S => COMMANDDESC,COMMANDLIST/M Gives you a list of all commands or the template for one command. HPGL_ON FILENAME Switch on HPGL-output LABELPEN COLOR/N Set pen for axis. LOADCONST FILENAME LOADFUNC FILENAME LOADMACRO FILENAME Load the definitions. NEW PORTNAME/K Clears screen. PORTNAME is not implemented. NUMINT VAR/K,STEM/K,STEPS/N/A,XMIN/A,XMAX/A,FUNCTION/A => VALUE Integrate a function. PLOT NUMBER/N/A,NORMAL/K/S,DERIVE1/K/S,DERIVE2/K/S,DERIVE1NUM/K/S, DERIVE2NUM/K/S,FORCE/S Plot a function. PRINT PROMPT/S Prints screen. QUIT FORCE/S Quit program. With FORCE, there will be no requester. REQUESTFILE VAR/K,STEM/K,TITLE/K,PATH/K,FILE/K,PATTERN/K,SAVE/S => FILENAME Gives you a filerequester. REQUESTNOTIFY PROMPT/K/A,BUTTON/K Do not use yet. REQUESTNUMBER VAR/K,STEM/K,PROMPT/K,DEFAULT/K/N => NUMBER/N Asks the user for a number. REQUESTRESPONSE VAR/K,STEM/K,TITLE/K,PROMPT/K/A,BUTTON/K => RETURN/N Brings up an EasyRequest with TITLE as title, PROMPT as the text and BUTTON (e.g. "OK|WELL|CANCEL") as the gadgets. RC is 5 for the rightmost gadget, otherwise result is 1,2... REQUESTSTRING VAR/K,STEM/K,PROMPT/K,DEFAULT/K,TITLE/K => STRING Ask the user for a string. RX VAR/K,STEM/K,CONSOLE/S,ASYNC/S,COMMAND/F => RC/N,RESULT Start a skript. SAVECONST FILENAME SAVEFUNC FILENAME Save definitions to a file SAVEIFF FILENAME Save screen as IFF. SAVEMACRO FILENAME See above. SCREENTOBACK SCREENTOFRONT Should be clear SELECTMENU MENU/N/A,ITEM/N/A,SUB/N,FORCE/S Selects a menu. 0 is the first one. FORCE suppresses some requester. Do not use this command directly in a skript, because the numbers may change. Use the following way: Let's say you want to display the about-requster. That is MENU=0 ITEM=13 in this version. Instead of SELECTMENU 0 13 use SHOWABOUT. Write a file "showabout.mpl" with two lines: "/* */" and "selectmenu 0 13". Copy this file to REXX:. If the number of the item has changed (e.g. to 14), you have to change only one file: "showabout.mpl". If you had use SELECTMENU directly, you had to change every file which used menu 0, item 13. SETCOLOR PLOTCOLOR/N/K, AXISCOLOR/N/K, TEXTCOLOR/N/K, AXISCOLORBACK/N/K, TEXTCOLORBACK/N/K, AXISMODE/N/K, TEXTMODE/N/K Change some colors and drawmodes. SETCONST NAME/A,DEFINITION/A SETFUNC NUMBER/N/A,DEFINITION/A SETMACRO NAME/A,DEFINITION/A Set new definitions. SETINTERVALL XAXIS/N/K,XMIN/K,XMAX/K,YAXIS/N/K,YMIN/K,YMAX/K Set a new intervall. SETNUMPRECISION PRECISION/N/A Sets the number of digits behind the point for NUMINT and EVALSTRING VERSION VAR/K,STEM/K => VERSION Gives you a version string. ARexx-Macros ------------ To simplify some actions, you can write (ARexx-) macros. There is one example: - Schar To plot i.e. sin(x)+a a=1,2,3 you can do the following: define the first function as sin(x)+a. Call Schar.mapl. You are asked for the number of the function (0), the name of the constant (a), start and end (1,3) and the number of steps (3). Then the three functions will be plotted. Thanks ====== I would like to thank some people: - Commodore for Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 (especially gadtools.library). - Joern Clausen for his beta-testing and the programm's icon. - Michael Balzer for his ARexxBox, which made MathPlot's ARexx-port possible. The END ======= If you have hints, questions (please add postage for the answer), bug-reports or want to pay the registration fee, write me. My address is at the beginning of this document. Have fun with my program !!