TrashMaster readme

Version 1.5

About TrashMaster

Copyright © 1993 By Aric R Caley and Greywire designs

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1 Trashmaster features

Features of Trashmaster are as follows:

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2 Author

If you have any sugestions for this program, bug reports, or ideas for other things you think somebody should write, I can be contacted through the folowing communication channels:

Paper mail:

Aric R Caley 5829 Los Feliz Dr. Buena Park, CA. 90620

Phone (primitive vocal communications only): (714) 229-9957


Miscatonic University, as "Dances V2.0" at (310) 404-6363 (c-net) or through C-LINK: Dances V2.0@911:5150/3


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3 Future and History

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I intend to write more utilities like this one, that use AppIcons. I also have several ideas for extensions to Workbench and intuition in general. Eventualy, I will finish my Interface builder program. Stay tuned.

Possible future additions to TrashMaster:

I’ve had a few people suggest some of these things (as well as some of things in the latest version). The more "yays" I hear on these or other suggestions, the more likely I will spend time implementing them. So please speak up if you like what you see.

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(I only had sporadic access to a 2.0 machine, so thats why the versions are so far apart for such little changes; and I had other more pressing projects to handle first)

V1.0 Jan 23 1992.

First release, version 1.0.

V1.1 Jan 24 1992.

(duh, that didnt take long, did it? :) Made it “detach” - more convienient (didnt think of it before.. duh) and put in the needed-but-forgot DONOTWAIT in the icon (for WBStartup)

V1.2 May 11 1992.

Added "X" and "Y" tooltypes for setting the location of the AppIcon.

V1.3 Mar 17 1993.

Added ICON tooltype.

V1.4 Apr 27 1993.

Added interactive option, fixed minor bug – forgot to free a message port.

V1.5 Jul 5 1993.

Better handling of protected files – with “force” requester, and FORCE tooltype. Now formats disks when dropped on us. Added NAME tooltype to specify the AppIcon’s name. Added VERIFY tooltype to turn off the verification requester. Added TYPE tooltype to control the default delete mode when VERIFY is used. Fixed bug that caused a crash if you renamed Trashmaster, fixed bug that wouldn’t delete a file in a directory if it had only an .info file.

V1.6 Jul 28 1993.

Fixed a bug that prevented Trashmaster from working on some systems (About requester always quit Trashmaster; no files were deleted no matter what option was selected from verify requester)

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