MailMerge, PrAddr =================

This program is not in the public domain, but it may be freely copied and distributed for no charge providing this header is included. The code may be modified as required, but any modifications must be documented so that the person responsible can be identified. If someone else breaks this code, I don't want to be blamed for code that does not work! The code may not be sold commercially without prior permission from the author, although it may be given away free with commercial products, providing it is made clear that this program is free and that the source code is provided with the program.


Description: ============

A simple mail merge program for using with the letter format of LaTeX. MailMerge expects 2 parameters, the first is the .tex file containing the letter, the second is the file of addresses. PrAddr prints a nicely formatted address list from the mail merge data file used by MailMerge.


Usage: ======

Noth utilities can only be run from the CLI.

MailMerge [-c<command>] [-d<driver>] <letter.tex> <addresses.lis> —————————————————————–

The letter.tex file must contain a:

line and the file of addresses should contain the addresses, one to a line in the form:

23, Stag Leys,
KT21 2TD.

Each line from the file will be inserted into the letter in turn, TeX will be run on the file and dviljp will then be run.

The -c and -d flags allow the default TeX command and dviljp command respectively to be replaced.

The source can be modified easilly to change these defaults.

PrAddr <addresses.lis> <output.lis> ———————————–

Creates a neatly formatted file from the <addresses.lis> file used by MailMerge. Useful to document who you've sent letters to and to check you typed all the addresses properly!