Sort clause

sort@<sort clause> The "sort" clause specifies the sort order of the displayed rows. It's form is  <"sort" 〈"by"〉 <column> $\Bigl\langle$
"=A" "=D"
$\Bigr\rangle$ 〈...〉 where "=A" indicates an ascending sort order (the default) and "=D" indicates a descending sort order. The first column in the clause is the primary sort column; the second is the secondary sort column; etc.

A "sort" clause may not be specified with a function "select"—the independent column is necessarily the sort column.

0=select symbol m_c:name resistivity from measures +
        sort by symbol =

 symbol    name          resistivity
 --------  ------------  ------------
 Al        Aluminum       13.000
 Al        Aluminum       14.300
 Cu        Copper         11.900
 Cu        Copper         12.400
 Cu        Copper         12.500
 Fe        Iron           19.400
\makebox[355pt]{\hfill\fbox{\fbox{\box\Rimdemobox}}\hskip1ex}\vspace{1ex}}} select@"select"|)