Specifying titles

title You may specify the title for each column if you don't want to use Rim's default. After the column name type a percent sign and the title.  «column_name>"%"<title> <Title> should be enclosed in quotes.

0=select symbol id%'Tech id' M_t:name +
        m_date@'dd-mmm-yy'%'Measure date' from measures =

 symbol    Tech id  name          Measure date
 --------  -------  ------------  ------------
 Cu            5    John Jones    21-JAN-88
 Cu            5    John Jones    21-JAN-88
 Al           35    Joe Jackson   10-FEB-88
 Al           35    Joe Jackson   11-FEB-88
 Cu           22    Jim Smith     22-FEB-88
 Fe            5    John Jones    04-MAR-88