Checkbook Accountant 2.0 Copyright (c) 1990,1991 Jeffrey R. Almasol. All Rights Reserved. (release date: 7/ 4/91) Quick Documentation for Checkbook Accountant 2.0 ------------------------------------------------ Checkbook Accountant 2.0 is a checkbook recording, balancing, budgeting, and analyzing program. Intended to be used as a companion to a checkbook register (the record of transactions to and from a checking account) and not as a replacement, this program offers a simple way of balancing checkbooks, tracking bank transactions, and recording and analyzing budgeted transactions. The program was designed to be functional using either the mouse or keyboard. Not all features have this duality, but most do. Another design consideration was to include as many useful and timesaving features into one program. For instance, you can scroll through any list by dragging the scroll bar, using the arrow gadgets, or using the cursor keys on the keyboard (along with CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT, or by itself). Also, the HELP key is available for on-line help almost anywhere in the program. Just be sure that the cursor is not active (in an input field) when you press the HELP key. A fast way to deactivate the cursor is to hold down the SHIFT key while pressing the RETURN key (SHIFT-RETURN). The dearchived file should contain the following files: (45 files) ----------------------------------------------------------- CAinstall ( 2 files) CAhelp/CA.CAh (18 files) CAhelp/CAanalysis.CAh CAhelp/CAbudget.CAh CAhelp/CAdescList.CAh CAhelp/CAdistrib.CAh CAhelp/CAedit.CAh CAhelp/CAinfo.CAh CAhelp/CApgmPrefs.CAh CAhelp/CAprint.CAh CAhelp/CAreconcile.CAh CAhelp/CAreoccurGroups.CAh CAhelp/CAreoccurGroupTransacs.CAh CAhelp/CAsearch.CAh CAhelp/CAsearchReplace.CAh CAhelp/CAselectedBudgets.CAh CAhelp/CAsort.CAh CAhelp/CAstats.CAh CAhelp/CAview.CAh CAicons/1.3/ (16 files) CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/1.3/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAicons/2.0/ CAmisc/CA ( 7 files) CAmisc/CAchanges1.0-2.0.txt CAmisc/CAdefault.CAb CAmisc/CAdefault.CAd CAmisc/CAexample.CAc CAmisc/CAmanual.txt CAmisc/CAquickdocs.txt CAsupport/kd_freq.library ( 2 files) CAsupport/FR_User.DOC (these two files are Copyright 1990 Khalid Aldoseri) Set-up ------ For Workbench Users To set-up the program: 1. Unarchive with the command: lharc -x -m x CHKBKACCTNT2.0.LZH where, is the path name of the final destination directory. Be sure to properly define . Consult the archive utility's documentation if you need assistance. Approximately 600K of free disk space is needed to properly unarchive CHKBKACCTNT2.0.LZH. 2. Double-click on the CAinstall icon. Answer all the questions posed to you. Be sure that you answer the questions correctly; you will not be able to verify your answers. 3. Close and reopen the disk or drawer where the CAinstall icon resides. This will update the icon files. The Checkbook Accountant 2.0 system is now ready to run. To start Checkbook Accountant, double-click on the CA icon. To start the program with a checkbook, budget, or description file loaded upon startup, double click on a checkbook, budget, or description file icon. A checkbook icon looks like the program's icon but has the word "CHECKBOOK" written on it; budget files have "BUDGET" and description files have "DESC". Only one file will load during startup; using a shift-click (multiple selection) method will not work. For CLI Users These instructions assume some familiarity with using the CLI (Command Line Interface). To set-up the program: 1. Unarchive with the command: lharc -x -m x CHKBKACCTNT2.0.LZH where, is the path name of the final destination directory. Be sure to properly define . Consult the archive utility's documentation if you need assistance. Approximately 600K of free disk space is needed to properly unarchive CHKBKACCTNT2.0.LZH. 2. Execute the CAinstall script file with the command: execute CAinstall Answer all the questions posed to you. Be sure that you answer the questions correctly; you will not be able to verify your answers. The Checkbook Accountant 2.0 system is now ready to run. To start Checkbook Accountant, type: CA from the directory where CA resides. To start the program with a checkbook file loaded upon startup, use the command: CA -c where is the name of the checkbook file. Be sure to add the necessary directory path name if the file is not in the current directory. To start the program with a budget file loaded upon startup, use the command: CA -b where is the name of the budget file. Add any necessary directory path name for the reason stated above. To start the program with a description file loaded upon startup, use the command: CA -d where is the name of the description file. Add any necessary directory path name for the reason stated above. Only one file will load during startup; the program will ignore the other command line arguments. System Requirements ------------------- Checkbook Accountant 2.0 runs on Amiga 500/1000/2000/2500/3000 computers under AmigaDOS 1.3 or Release 2. The program requires a minimum of 512K total free RAM to run, although larger checkbook files might require more memory. The minimum disk space requirements for a working installation are approximately 280K. For CLI users, the program will run with the default stack size of 4,000 bytes. Acknowledgments --------------- I would like to thank the following people, without whom Checkbook Accountant 2.0 could not have been completed: Khalid Aldoseri, for his feature-packed and easy-to-implement file requester. My brother, for his encouragement and for not shutting-up when 20 million program features were not enough. The writers of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manuals, for who made me stay up fewer sleepless nights. Mandayam Srinivas, for his encouragement and interest in my program. Dave Levin, for his bug finding and suggestions: -- Budget Requester simplification -- system date availability in date input fields -- clarity of Batch Mode operation in the documentation Dave Gitchell, for his curiosity in my file format :) and suggestions: -- Outstanding (Not Cleared) option in the View Requester -- PREV/NEXT functions in the Transaction Requesters -- compression of the checkbook and budget files -- Quick Clear function from the Main Screen James Wilson, for his encouragement, GUI suggestions and conversations, and valuable help during the testing process: -- User Prefs: Workbench Pointer and Workbench Colors -- Default Program Prefs -- Uninitialized amount fields -- Credit/Debit sign indicator -- Default TAX Status -- Display last entered transactions after loading a checkbook Darren (DMG), Brian (B.J.), Chrispy (CHRIS.P), Caleb (ACG), and the rest of the GEnie Pro/Am RTC participants, for their valuable help and patience with my Intuition questions, especially the string gadget/COMMSEQ bug. Commodorland and Century Computer Systems for the use of their machines during the testing process. And to all the Amiga users who have tried out the program and/or written me comments, thank you. Support ------- This release (version 2.0) constitutes the last major upgrade to Checkbook Accountant for quite awhile, although support for its users will continue. I have spent many more months than I planned or expected adding features into the program and I feel that Checkbook Accountant should take a rest so that I can start a new program. I am designing it right now. Whether it will be release or not is unknown. Stay tuned... As always, if you find any bugs in this program, especially with it working (or not) under Release 2 of the operating system, or you have suggestions or comments, please send EMAIL (as detailed as possible) to either of the following addresses: GEnie: J.ALMASOL2 Portal: jraGRAPHICS I cannot guarantee a quick reply or bug fix, but I'll do my best. Please include your system configuration (model, amount of memory, other peripherals) so that I can keep track of the systems on which Checkbook Accountant is operational. Trademarks ---------- AmigaDOS 1.3, AmigaDOS Release 2, Kickstart, Workbench, A500, A1000, A2000, A2500, and A3000 are all trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. .----------------------------------------------------------. | The executable program, CA, and its support files are | | released as freely distributable. You may upload this | | package to other bulletin boards or include it on user | | group disks, but no fees can be charged for the package's| | transfer (other than media cost) nor can the individual | | files be separated from the package or altered in any | | way during distribution. | `----------------------------------------------------------' Checkbook Accountant 2.0 Copyright (c) 1990,1991 Jeffrey R. Almasol. All Rights Reserved.