..... __________ ______________ : : | _/ __ ____s!\__ / : : _________|_ |__(__)__| _/ / .... : :.. \ _/ | | \_________/ : .:... :...: : \ | | | | :.: : :..: \ | | | | Very! : : \ | | | Important : : \____________/|_______/|________| Party 2 :...: - F I N A L - V E R S I O N - Et oui ! Si on est arrivé à la bourre à la Take Over 2000 c'est grace à U2 qui avait ingénieusement oublié son porte-feuilles chez dlyr Tuo est bien entendu arrivé encore plus à la bourre, vetu de sa belle chemise bleue de bucheron Madman aura énormément bossé sur place pour faire toutes les textures manquantes et rez ne s'est toujours pas rasé... et veut casser plein de bassins Puis chandra a la tete du gars qu'a pas trop dormi... Il nous dit "c'est la danse des canards" Et revoici skal qui nous revient avec son sac de couchage décidément le coin français de la TO est agité ! Bon a part ca la dead-line DEMO est dans un peu plus de 8h et il nous reste plus grand chose à faire... donc c00l G-Hell ------------------------------------------------------------------------ And... yes! If we got late at the TakeOver 2000, its once again because of u2 that just found a way to forgot its wallet at dlyr's place Tuo of course arrived even later, with his great blue lumberjack Madman will have work a lot on party place to finish missing textures and rez still didn't shave himself Chandra looks like he has to got some sleep. He says us "c'est la danse des canards" And skal comes back with his sleeping bag. the french group at the TO is pretty active! So, now te DEMO DEADLINE is in a little bit more than 8 hours and we don't have much to do now... so it's c00l G-Hell (Translated from french by tuo) greetings : Kkowboy - State of Mind - Mikrostrange - Please The Cookie Thing - Toypusher - Tic tac - Shad 1&2 - Moral Hard candy - Do zen - Heaven 7 - Origin - Jizz - Gcube - Fuck wit daddy - Stash - Second reality - Kasparov - elektronics - Square - Tribes - teddy bear revenge - Stars - Wonder - 303 - Flirt - Eden - Plastik - Nightfall - Squezzed - Oxygene - Solex - Rotaliator - Fulcrum - Sunflower - explora - hard rox - Magic Biniou - Chapi Chapo - Event Horizon - Jumpy - Past - Groovy - Rubicon - Paper - Gateaway - Hyper - hpplus - all we forget - special thanx from madman: well... a lot of people... first, yara which is at the roots of everything i did in this prod. thanx to the popsy who are really cool guys. thanx to mathieu, celine, jean-michel, fabien, cathy, seb, gaelle, ludo(s) and segolene. thanx to my friends everywhere (nope, i didn't forgot you). Note: well if you're a sharp observer, you might have seen that some models are coming from poser. well, i don't care if you think it is lame (such as using mp3 from a CD), i didn't have the time to make those models by myself... (we did all that thing in two month) i will try to do it by myself next time... see you. special thanx from G-Hell: a lot of people too but especialy wildy :o) have fun ! special thanx from u2: Rez for having cracked a lot of bassins whit me ! Jylam for being my sexual object. Skal because he's a big boulard ! :) All that was at the Take Over and i forget. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits : ~~~~~~~~ Code : U2 and tuo Add Code : G-Hell 3D Gfx : Madman Add 3D : U2 2D Gfx : G-Hell Music : Fear Factory (http://www.fearfactory.com)