/------------------------------------------------------------------\ | T o Y S | | La Valse Des Jouets | | | | bring to you by gOds for TRiP'99 | `------------------------------------------------------------------' .CREDITS Code: Odin 3d+Textures: Liszt Director: Soni Pictures: Bridgeclaw & XbaRr Audio: Soni & Liszt (sampling and mixing) .SOME WORDS ABOUT THE DEMO You can watch a windows demo made in 6 weeks of VERY intensive work! After Incoming Future released at The Party'98, we have looked to improve cinematic engagement in the demo scene. From this way, we now only get attentious though 3d card accelerator and this demo is that result. You need a 3d card to watch this demo. It support for Direct3D/DirectSound. The minimal requirement is Pentium II 266mhz, Voodoo chipset MP3 audio compression is used. Decompression for playing is fully managed using G-Audio, a very convivial stream audio replayer for Windows. It support multi streaming with full DirectSound improvement (the only one) for optimal performance and fiability. You can get it for free on our site, Olympus2. .HOW TO CONTACT US Don't hesitate to write for bugs report, suggest,.. Odin: odin@worldnet.fr Liszt: liszt@wanadoo.fr Soni: soni@cybercable.fr Bridgeclaw: henning@macbye.no XbaRr: xbarr@pingoo.com Chris: chris@idf.net GoDS: gods@idf.net Visit Olympus2, our hOme Page, http://www.idf.net/gods/