This is the final-final-final version of the Windows port of the following Doomsday demos: Lotto Assembly'2k Shingles The Party'99 Off Dreamhack'98 Stigma Abduction'98 Juhla'98 invitation Juhla'98 Elektroniks The Party'97 Boost Assembly'97 I wish I was a skijumper Abduction'97 You can find them on somewhere. This release contains some new command line switches, an output pixel filter and a major bugfix related to some self- modifying code that would show up sooner or later. A few words about the windows port. As you may know, all of the above demos use the same MS-DOS demosystem. Porting the demosystem to Windows was not a nice job as we was *not* thinking of portability when we made it. It was made for DOS and Watcom C/C++, period! So after a few requestes, a few years, and again some requestes I finally digged up Watcom, downloaded OpenPTC and BASS. Bla bla bla... It took a few days. All demos (except Stigma and I Wish...) are identical to the original DOS versions. Stigma used some special (buggy) effect at the end that was disabled. I didn't bother to track it down. "I Wish.." had to be converted from 8-bit to 16-bit color as 320x200x256 nowdays is a problematic mode, even with OpenPTC. The demos uses OpenPTC v1.0.18, BASS v1.0, UPX v1.20 and was compiled with Watcom C/C++ 11.0 and Tasm 4.0. Vivid Experiment is a demo I also would like to port but sadly enough I only have part of the original source code. Greetings goes to RadXcell, the only true Doomsday fan! - MRI 17.09.2001 Comand line switches -------------------- If you want to look at some interesting debug printouts from the script, start the demos from a DOS prompt and do: C:\Doomsday> BOOST.EXE -win -debug1 If your video card don't support 320x200 16-bit fullscreen, you can specify an arbitrary screen resolution. E.g: C:\Doomsday> BOOST.EXE -x640 -y400 If your video card don't support 16-bit color, you can specify another bitdepth. E.g: C:\Doomsday> BOOST.EXE -b32 On large monitors you can activate the output pixel filter that will smooth the output image. C:\Doomsday> BOOST.EXE -x640 -y400 -f If your video card driver selects a monitor refresh rate higher than your monitor can handle, you can pass the desired frequenzy to the demo as a hint. E.g: C:\Doomsday> BOOST.EXE -hz60 Output pixel filter ------------------- The output filter scales the source (image) frame buffer to twice its original size. Each pixel in the destination image is a weighted average of four nearby pixels in the source image. The weight of the source pixel directly above the destination pixel can be set in the range 1.0 to 0.0. The weight of the three other pixels are automatically calculated. A weigth of 1.0 will generate an identical output image as the input image. A weigth of 0.7 gives a pretty good smoothing. Values below 0.25 will give additional (blocky) distortion instead smoothing the image. Specify weight using the -f parameter. E.g: '-f0.55'. 0.7 is the default value if only '-f' is specified. As the filter works by scaling up the source image, you must also specify a larger screen resolution, preferably 640x400, otherwice the smoothed image will be scaled back down to 320x200 again and you will loose 75% of the information. The filter requires extra horespower from your computer not to degrade the framerate. P-III 600 MHz is not enough.